
    Pinched Nerve In The Hip- Causes, Prevention, and 4 Best Home Remedies!

    Pinched Nerve In The Hip- Causes, Treatments, Prevention, and Recovery Time

    If you have a pinched nerve in the hip, you might know how severe the pain can become sometimes. You may be having trouble walking or even moving slightly or you might be moving with a limp. The pain from pinched never in the hip feels like an ache. It may even sometimes tingle or burn. Some people often face numbness that may or may not spread down their legs.

    A pinched nerve is seen when tissues put weight or press on your nerve. This causes a tingling sensation or weakness. A pinched nerve in the hip can result from various conditions, some common conditions are given below:

    • Being obese or overweight
    • Bone spur
    • Muscle strain
    • Arthritis
    • Pregnancy
    • Herniated disc
    • Sitting for too long in the same position.

    Whatever the reason is if you have a pinched nerve on the hip, here’s what you need to know about it.

    How Pinched Nerve In The Hips feel Like

    massage, edge muscle, hip
    Photo by Milius007 on Pixabay

    A pinched nerve feels slightly different compared to back stiff, though you’ll notice that symptoms and pain vary from person to person. A pinched nerve in the hip will often cause pain and discomfort in the groin. Sometimes this pain also travels down your inner thigh. It may radiate to your knees as well.

    If you have a pinched nerve in the hip, know that walking tends to make it worse. The more activities you perform, the worse this pain tends to get. This pain might feel like a dull ache sometimes or it might be sharp and burning at the times. You might also feel painfully numbness or a tingling sensation, particularly in the buttocks. Some people often witness or sense a tight feeling.

    If you already have a pinched nerve in the hip, you clearly have experienced pain and know how it feels like. You might be wondering what to do that makes the pain go away, in that case, you can try home remedies to get relief.

    Causes Of pinched nerve in the hip

    A pinched nerve in the hip can be prompted by an insignificant incident, such as relaxing in an awkward or improper position, or a significant event, like an accident.

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    Some common causes include:

    • Resting in a manner that puts pressure on the hips and your back.
    • Too tight hip flexors, which might be caused by working out without stretching ere and following the activity.
    • Car accidents fall, or sports injuries, which may force your muscles and joints out of order

    Home Remedies For Pinched Nerve In The Hip

    pinched nerve in the hip
    Spine Universe

    Many times, the pinched nerve will resolve on its own without doing anything or requiring medical attention. There are many home remedies to try when you have a pinched nerve in the hip. Even if you are trying home remedies for a pinched nerve, try to visit your doctor and talk to them at first. They will rule out underlying conditions if there are any and plan a complete treatment for your condition.

    Useful home remedies for a pinched nerve in the hip include the following:

    1. Rest– Avoid performing any activity even if it walking to other rooms that make the pain worse. This reduces the stress and irritation on the nerves thus allowing them to heal fast.
    2. Anti-inflammatories– These are given to reduce swelling or inflammation and helps taking pressure off the serves. Some common over-the-counter medications of such type include naproxen and ibuprofen.
    3. Cold and heat pads- When you alternate between hot and cold pads or use any one out of these for maximum relief, the pain will go away fast. You can get them online or in nearby stores easily.
    4. Gentle stretches– Stretching gently can help receive pain on tendons or muscles that are too tight causing pain.

    As for the stretches, many useful stretches are gentle and help reducing pain on the pinched nerve.

    Stretches And Exercises To Perfrom For Pinched nerve In the Hip

    Depending upon where you are sensing pain, some stretches might help get relief.

    Piriformis Stretch

    When your piriformis is tight, it generally puts pressure on the nerves. For stretching this area, here are some steps you have to follow:

    1. Have a seat with your legs bent in front of you.
    2. Rest your ankle on the side affected on your opposite knee and lie down flat on the back.
    3. Bend the bottom leg so that it becomes easy for you to clasp your knee with your hands.
    4. Pull the knee inwards gently towards your chest.
    5. If you wish to increase the stretch, move your hand down move your hands slightly down to pull the leg gently towards your opposite hip.
    6. Hold this stretch for 10 to 15 seconds or even less based on your situation and do this 3 times per leg by switching the legs.

    Core Strengthening

    A pinched nerve in the hips is often caused by a weak core. When you work to strengthen your core, you are also working on your back and abdominals. You may perform a plank exercise to tone your core entirely.

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    Here are the steps to follow to strengthen your core or perform a plank.

    1. Lie down on your stomach flat.
    2. Place both the arms on the ground and using your elbows lift your body, make sure your elbows are aligned below the shoulders.
    3. Roll the toes under such that toes are flat on the floor.
    4. Push on your forearms and toes to lift the body and hold this position for 30 seconds at least. Make sure your back is flat and your body is in a straight line from toe to head.

