
    What Motivates Your Child? 14 Brilliant Things!

    What motivates your child? Some kids are self-motivated. Other kids are less motivated and require a little or a lot of encouragement. Assume you’re trying to figure out how to motivate your child. In that instance, you might automatically consider rewarding your child for every step in the correct direction and imposing negative consequences for moves in the wrong direction.

    In reality, the best approach is to scale back on the rewards and punishments and focus on cultivating his internal motivation, helping him tune into feelings of accomplishment and pride for a well-done job.

    What Type Of Motivation Does Your Child Have

    Motivation is the driving force behind a child’s conduct.

    There are two sorts of motivations for children: intrinsic and extrinsic.

    • Intrinsic motivation refers to doing something because you love it.
    • Extrinsic motivation refers to doing something for a particular outcome rather than for its inherent enjoyment.

    What motivates your child?

    what motivates your child
    eveeryday power

    Want to get your kids moving? Then you have to know what makes them motivated. Research has some answers that can help you. Suppose you’ve wondered why kids (or anyone) are motivated to do one thing but not the other. In this case, says UCLA’s Center for Mental Health in Schools, motivation comes down to a simple equation. 

    Even though it’s not a magic formula, it can help you figure out what drives your kids. This depends on how important your child thinks the task is and what is expected of them. If you change these two things, your child may be more motivated.

    Increase Value

    How important does your child think a job or a reward is? If a child likes a certain candy or likes to play a certain game, that is a very good thing. It doesn’t mean much if a child doesn’t like to brush their teeth or take out the trash. For a child to be motivated, what they are doing or working for needs to be important to them. When deciding on value, here are some things to think about:

    • How long does a task take?
    • How much effort does it take?
    • Whether or not your child likes it?
    • If the pros are more important than the cons?

    Manage Expectation

    Your child’s expectations about what will happen, or whether they think they will succeed or fail at a task, are also a motivator. For ex:- if you want your child to get an A on their next test when they have only gotten Cs in the past, they will almost certainly fail because the bar is set too high.

     In the same situation, if you push your child to get a B on their next test, they may think they can do it. A child must believe that they can reach their goal if they want to work toward them. When it comes to expectations, think about the following:

    • If your child has done the task before and done well or badly,
    • How long your child has to get ready for or finish the task
    • How your child thinks of themselves and what they can do

    Appeal to Different Types of Motivation

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    Photo by geralt on Pixabay

    There are 2 types of motivation: internal and external, both of which can be used to help motivate your child.

    Intrinsic motivations are rewards that a youngster receives from within themselves when they believe something is fundamentally valuable and fulfilling. It is a crucial motivator for children to develop since it increases their motivational energy, which causes them to strive harder and more persistently toward a goal.

     This type of motivation has been shown to keep children engaged over time. Examples of intrinsic motivation include:

    • Exploring their curiosity
    • Having fun while learning
    • Desiring to be healthy
    • Developing satisfying relationships with others
    • Participating in something merely because they enjoy it

    Extrinsic motivations are derived from external rewards. This can range from promising your child a pizza night on Friday if they do well on their test to giving them hugs when they complete a chore. These have produced immediate results, but only in the short term. Extrinsic rewards include the following:

    • Taking the children to the park
    • Giving allowance to children
    • Enrolling them in a sports team
    • Making their favourite foods
    • When they do well, give them lots of hugs and praise.
    • When they break a rule, they are punished.

    15 Simple Ways To Motivate A Child

    How do you know What motivates your childSimple: get to know your child and learn who he is as a person. The motivation of a child differs from that of an adult. Consider your child as an individual with likes, tastes, and interests. Find out what the child is interested in and if there is any particular field or subject in which he or she excels.

    You want something when you like it. And if you want something, you will most likely try to obtain it. The same is true for your child. You will know how to motivate your child if you know what they want.

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    To know what motivates your child, take a look at these 15 ways to up the motivation:

    1. Develop an atmosphere of reading

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    Photo by finelightarts on Pixabay

    Reading is the key to achieving success in life. Reading is, at the very least, the key to academic success. Children who enjoy reading develop an interest in learning. Children who have difficulty reading have difficulty learning.

    Reading increases children’s vocabulary and teaches their brains how to absorb concepts and formal communication. And the benefits of reading go far beyond improved performance in language arts classrooms. Students who read well perform better in all disciplines, even technical ones such as math and science.

