How To Fix Dry Skin With 5 Easy Home Remedies

how to fix dry skin

Radiant smooth skin enhances the beauty and gives a boost to your self-esteem. Know how to fix dry skin with home remedies. Tisk, tisk, skin care does not have a gender bias. These remedies are for men and women who have dry skin. Give this post a glance and you will know just which remedy to rustle up to pamper your skin and make time for it in your busy schedule.

Got 15 minutes in a day for yourself? You do, don’t you? These are for you, so you feel happy looking and feeling good. Dry skin is the result of using harsh toiletries, staying out in the sun, living in arid climatic conditions. Hot showers, excessive bathing, and lifestyle factors can make the skin dry skin. If you are using an air-heating system indoors that can leave your skin dry.

If you are using a thick moisturizer or applying it the wrong way, it makes the skin dry. Staying hydrated can improve the quality of skin and eliminate dryness. A health condition, food intake, and various factors are the reasons for dry skin.

Easy Home Remedies With Ingredients In Your Pantry

You could get a smoother and radiant skin using everyday ingredients from your kitchen. Spending 15-20 minutes of your morning routine to pamper your skin is the best you do show love for yourself. Nourish your skin with these home remedies.

If you would love the use of argan oil, shea butter, there is another section dedicated to them as well. Take your pick, and do not forget to nourish your skin daily. It helps you look younger and prevents umpteen skin problems from waiting to happen.

With all days work, do you have 15 minutes for yourself? The best part is you could try them in your office as well. Restrooms are not for makeup and gossip alone? It makes you look fresh and cheerful.

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How To Fix Dry Skin With Oil Remedies

how to fix dry skin

The fatty acids in coconut oil hydrate and give smooth skin. This is a simple remedy for everyday use. It can be applied under the eyes safely. Its antimicrobial properties prevents numerous skin conditions making your skin smooth and supple. It gently treats skin inflammation and acne. Coconut oil is a natural skin moisturizer.

Coconut Oil Massage

Massage your skin for 20-30 minutes with coconut oil. Cleanse your skin before you start massaging your skin. Remove oil with soft and wet towel. Leave it overnight to let the essential nutrients seep in. Wash and pat dry with mild face wash in the morning.

Baking Soda And Coconut Oil

Make a paste of 1-2 tbps baking soda and a few drops of oil. Apply on the skin and massage. Leave it on for 8-10 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. It exfoliates the skin leaving a smoother texture. Do it twice a week. It helps in maintaining the pH balance and removes the dead skin cells.

Coconut Oil And Vitamin E Oil Mixture

Squeeze oil from Vitamin E capsules and mix it with 1 tbsp of coconut oil. Gently massage on your skin and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Wash with water. It nourishes the skin eliminating dryness. It produces collagen making your skin look smoother and younger. It eliminates the oxidative stress that makes the skin dry.

Honey And Oil Blend

Mix 2 tbps honey and coconut oil. Apply on dry skin and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Wash with water. It hydrates the skin and nourishes the skin with essential vitamins and nutrients. It is highly effective in healing rough and dry skin. Those who spend a lot of time in the sun can use this home remedy twice or thrice a week. You can also use olive oil instead of coconut oil to prevent cell damage and get smooth skin.

Olive Oil And Salt Homemade Scrub

This remedy helps in removing dead cells from the skin. Add some salt to 1 tbsp of olive oil and mix in a bowl. Massage for 5-10 minutes and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. This can be done before going to bed twice or thrice a week.

Olive And Tea Tree Oil Massage

Add 7-8 drops of tea tree oil to 1 tbsp of olive oil and mix in a bowl. Massage the dry skin area for 5-10 minutes. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before taking bath. Use this remedy twice or thrice a week for smooth skin.

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How To Fix Dry Skin With Oatmeal

how to fix dry skin

Oatmeal have been used since ages and is a grandma’s recipe for flaky and dry skin. Oatmeal is rich in antioxidants and a natural moisturizer for skin. The skin cells get rejuvenated with the use of oatmeal home remedies. To know more about how to fix dry skin with oatmeal, read on.

Caution: Oatmeal home remedies are not recommended for people suffering from eczema.

Oatmeal And Honey

Make a paste of 2-3 tbps of oatmeal powder, add some water, and 2 tbsp of raw honey. Apply this mixture on dry skin and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water and pat dry. This remedy can be applied once everyday.

