
    Can Dogs Get Pink Eye: 7 Interesting Questions People Often Ask

    Can Dogs Get Pink Eyes: The Causes, Symptoms, Cure, and Prevention

    The pinkish tint on the eyes is not rare among humans. It is scientifically known as ‘conjunctivitis.’ It happens due to the inflammation of the conjunctiva present in our eyes. Often, viral or bacterial infections and dust allergies can lead to inflammation followed by pink eye troubles. Now, many pet-parents often ask that ‘can dogs get pink eye?’ The answer is yes. Conjunctivitis may attack your dog too. And, thus, your dog can get pink eye. But the symptoms, prevention, the cure may not be the same as human beings. So, let’s know more details about- can dogs get pink eye?

    can dogs get pink eyes
    The Spruce Pets

    Can Dogs Get Pink Eye: Canine Conjunctivitis

    The pink eye problem among dogs is often known as canine conjunctivitis. It is a health condition in which dogs’ eyes got inflammation due to external irritants like dust, dirt, etc. Sometimes, bacterial or viral infections also cause trouble. Usually, it spreads into one eye. But later on, it may continue spreading into two eyes as well. Canine conjunctivitis can occur at any age. Along with the pink color of the eyes, the eyes emit discharge which disturbs the pet quite often.

    The dog owners are full of innumerable questions about canine conjunctivitis. For example, how do I know if my dog has pink eye; how can I treat my dog’s red-eye at home, will pink eye in a dog go away on its own? To get the answers to such questions, you have to go deep to learn about this disease. Here, you will find everything related to the disease- from its causes to the symptoms and cure.

    can dogs get pink eye

    Also, we will try to answer some of the frequently asked questions regarding- can dogs get pink eye? So, stay with us till the end of the discussion to get a complete idea about canine conjunctivitis.

    Can Dogs Get Pink Eye: The Causes of Canine Conjunctivitis

    The major causes of this disease among dogs are allergies, bacteria, viruses, and external elements. The disease can be classified into several types depending on the various factors leading to conjunctivitis among dogs. The types include

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    Allergic Conjunctivitis: If your dog is susceptible to any allergy, that may lead to the problem of conjunctivitis. It is often seasonal. The factors like dust mites, pollen grains, mold, dander, cosmetics and perfumes, different drugs are the major causes of allergic conjunctivitis. Although it is not contagious, you must help your dog to get rid of it faster.

    Viral Conjunctivitis: This is a severe kind of conjunctivitis often caused by the virus. It may take three weeks or more than that to cure completely. The sudden or seasonal attack of the virus causes this disease. Find the cure for it in the next half of the article.

    Bacterial Conjunctivitis: By its very name, you can realize that bacteria cause it. The main bacterias that cause this trouble are Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. It is extremely contagious. So, if your dog has this trouble, you must be careful enough.

    can dogs get pink eye
    Wild Earth

    Except for these common reasons for pink eye in dogs, there are some other reasons. They include

    Parasites: Roundworms or parasites like ‘Thelazia’ often cause redness and swelling on the eyes while residing at the surface of the eye. In this type of conjunctivitis, you often find your dog suffering from inflammation of the cornea.

    Flaws in the Eyelid or Eyelash: External factors are not the only reasons for the occurrence of conjunctivitis. Sometimes, internal issues may bring in this trouble. One of such problems is eyelash disorders or defects in the eyelid. Entropion is a poor health condition in which the eyelids get inward. It causes the hair of the lids to rub against the conjunctiva and cornea. Gradually, it leads to redness and puffiness on the membrane of the eyes due to constant rubbing. Eyelash disorders also do the same.

    So, these are the possible reasons for which your dog can get pink eyes. If you still have questions related to – can dogs get pink eye, let’s move forward discussing the symptoms of the disease. We hope it will help you to recognize if your dog has conjunctivitis or not.

    Can Dogs Get Pink Eyes: The Symptoms of It

    The common symptoms for the diseases are redness in the eyes, swelling of them, constant irritation, and inflammation. However, symptoms may vary as per the nature of conjunctivitis. Also, the intensity of the disease may bring in different symptoms. Viral conjunctivitis, for example, may show cold-like symptoms and upper respiratory infection.

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    Sometimes, along with irritation and inflammation, discharge with mucus-like texture may show up. You can also see your dog’s eyes swell more than ever. So, these are the major symptoms that you can find if your dog has pink eyes. Nonetheless, whenever you find your dog rubbing its face or eyes more than usual, you must visit a veterinarian at the earliest.

