
    How to Fold Onesies: 2 Easy Ways to do it (5 Interesting Facts Inside!)

    How to Fold Onesies: Methods, Quick Facts, and More…

    How to fold onesies

    Seeing my niece in a beautiful red onesie is a heavenly feeling, indeed! It feels good when you see your baby, too! Isn’t it? When it comes to onesies, diverse types are available, e.g.- lowery, striped, and one-color shades.

    Choosing the right color or style for your baby is not a big deal for mothers. But, how to fold onesies- that can be a concern! Probably, you are worried about that.

    Your concern is not vague. It is important to fold and manage baby clothes well so that we can find them on time. Also, folding properly ensures a long life of the dresses.

    Onesies are one-piece dresses that, unlike other baby clothes, come in odd shapes. So, if you do not learn how to fold onesies properly, they do not look good in your wardrobe.

    Like you, many newbie mothers and would-be mommies often ask- how to fold onesies.

    Even I was also worried about it when my niece was born. I didn’t know how to fold onesies properly. But, now, after a little research and using my own creative soup, it is easy.

    In this article, I will discuss two methods to fold onesies. One is a method inspired by the KonMari method of folding clothes. And another one is an easy method that I found useful while folding my niece’s onesies.

    How to Fold Onesies: The Methods to Try

    Onesies are usually one-piece dresses that cover the baby’s body from shoulder to thigh. An extended part with a button is attached to it to cover the diaper area. Since it is easy to wear, many mommies and papas prefer to see their babies in onesies often.

    And if it is a nap-loving, lazy cutie like my niece, the baby loves to be into it as it is a comfortable dress for them.

    Well, when you buy the dress, you need to learn how to keep them properly. That is why you should know how to fold onesies.

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    how to fold onesies

    The methods are not complex. But, if you do not follow the steps, it may go wrong. Here, we share two methods for it. First, let’s know how to fold onesies following the Marie Kondo method or KonMari method, whatever you call it.

    How to Fold Onesies using KonMari Method:

    Step 1: Lay the Onesie- 

    Wash and dry the onesie well. Lay the dress on a smooth surface like a clean bed or a table. Smoothen the cringes with hands. Make sure that the borders are even.

    Step 2: Divide the Onesie into Third- 

    Fold it from the left side vertically. When you fold the side this way, the left sleeve will lay near the right sleeve. The extended part of the onesie will remain unfolded.

    Step 3: Repeat the Previous Step with the Right Side- 

    Now, fold the right side of the onesie and tuck both sides’ sleeves inwards. At this step, the dress will look like a long cloth-made, flat stick with the extended part bare unfolded yet.

    Step 4: Fold One-third of the Partially-folded Onesie- 

    Start from the extended part now. Fold 1/3 part of the dress horizontally. Make sure that the previous vertical folds remain intact.

    Step 5: Fold Once More- 

    Fold the dress one more time leaving some part of it unfolded. Then, fold one more time and make it stand on the last smaller fold.

    how to fold onesies
    Pinterest- Konmari Folding

    Marie Condo’s method is all about folding the dresses in a rectangle-like style. So, if you want to know how to fold onesies in the Marie Kondo method, keep it in mind from the beginning.

    Now, coming to the next method, which I often prefer for arranging my niece’s onesies. It is not your popular Marie Kondo method. I have slightly deviated from it. And I found this new method is as useful as the KonMari style.

    How to Fold Onesies: Another Interesting Method to Try:

    I found this method easy. Anyways, you can try it and if it seems to be difficult you can go back to the well-known method inspired by Marie Condo style.

    Step 1: Lay the Onesie- 

    Lay the clean and dry onesie on a smooth surface like a bed or a table. Smoothen the cringes by hands. Make sure that the borders are even.

    ALSO READ:  How to fold baby clothes? 3+ best ways explained

    Step 2: Fold the Onesie Half- 

    Fold half of the dress vertically. The sleeves remain one over another in this step. The extended part with the button remains unfolded.

    Step 2: Manage the Sleeves- 

    Take the sleeves and fold them together backward. In this step, both of the sleeves remain one after another resting on top of the dress.

