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As a new parent, you will have several responsibilities to your child, one of which is to clean his ears. Yes, it may come as an astonishment, but you will pay attention to the minor details (such as cleaning his ears or clipping his fingernails), which may become one of the causes of a health problem.
How to clean a baby’s ear? Safety comes foremost when it comes to cleaning your baby’s ears. It is normal for earwax to accumulate in your infant’s ears. There are numerous methods for cleaning your baby’s ears, but the key is to choose one that functions best for you and your child. So, how to clean a baby’s ear? Read on to know more!

How to clean a baby’s ear? Is it necessary to clean your baby’s ears?
It is critical to keep your baby’s ears clean. While your baby is bathing, clean the outer ear and the area around it. You’ll only need a washcloth or cotton ball and warm water.
Using cotton swabs or inserting anything into your baby’s ear is not recommended. You don’t need to remove earwax if you notice it inside your ear.
Earwax benefits your baby’s health since it protects, lubricates, and has antibacterial properties. Its removal may result in possibly severe consequences.
Continue reading to learn more about cleaning a baby’s ear and safety precautions.
What exactly is earwax? How to clean a baby’s ear?
Earwax is also known as cerumen if you want to get fancy. Earwax is produced naturally by our bodies, including babies’ bodies. Glands produce earwax in the ear to trap dirt and other potentially harmful substances. As you may have seen, earwax can range in hue from brownish to yellowish.
The wax in children and babies is softer and lighter. But just because it happens naturally doesn’t mean parents should ignore it – critical it’s to know how to clean newborn ears correctly. Earwax typically accumulates, dries, and goes to the outer ear, where it falls out. However, when earwax accumulates faster than the baby’s body can eliminate, symptoms such as ear pains, itching, and even hearing loss can ensue.
How to clean a baby’s ear? What is the function of earwax?
Earwax is an important component of the ear. Because earwax is so thick and sticky, it can trap dirt, dust, and other particles that may enter the ear. The ear canal would be vulnerable to infections and other undesirable intruders if there were no earwax.
Earwax contains a few compounds that can help fight infections and function as a barrier. These substances will maintain your child’s ear environment healthy and happy.
The chemicals can also be used to moisturize the skin within the ear canal. This, in turn, will aid in the prevention of dry, itching ears.

How much ear wax is normal for a baby?
While earwax may be secreted abundantly from a baby’s ears, excessive ear wax in neonates is uncommon. The amount of wax secreted from each ear is not always the same; one ear may contain more earwax than the other.
When the pediatrician can see the baby’s eardrums clearly through the wax, the earwax secreted or created is termed healthy earwax. If your baby’s ear canal is completely clogged by hardened earwax or there is a yellowish flaky wax causing discomfort, there may be a problem.
How to clean a baby’s ear? Precautions to take while cleaning your baby’s ears
Cleansing baby ears, as simple as it may sound, is not an easy task, and even the smallest error can cause your baby severe agony. Here are some guidelines to follow when cleaning your baby’s ears.
- Check if your infant is calm and engaged.
- Make use of a clean washcloth.
- If the wax buildup is considerable, see a doctor.
- Use no pointy things within your ears.
- Do not insert cotton swabs or earbuds.
- Do not use cold water to remove the extra earwax.
- Do not forcefully spray water or any other liquid into the ear.
- Do not wipe your ears too frequently or too vigorously.
Do not clean your baby’s ears with Q-tips or cotton swabs. Inserting anything into their ear canal will likely push the wax deeper within. Worse, you can puncture their eardrum. The mucosa that rounds the ear canal is also extremely delicate and can easily bleed, even when using a cotton swab. Please do not use your fingers! Your pinky finger is bigger than a cotton swab and will cause injury.
How to clean a baby’s ear? Best methods
Method 1: Cleaning the outside of Your Toddler’s Ears
How to clean a baby’s ear? Keep in mind that wax is generally beneficial to your toddler’s ears. Wax acts as a protective, waterproof barrier between your child’s eardrum and ear canal, as well as potential irritants like dust, bacteria, and water. Without ear wax, your child’s ears are more vulnerable to infections and harm.
Because your child’s ears are constantly manufacturing earwax, any surplus should naturally exit the ear canal, and you won’t need to do anything.
