
    Everything you need to know about black holes

    [media-credit name=”Nasa” link=”” nofollow=”true” align=”aligncenter” width=”1728″]Everything you need to know about black holes[/media-credit]

    You might be familiar with black holes by now and have a piece of basic information on black holes. A black hole is a place in space that has extreme gravity and the ability to pull even light. It is inescapable. The gravity pulls up to an extent that even light cannot escape it being one of the fastest things. The reason for strapping gravity in a black hole is squeezable matter into a very minute space. This article gives information about black holes.

    Black Holes can be of variable sizes, There are specifically 3 types- small, stellar, and supermassive. Science believes that the tiniest black hole is of atomic size, and the largest black hole or Stellar is 20 times the size of the sun. The universe is magnificent and unbelievable, we cannot even imagine what power it holds. There are innumerable black holes in our Milky Way Galaxy. Ever imagines how many black holes lie in the whole universe?

    An immense Blackhole is termed as “Supermassive”. A supermassive is said to possess a mass of more than around 1 million suns combined. One could not even imagine such a mass.

    There is a supermassive black hole at the center of our milky way galaxy, recognized as “Saggitarius A”. Saggitarus A has a mass assumed up to few million suns. Sun is the largest visible star to human beings, it is unimaginable to even assume a mass so huge.

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    Bringing to you the answers to some of the most interesting and searched questions regarding Black Hole in this article

    Information about Black Hole Formation

    [media-credit name=”Msslastro” link=”” nofollow=”true” align=”aligncenter” width=”1200″]Seeing Black Holes | MSSL Astro[/media-credit]

    As explained above in the information about black holes there are three classifications of Black holes known by the researchers. Scientists suspect that the tiniest Blackholes were formed when the Universe came into existence.

    The Stellar or larger Black holes are assumed to be formed during a Supernova. A supernova is a bright explosion of a star that shreds the star into pieces scattered in the universe. The stellar black holes are formed when a supernova is caused or a humongous star collapses.

    The supermassive black holes as believed by the researchers are formed during the same period when a galaxy forms or comes into existence, both are formed alongside.

    Note that a black hole is not visible.

    What happens if a person goes into the black hole?

    Many posts and articles on the internet will claim to tell you what happens when a person falls into a black hole. This particular question has puzzled scientists for many centuries and no answer at all. This mere topic of black holes has been a subject of fascination for the world of science for centuries.

    But the truth is that NO ONE KNOWS TILL NOW. There is no information about Black Hole after a person gets inside it. All credits to Stephen Hawkings, that we are aware that black holes emit radiation and these radiations cause the black holes to get shrink slowly until they disappear completely.

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    Can a Black Hole Explode?

    [media-credit name=”live science” link=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”1200″]direct-collapse-black-holes-proved-theoretically | Live Science[/media-credit]

    A black hole explosion or eruption is the most powerful explosion ever. These eruptions of black holes are not uncommon. The explosions take place releasing Pent-up energy in the form of encircling disks filled with massive hot gases. It is studies that the eruption of one previous black hole is a thousand times less powerful than the eruption of a later one. Every time an explosion of a black hole takes place more and more pent-up energy releases. This piece of information about Black Hole helps us conclude that they hold great power and masses.

    Can the Earth be Affected by a Black Hole in the Future?

    It is studied that there is no jeopardy to Earth as Earth is located around 26,000 Light years away from the Saggitarius black hole present at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Another reason for no risk at all is a similarity in the gravitational pull of all the planets and sun which keeps Earth in its own orbit reducing the danger.

    The sun will never turn into a black hole as it is comparatively very tiny as compared with other stars that hold the potential of converting into a black hole.

    The Nearest Black Hole to Earth

    [media-credit name=”YouTube” link=”” nofollow=”true” align=”aligncenter” width=”1280″]Closest Black Hole To Earth Has Been Discovered | 2020 - YouTube[/media-credit]

    According to the findings of astronomers, the closest black hole to earth is located in the constellation Telescopium. This black hole is about 1,000 light-years away from our Earth.

    There is an estimated number of 100 million black holes in the Milky Way galaxy but only a few found until now. The given Information on Black Hole is taken from numerous sources, there is still not much found about the same.

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