Oatmeal Aloe Vera And Tomato

Make a mixture of 2 tbps of oatmeal powder, 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel, and 1 tbps of fresh tomato puree. Apply this mixture and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. It helps in moisturizing the skin and giving it radiance.

Oatmeal And Sugar

Take 2 tbps of oatmeal powder, make fine sugar powder. Add 1 tbps of fine sugar powder and water to make a paste. Apply on skin and use it as a scrub. It acts as a natural exfoliator. Massage for 3-5 minutes and leave it to dry for 15-20 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. It exfoliates dry skin, removes dead cells, and gives a smoother texture of the skin.

How To Fix Dry Skin With Banana

how to fix dry skin

The Vitamin A in banana helps in restoring the moisture of the skin. A few banana remedies exfoliate skin and remove the dead cells from the skin giving a smooth texture. Banana dry skin remedies can be used daily on dry skin for best results. If you are suffering from chronic skin problems, use them with caution.

Banana And Yogurt

In a clean bowl crush one banana and add 2-3 tbps of yogurt. Mix well to make a smooth paste and apply this mixture on the dry skin. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Wash with water. You can do this daily to get smoother skin and prevent dryness.

Banana And Sugar

Blend 1 mashed banana and 1 tbsp of fine sugar powder to make a scrub. Apply this mixture on the dry skin and massage for 5 minutes. Leave it dry for 15-20 minutes. Use daily to prevent dry skin problems. It is best for those who spend a lot of time in the sun.

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How To Fix Dry Skin With Essential Oil

how to fix dry skin

Essential oil can be used in numerous ways to heal dry skin. They can be blended with carrier oils for massage. Lavender, Frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, gernaium, sandalwood, and carrot seed essential oils fix dry skin and help in maintaining the pH balance of the skin.

Caution: Do not use essential oils as a remedy to fix dry skin if you are pregnant as it stimulates menstrual flow.

Lavender Essential Oil Recipe

The carrier and essential oils blend fix dry skin issues and moisturize the skin. Use this recipe after you shower to moisturize the skin. It also makes the muscles relaxed and has a calming effect on mind and body.

  • 1 glass lotion bottle to mix oils
  • 8 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 4 drops Frankincense
  • 1/4 teaspoon Vitamin E oil
  • 1 oz Avocado oil

Mix all of them in the bottle and shake well to blend. You can use it anytime to moisturize dry skin.

Essential Oils Mix Recipe For Dry Skin

You can choose any essential oil that is good for dry skin. This is one the best blends that works well for dry skin.

  • 1 glass bottle for blending
  • 6 drops of Patouli essential oil
  • 3 drops of Sandalwood essential oil
  • 3 drops of Myrrh essential oil
  • 1 oz Sweet Almond carrier oil

Blend all of these oils in a glass bottle. You can use Vitamin E oil as well in this recipe. Massage dry skin with this oil for a few minutes and leave it on the skin for a few minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Do not use soap to wash the skin after massage.

How To Fix Dry Skin With Other Ingredients

how to fix dry skin

You can use numerous ingredients easily available to make these home remedies to fix dry skin. Nourish your skin everyday with these remedies and get beautiful looking, healthy, and smooth skin. Summers, winters, and other seasons are no more challenging on your skin when you use these home remedies. This is how to fix your dry skin with 15 minutes of daily skin care.

Butter For Dry Skin

Take handful of melted shea or cocoa butter. Massage on face and dry skin area. Leave it overnight. It helps in moisturizing the skin and keeping it smoother. Shea butter has anti-aging properties and is antioxidant rich.

Honey And Cinnamon Powder

Take 2 tbps of honey and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder and mix. Apply on dry skin and wash after 15 minutes. Use this remedy few times in a week. It unclogs the pores and regulates blood circulation in the skin.

Cucumber And Aloe Vera Gel

Blend 1/4 cucumber, aloe vera gel, and yogurt into a smooth paste. Apply it on dry skin and wash after 15 minutes. This remedy can be used twice a week. This is how to fix dry skin with cucumber and aloe vera gel. It takes only a few minutes to rustle up these remedies to fix issues with dry skin.


These are the simple and easy home remedies if you want to know how to fix dry skin and nourish it. Pamper your skin daily with DIY skincare and feel confident in your skin. Look a few years younger and prevent numerous skin problems using these remedies daily.






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