Tip: If you see an excessive quantity of wax on the exterior of your child’s ear canal and are concerned that it is impacting their hearing, consult with your child’s pediatrician before taking any action.
- Using a moist washcloth, wipe the exterior of your child’s ear using a moist washcloth. This is usually all you need to do to keep your toddler’s ears clean.
- Soak a washcloth in warm running water and wring it out. Then, gently push the washcloth on your toddler’s ear.
- Wipe the outside of your child’s ears away from the ear canal and towards the rear of his or her head. Wipe behind their ears after that.
- Rinse and wring out the washcloth, then repeat if necessary.
- No part of the washcloth should be inserted into your child’s ear canal. This can result in harm and the introduction of microorganisms! Only wash the visible parts of your child’s ears.
- Dry your child’s ear with a clean towel after showering. After bathing your child, always pat their ears dry with a clean towel. You can also ask your kid to tilt their head to one side and place a towel against their ear to allow any water in their ear to drain. Then do the exact for the other ear. Again, do not use any part of the towel to dry your child’s ears. Only dry your child’s ears on the outside.
Method 2: Trying Home Remedies for Wax Buildup
- How to clean a baby’s ear? Use olive or mineral oil drops if your youngster has a lot of wax buildup. An easy home treatment that your child’s pediatrician may offer is pouring a few drops of mineral or olive oil into each ear canal daily.
- To avoid putting too much oil in your child’s ears, use an ear dropper (available at medicine stores). However, consult your child’s pediatrician first, and never put oil in your child’s ears if they have an ear infection.
- Adding a few oil dots to your toddler’s ears daily should be enough to soften the wax, and it will eventually fall out on its own. You don’t need to do anything else to remove the wax. If the drops don’t seem to work after a few days, consult your child’s pediatrician to see what they recommend.
- Discuss ear wax removal kits with your child’s pediatrician. Over-the-counter ear wax removal kits are available to loosen and clear extra ear wax. Still, you should only use one on your toddler if your child’s pediatrician recommends it.
Tip: While many of these kits employ drops to assist the release of ear wax, olive or mineral oil is often just as effective and less expensive.

Method 3: Keeping Your Child’s Ears Healthy
- How to clean a baby’s ear? Examine your child’s ears for foreign items. Small objects, such as raisins, pebbles, or even small toys, are sometimes inserted into children’s ears, so it’s a satisfactory idea to check your toddler’s ears occasionally. Check your toddler’s ears after cleaning them.
- If you notice a foreign object in your child’s ear, do not attempt to remove it yourself. Take your child to the doctor and let them remove it for you.
- Inserting something into your child’s ear to remove a little object may aggravate matters by pushing it deeper or hurting your child’s eardrum.
- Never put a cotton swab or anything else into your child’s ear. While using a cotton swab or a hairpin to remove wax from your child’s ears may be tempting, this is not recommended. You risk damaging your child’s eardrum or pushing the wax deeper into the ear, causing a blockage that might cause hearing issues.
How to clean a baby’s ear? Keep a look out for indicators that your youngster suffers from ear aches. If your toddler complains of ear aches, take them to the doctor. If your kid develops an ear infection, they must be treated as soon as possible to avoid severe issues. Other signs of an ear disorder may include:
- Fever
- Weeping and wailing
- Pulling on their ears
- Sleeping problems
- Problems with balance and clumsiness
- Ear dripping
- Hearing difficulties, particularly with quiet sounds
Tip: If your child has significant wax buildup, your pediatrician can refer them to a specialist. They can safely remove wax from your child’s ears using water irrigation and, if necessary, other special instruments.
How to clean a baby’s ear using inner ear wax removal eardrops?
Step One: Examine your baby’s ears for excess wax buildup
How to clean your baby’s ear? Examine your baby’s ears for signs of wax buildup and infection, such as partial or complete ear canal wax blockage, dripping, or a yellowish or brownish tinge to the wax. While some ear wax is natural and beneficial to your baby’s ears, excessive accumulation can trap water in the ear canal, impair hearing, and cause infection.
Keep a watch out for any indicators that your infant may have an infection or excessive wax buildups, such as slow responses to difficulty hearing or frequent rubbing or tugging at their ears.
