
    New Strain Of Corona Virus Dangerous?

    Recently a lot of chaos has been going on across the world about the new strain of Corona Virus that is completely more dangerous than the previous one. This shocking headline has shaken the Government of all countries. A new strain of Corona Virus has been found in the UK resulted due to mutation in the previous strain of covid-19. This mutation is said to be 70% more infectious meaning that the danger is amplified 70% further.

    Considering this major and dangerous reportage, many countries across the Globe have halted flights from the United Kingdom and vice-versa. Countries to halt flights include Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Australia, France, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. India has also banned flights recently. The UK has announced an emergency Lockdown after this new strain became prominent.

    Seeing the circumstances getting worse than veer many questions arises in mind like How dangerous is the new strain of coronavirus, will vaccine work on this mutated virus?

    The new strain was announced on 14th Dec 2020 in the UK. According to the Govt. officials, the number of active cases of this virus has doubled in the last couple of days among which 60% of the cases are said to be of a new strain of Corona Virus.

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    What countries have a New Strain of Corona Virus?

    The new strain of Corona Virus is found in several European countries and Australia. The new virus is more infectious as it transfers at a faster rate. It is a relief that till now it has not spread to many countries.

    Other than this, another new strain of Corona Virus is found in South-Africa, it is believed to be different than that of the virus found in the UK.

    What is the new coronavirus strain variant?

    This new strain has been named VUI 202012/01. For those readers who do not know what Mutation is a change or alteration in the basic genetic make-up of an organism. The new strain of corona Virus has come into existence due to mutation in SARS-COV 2, the existing virus. In simple words, changes occur in the DNA sequence. The mutation may occur due to environmental factors like UV rays or through reproduction. According to the genetic specialists in the UK, these mutations in the new strain of Corona Virus are assembling at a rate of 1 or 2 mutations every month.

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    Is New strain of Corona Virus present In India?

    Now, that the whole world is panicking from the New virus, people are worried if the virus has reached India as well. Director of ICMR National AIDS Research Institute, Dr. Samiran Panda confronted that a mutated new strain of Corona Virus is not found in the samples taken in India to date.

    What is different in the new strain of Corona Virus?

    The virus has undergone effective mutation. This new strain of Corona Virus contains 14 expound mutations. Among these 14 mutations, 7 mutations are present in the spike protein. Spike protein are bulb-like structures present on a virus (shown in red color in the image given below). When we come in contact with the virus, these spike proteins bind with human cells when it enters. After this mutation, these proteins can bind efficiently making it dangerous and more infectious. Now a question arises whether the new strain of Corona Virus is more Deadly?

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    According to researchers, till now no evidence has been found regarding the virus to be more deadly and the mortality rate has no increased due to the new virus until now, which is a sign of relief.

    Looking at the previous viruses over history, it is seen that the viruses which become more infectious become less deadly than before. It is important to note that there are no shreds of evidence found which prove that the vaccine will be any less effective to the new strain of Corona Virus, suggested by the Prime Minister of The UK.

    WHO is constantly providing information on this new strain of Corona Virus.


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