    Step 3: Fold the Dress into two Halves- 

    Start with the extended part and fold the whole dress horizontally into two parts. Make sure the previous folds are not opened.

    Step 4: Fold One more Time-

    Fold the half-folded dress once more horizontally. Thus, it will get one-fourth size of the total dress.

    how to fold onesies

    As I said, you can opt for any of the methods as per your preferences. Now, you have learned how to fold onesies for babies. What’s next? Would you like to know more about arranging your baby’s cloth? I’m sure, you won’t deny learning it.

    Some extra knowledge always benefits, you know!

    So, in this article on how to fold onesies, let’s provide you with some more knowledge that I have learned in these months after my little niece came into this world.

    Is It Better to Hang or Fold Onesies?

    Although there are pros to hanging onesies, it is always better to fold them neatly. Many moms say that hanging baby’s cloth helps them to find them easily. Also, it takes less time to arrange than to fold them.

    But, here, I share the reasons why I prefer to fold onesies than hang them.

    • It helps to keep all of the dresses well-arranged.
    • Folding prevents dust and dirt from damaging the onesies.
    • It keeps the dresses warm and soft.
    • Hanging the dresses may increase the chances of misplacing the onesies.
    • Folding onesies leaves more space in the wardrobe than hanging them.

    Hey, do you know that you can fold onesies in different shapes and styles? Sounds interesting? You may have heard about it or seen them in TV commercials. Here, we show you how to fold onesies in different shapes.

    How to Fold onesies in Flower Shapes:

    Things you need: a popsicle stick, a onesie, a rubber band, artificial leaves

    1. Take the onesie and lay it flat on a smooth table.
    2. Use the first 3 steps of the Marie Kondo method.
    3. Then, fold it in half vertically.
    4. Start rolling the dress from the bottom part around a popsicle stick.
    5. Once it is rolled, put a rubber band around it to hold the fold.
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    You can push the flower’s edges downwards with your hands. Try to use a rubber band of the same color as the onesie. It creates a camouflage effect.

    how to fold onesies

    It will make the flower look natural. Then, you can decorate the onesie flowers with some artificial leaves.

    How to Fold Onesies in Cupcake Shapes:

    Things you need- a sock, a onesie, a cupcake case, decorative stars with pins

    1. Lay the onesie on a smooth surface.
    2. Fold the way we mentioned for flower-style.
    3. Now, take a sock and place it on the lower part of the folded onesie.
    4. Roll the onesie tightly leaving both ends of the sock on two sides of the roll.
    5. When the roll comes to an end, close one side of it with the elastic of the sock.
    6. Settle the cake firmly. Place it inside a cupcake case.
    7. Pin some glossy stars on it.

    Whether it is the welcome party of the baby or it is another occasion, you can always try these hacks. Make your party look unique and beautiful with such decorative items made with onesies.

    how to fold onesies

    I recently arranged some cupcakes and flowers like these while shooting my niece’s photos on her 2nd monthly anniversary. And it was looking gorgeous!

    Quick Facts about Baby Clothes

    We have come to the end of our today’s discussion on how to fold onesies. I have shared not only the general folding process but also how to fold onesies in different designs. Now, before we end our talk today, let’s have some interesting facts about baby onesies.

    • It is said that Winston Churchill invented the style of onesie during the Second World War. His ‘siren suit’ matches the onesie style perfectly.
    • Mr. Artzt invented a one-piece sleeping dress with an extended part so that one can change diapers easily. It was called the Babygro.
    • Onesies are usually warm and soft for the fabric used in them.
    • Waterproof onesies are available for outside wear.
    • Halloween onesies and Christmas onesies are also available.

    Wrapping it Up

    So, we have discussed how to fold onesies. You have also learned how to fold onesies in different styles. In the end, we talked about some interesting facts about onesies.

    how to fold onesies
    Mummy’s Busy World

    Do you have any more queries in mind? You are always welcome in the comment box. Shoot your questions there! I will be happy to reply to them. Happy parenting!

    Hey, do you know about a ring of fire during the birthing process? Click here to read it. Any mom or would-be mom will definitely love to read it. 


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