Step Two: Consult with your child’s doctor
How to clean a baby’s ear? Consult your pediatrician if you guess your baby has excessive ear wax buildup in their inner ear. If your pediatrician believes your baby’s ear wax has to be removed, he or she will most likely prescribe wax removal eardrops or recommend an over-the-counter brand.
How to clean your baby’s ear? Before attempting to remove ear wax on your own, always visit your baby’s doctor. Your doctor can tell you whether your baby’s ear wax has to be removed and how best to do it without causing injury to your baby’s ears.
Unless there is a concern, ear wax should not be removed. The human body normally removes wax from the ears.
If there are many persistent buildups, your pediatrician may scrape off the ear wax with an instrument called a curette. Don’t worry; this procedure is relatively gentle and, in most situations, will cause no discomfort to your kid.
Step Three: Purchase infant wax removal eardrops from your local pharmacy
If your pediatrician has determined that your baby’s ear wax has to be removed, fill the prescription for eardrops at your local pharmacy. If you did not receive a prescription, choose an over-the-counter brand recommended by your baby’s doctor. To guarantee that you get the proper eardrops to treat your baby’s unique symptoms, ensure you get the exact medication your pediatrician advises. Using the incorrect drops may cause slight irritation.
Step Four: Place your infant on their side
To use the eardrops, place your infant on their side with the unaffected ear down and the blocked or infected ear up. Another person may be required to assist you in administering the drops and safely heightening your baby’s head to avoid placing pressure on the blocked or infected ear.
If at all feasible, do this when your infant is calm. If your infant is agitated, the drops will need to sit in his or her ears for several minutes, which can be tough.
Step Five: Fill the dropper per your doctor’s specifications
Read your doctor’s instructions before using the drops. Remove the dropper from the bottle and squeeze the rubber top to remove the air. Then, insert the dropper into the drug and slowly remove the rubber cap to allow the medicine to enter. Allow the dropper to fill with the required liquid before removing it from the bottle.
If the dropper is over full, gently squeeze the rubber top over the bottle to release some of the liquid.
Your doctor may suggest that you follow the prescription or over-the-counter eardrop container recommendations, or they may indicate how much medication your infant will require.
Step Six: Drop the eardrops into your baby’s ear one at a time
Place the dropper over your baby’s ear canal and gently pinch the rubber tip to deliver a medication drop into his or her inner ear. Repeat this procedure until you have administered the prescribed dose of medication.
Never insert the dropper into your child’s ear. Don’t worry if you accidentally drip the medication on the side of the ear canal rather than directly within; it will likely slide inside as you wait for the liquid to settle.
Step Seven: For 5 to 10 minutes, keep your infant on their side
This will allow the eardrops to soften the wax, allowing it to come out independently. If your infant becomes agitated, keep them entertained long enough for the drops to settle into the ear canal and release the extra ear wax buildup.

Step Eight: Allow any surplus liquid to trickle onto a tissue
Allow the medication to settle in your baby’s ear before holding a clean, soft tissue against their cheek, exactly under their earlobe. Allow any extra liquid to trickle onto the tissue.
If any residual liquid has dripped into your baby’s outer ear, gently wipe it away with a clean tissue.
Step Nine: Wait 10 minutes before repeating on the opposite ear (if needed)
When your infant is upright, the eardrops will have more time to settle into his or her ear. Your youngster will also have much-needed movement time before remaining motionless for another round of eardrops. After about 10 minutes, you can repeat the process and place drops in your baby’s other ear.
Step Ten: Follow your pediatrician’s instructions
Check with your baby’s doctor to learn how frequently you should put the drops into your ear canal. Repeat this procedure as needed.
Contact your pediatrician immediately if your infant exhibits any signs of irritation (such as a rash, excessive rubbing, tugging, scratching on their ears, or uncomfortable weeping or screaming).
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How to clean a baby’s ear using a washcloth and warm water?
Step One: You must use warm water to wet a clean, soft washcloth
How to clean your baby’s ear? Turn on the cold and hot water faucets in the sink or bathtub. Let the water discharge for a few seconds, adjusting the hot and cold settings until the water is lukewarm and comfortable for your infant. Then, dampen a clean, soft washcloth with running water until it is dampened. To eliminate any extra water, twist the washcloth.