    The Bridge

    1. Rest down on any smooth and leveled surface, like a carpeted floor.
    2. Place your feet even on the floor keeping distance shoulder-width apart. Mold the knees around 45 degrees.
    3. Put your arms straight out to your sides keeping them flat on the surface.
    4. Draw in your stomach and compress or squeeze the buttocks.
    5. Moderately push up with your heels and lift your buttocks and the lower back above the floor, dropping your head and shoulders on the ground itself. Over time, your back will be entirely off the floor, and your knees, shoulders, and hips will create a straight line.
    6. Hold the posture for 10–30 seconds and then slowly pull the back and buttocks down.
    7. Relax for 15 seconds and again repeat the same.

    The Sphinx

    This particular yoga posture helps tighten your lower back and stimulates the abdominals strengthening them, both of these are related to your hips. To perform the posture, do these steps:

    1. Lie down on the floor keeping your legs straight. Tuck your elbows in below your shoulders and place your forearms even on the floor.
    2. Lift your chest off the ground and press your hips and thighs below into the ground. Keep raising or lifting the chest till a stretch is perceived in your lower back. Concentrate on relaxing and lengthening the spine.
    3. You must only stretch enough till you feel the stretch, and terminate the posture if it is painful.

    Classic bend and stretch

    1. Stand up upright with feet having a distance of hip-width. Knees must be lightly bent but not locked.
    2. Exhale out and gradually bend forward at your hips. Tenderly lower the head approaching the floor and concentrate on keeping your upper body loosened or relaxed.
    3. Seize the back of your lower legs with your hands.
    4. Hold this for 30 seconds while inhaling and exhaling deeply, and then gradually rise to stand in the original position again.
    5. Repeat.

    As with the stretches, few are better for specific body types and health levels. The most reliable way to utilize a full stretching plan for a pinched nerve in the hip is using the help of a certified trainer, physical therapist, and sports medicine physician.

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    Gentle Exercises For Pinched Nerve In the Hip

    pinched nerve in the hip
    Injury Map

    Staying engaged in activities is important for dodging a pinched nerve, so make certain to take lots of walking and standing breaks in between throughout your day.

    If you operate at a desk your whole day, take a quick stretching break every hour or now and then, or talk to your social resources department to provide you a standing desk. If you consume a large part of your day on your feet, ensure that you’re wearing footwear that provides great support. Wearing fitting shoes can help decrease pressure on the hips and spine thus preventing a pinched nerve in the hip.

    Practice Good Posture

    yoga, exercise, fitness
    Photo by lograstudio on Pixabay

    The form you use to stand and sit might put additional pressure on the pinched nerve. Small modifications to your position might help lessen the pressure and reduce your pain. When you are standing, focus on dividing your weight on both your feet evenly and keep your arms back.

    To exercise good posture while you are in a sitting position, keep both feet on the ground. That suggests you must withdraw from sitting with your legs crossed. You should keep your spine upright and straight and your shoulders stretched back to avoid leaning over.

    When you should visit a doctor

    If the pain is becoming too much or you are getting highly uncomfortable or the pain has lasted for too long now, it is time to visit a doctor immediately. In addition to this, you may also want to visit an acupuncturist or a massage therapist.

    Methods like acupuncture, heat, massage, or spinal manipulation must be sued before option for mediations if you have back pain or pinched nerves.

    A physical therapist might also be useful in such cases. They teach you the correct form of exercise to stretch and strengthens the muscles around your pinched nerve thus giving relief.

    Recovery from a pinched nerve on the hip

    In general, if you have a pinched nerve, it will resolve within few days or it may take weeks. You can always improve and reduce the recovery time by performing home remedies and stretches that are mentioned above.

    If the symptoms do not improve with any treatment, talk to your doctor as there might be an underlying condition that causes the pain. With proper diagnosis, the condition can be ruled out and a pinched nerve in the hip can be treated.

    How to prevent a pinched never in the hip

    To prevent a pinched nerve in the hip, you have to ensure you are taking care of the muscles. If your job or hobbies need you to lift heavy loads or sit the whole day, you should follow and remember all the tips given here:

    • bend at your knees and not your back when needed.
    • Ask someone to help you when you have to lift awkwardly shaped objects or heavy loads.
    • Avoid lifting any heavy objects if you are injured as it will make your condition even worse and take extra time for recovery.

    Additional prevention tips to acknowledge are keeping a healthy weight and going for regular exercise. In particular, establishing a strengthened core along with back muscles will help avoid any future injuries.


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