    Can Dogs Get Pink Eye: How to Find out the Pink Eyes in Dogs

    Well, sometimes, occasional redness may show up among dogs which may not be conjunctivitis. So, how to find out if the dog has conjunctivitis or not? As the experts say, only veterinarian doctors can diagnose the syndrome correctly. They run several diagnosis tests on the dogs to find out if they have pink eye syndrome or not. One such test is Schirmer Test. It helps to find out the conjunctivitis issue in dogs by measuring the production of tears.

    can dogs get pink eye

    Also, the experts use various devices to measure eye pressure to determine if your dog has severe health conditions like glaucoma or uveitis. They often perform allergic tests or biopsies to get a detailed diagnosis of conjunctivitis. Glaucoma is a severe disease that includes the damage of the nerve connecting the eye and brain.

    Can Dogs Get Pink Eye: How to Cure It

    Now, this is a serious question. You have found that your dog has pink eye. You can see the symptoms; you know the reasons. But how to cure it? After all, you cannot leave it in this way, right? You can’t see your dog suffer for a long period. So, here we are with a detailed guide on how to cure pink eye in dogs.

    Usual treatments for conjunctivitis among dogs include cold compressions on the eyes, artificial tears, various types of steroid eye drops, anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, etc. Depending on the reasons, conjunctivitis can be cured in different ways. Doctors sometimes prescribe topical ointments; eye drops to treat the inflammation. The eye drops help to control the dryness in the eye and keep your eyes lubricated. If the pinkness comes from any disorder like entropion, the doctor recommends surgical procedures to cure the problem permanently.

    So, if you ask can dogs get pink eye, let us tell you that your dogs can get it. To cure it, you must go to your veterinarian as soon as possible.

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    How to Prevent Pink Eye in Dogs

    As we know, prevention is always better than cure. Hence, instead of waiting for the occurrence of the disease and curing it, why not take some precautions? Here, read how to prevent conjunctivitis in dogs.

    • Keep your dog vaccinated properly. Missing any of the doses may lead to severe health conditions among them.
    • Prevent your dog at play from doing any activity taht may lead to eye damage. Such eye damages often lead to conjunctivitis later on.
    • Do not let them move their head out of the car window while going on a car trip. Debris, dust, dirt may get into the eyes and cause inflammation.
    • Keep your dog’s living area and playing areas clean and hygienic, free from any bacterial infection.
    • Proper diet, care, and regular health check-up is a must.
    • If your dog tends to get some allergy, keep the allergic factors away from your home.
    • A regular eye check-up is necessary to see if your dog has developed any internal eye issues or not.

    can dogs get pink eye

    Can Dogs Get Pink Eye: Some Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Can dogs recover from conjunctivitis?

    Yes, with proper treatment, dogs can recover from it.

    2. What is the best treatment for conjunctivitis in dogs?

    The most effective and commonly used treatments are topical gentamicin, tobramycin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, and other ointments and solutions.

    3. How did my dog get pink eye?

    We have mentioned the major reasons previously. Have a look!

    4. Does Benadryl help in conjunctivitis in dogs?

    Sometimes, antihistamines are prescribed, considering the severity of the problem. But it has various adverse effects on dogs. So, it is better to consult the veterinarian doctor before using it.

    5. How can I treat my dogs eye infection without going to the vet?

    Some home remedies can be used. For example, non-medicated sterile saline rinses can help. But the effect of it lasts for a short period of time. So, for serious cases, going to a vet is the best solution. Nonetheless, you can try giving sterile saline for little redness and not-so-fussy discharge.

    6. Can I catch conjunctivitis from my dog?

    No, you can not. But, you must go to the vet immediately to cure the problem.

    7. What does an eye infection look like in a dog?

    If you find your dogs’ eyes are watering too much or secreting yellow, green, or white-colored discharge, it may be a symptom of eye infection. Dogs with infected eyes often blink eyes frequently, get pink eyes, and find the eyes’ surface swelled.

    Before You Go

    So, we hope you have got the details about ‘can dogs get pink eye.’ We are sure that your queries have been resolved and now you can decide about your dog. Still, if you have any doubt, feel free to ask at the comment box. If you are wondering how to feed your little puppy, we have a write-up for you. Click here to read.


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