How to clean a baby’s ear? Ensure the water is not excessively hot, hurting your baby’s skin. You may want to spin the washcloth twice to ensure no water enters your baby’s ear canal.
Step Two: Wipe behind and around your child’s outer ears
How to clean your baby’s ear? Wipe away any ear wax buildup behind your baby’s ears with the lukewarm washcloth. Then, using another area of the washcloth, wipe away any wax from your baby’s earlobe. Repeat the process with the opposite ear.
Do not insert the washcloth into your child’s ear. This could cause eardrum damage or water to leak into your baby’s ear canal.
Step Three: Repeat as necessary to keep your baby’s ears clean
How to clean your baby’s ear? You can clean your baby’s outer ear daily or if extra wax accumulates. Remember that some wax buildup is natural and healthy, so only clean your baby’s ears when you see an overabundance.
Is my baby’s ear hurting because of ear wax or an infection?
When babies feel ear discomfort, they will begin rubbing and pulling their ears and pushing their fingers inside to itch the ears and relieve the irritation. This is a common reaction to the unpleasant quality of earwax. On the other hand, Earwax buildup does not cause fever or sleeping problems because it is a typical discharge.
You can detect large volumes of earwax by merely glancing into the ear. There may be some brownish-colored fluid discharge from the ear present inside as well. If your baby is in discomfort or the earwax looks different than usual, an ear infection could cause the pain. A high temperature or creamy white pus pouring from the baby’s ears are signs of an illness.
This could also indicate a ruptured eardrum, which can produce excruciating pain and discomfort due to earwax discharge. If your baby becomes irritable and starts weeping when he lies down and has diarrhea, these are indicators of an ear infection, and you should take him to a pediatrician as soon as possible.

Causes of earwax buildup in infant’s ears
Earwax accumulation is a natural process of the human body, similar to hair growth. Wax is constantly produced in an infant’s ears as a protective mechanism for the eardrum. When producing earwax, it is gradually forced out of the ear canal. This is accomplished by incredibly small cilia hair-like structures inside the ear canal.
Earwax is pushed out of the ear canal because the skin growth inside the ear is outward. Earwax is generally sticky and slightly fluid in nature. However, it is known to become heavier if your kid does not drink enough fluids. Similarly, when the natural inclination to push wax outside is fought by attempting to clean it with cotton swabs, the process usually results in the earwax being pushed deeper within the ear canal. This causes an earwax buildup, resulting in an ear canal blockage.
How to clean a baby’s ear? Is earwax harmful?
Earwax is not dangerous. It serves a variety of essential functions, including:
- Protecting the eardrum and ear canal, keeping it dry, and keeping germs at bay.
- Capturing debris, dust, and other particles prevents them from entering the ear canal and causing irritation or harm.
When should you seek assistance?
If your baby is tugging on their ears, notify their pediatrician. If you don’t currently have a pediatrician, you can use the Healthline FindCare tool to look for one in your region. Also, notify them if you feel your infant is having difficulty hearing you due to a plugged ear canal or if you see any yellow-green discharge from your child’s ear.
If the wax is causing discomfort, pain, or interfering with your hearing, your doctor may remove it.
A pediatrician can usually remove the wax during a routine office visit without additional treatment. In rare circumstances, the wax may need to be removed in the operating room under general anesthesia.
If your pediatrician doubts an ear infection, he or she may prescribe antibiotic eardrops for your child.
If you see bleeding from the ear after an instrument has been placed into the ear canal, seek medical attention immediately. You should also pursue medical attention if your child appears or acts particularly unwell or if their walking is shaky.
How To Clean A Baby’s Ear- Conclusion
It is critical to keep your baby’s ears clean. In most circumstances, you can clean the outer ear and the area around the ears while taking your regular bath. All you’ll need is a washcloth and some warm water.
Although various items on the market are specifically designed to clean the inside of your baby’s ears, many of them are not safe. Cotton swabs are also harmful to your infant.
Inform your pediatrician if you see excessive wax buildup or are concerned about your baby’s ears. They can assess whether it needs to be removed and advise you on the best course of action.