    Fill your child’s life with books to help him develop reading abilities and a passion for reading. Read to your youngster regularly. Allow your child to read aloud. Make a reading time where everyone reads for 20 minutes every day. Through your reading example and stocking your classroom and home with reading materials (novels, magazines, etc.), you will create an environment that will convey the importance of reading to your child (or students).

    Making reading enjoyable rather than tedious is critical for developing effective readers.

    If a child finds reading boring or frustrating, they will stop reading, and their learning ability will suffer. Allow children to choose their books, help them read, and plan activities that make reading enjoyable.

    2. Put your child in charge as much as possible

    Regarding their education, some kids only know how to be controlled. When a child feels controlled or helpless about their education, they often stop learning.

    It’s important to help kids learn, but it’s just as important to let them take charge of their learning. Give kids a chance to choose how they want to learn, whether at home or school. 

    Having choices for children is a good way to do this. For example, when giving a writing project to a child, let them choose the subject.

    Kids should also be able to choose their activities outside of school. The more input and control you can give a child over their learning environment, activities, and style, the more interested and motivated they will be to learn.

    3. Encourage open and sincere communication

    Encourage your kid to say what he thinks about his school. Make it easy for him to say what he likes, what he doesn’t like, or what worries him.

    Even if you disagree with what he says, let him know that you care about his feelings. When kids think their ideas don’t matter or they’re stuck, they’re likely to stop trying to learn.

    Good learners know that their thoughts are important and are confident that they can talk openly about their education without being judged, put down, discouraged, or ignored.

    4. Focus on your child’s interests

    Learning becomes fun when it involves children in areas and subjects of interest. If you want to help your kid become a good learner, consider the following:

    • Encourage him to research topics and things that pique his interest.
    • If he likes dinosaurs, help him locate engaging and entertaining books and stories.
    • Ask him to name his top five dinosaurs and explain why he chose each one.

    5. Introduce and encourage various learning styles

    What motivates your childEvery kid has a unique learning style and a learning style that works best for them. Some children learn best in one style, while others learn best in a combination of techniques. 

    There is only one correct way to learn or a combination of methods. You can, however, utilize ways to boost your child’s quality of learning by helping him discover his preferred learning modes.

    The seven basic learning styles are visual, verbal, auditory, physical, social, logical (mathematical), and solitary. For example, kids who are visual learners learn best by observing how things work. On the other hand, kids who are auditory learners learn best by listening to others. It is beneficial for young children to experiment with and apply various learning approaches.

    6. Share your enthusiasm for learning

    What motivates your childWhen learning new stuff, enthusiasm rubs off. If your child or student sees that you are eager to learn, they are also likely to be.

     Help him recognize that learning is a voyage of interesting discoveries, whether history, science, reading, writing or even arithmetic. Take every opportunity to learn new things with him without becoming overwhelming or obnoxious. Your youngster will start to share your enthusiasm for learning new stuff as he sees the joy and excitement that learning gives her life.

    7. Make learning fun through game-based learning

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    Photo by klimkin on Pixabay

    What motivates your childGame-based learning is a concept that has already been introduced. It’s been around for quite some time. For a variety of reasons, game-based learning can be extremely beneficial. 

    Using games as an educational tool allows for deeper learning and the development of non-cognitive skills, as well as helps to push students to want to learn. When a child actively participates in a game, their brains enjoy learning a new system. This is true whether the game is categorized as “entertainment” (e.g., a video game) or “serious” (e.g., a military simulator). 

    Entertaining games have the extra benefit of pushing kids to participate in the learning process and learn more.

    Game-based learning can also motivate team-based learning, which can be very good for children in the classroom. Students usually attempt harder in games than in classes. 

    Games are more entertaining. Playing games also has a competitive aspect to it. Students are competing or seeking to win for themselves or their teams. They may aim to perform at a better level to earn more points for their team or simply because they want to play.

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    Game-based learning is an excellent approach for parents and instructors to impart new ideas, grammar, concepts, and knowledge to children in a fun and engaging way.

    8. Focus on learning, not performance

    What motivates your childWhen he gets home from school, ask him what he learned in math today instead of asking him how he did on his math test. What he is learning is more important than how well your child does. Even though performance is important, focusing on your child’s learning experience will show him that. 

    • Actual learning is more crucial than test grades.
    • Results are not the most important thing.
    • You care more about his learning than his performance, and
    • Focusing on his learning that day, you’ll allow him to put what he’s learned into his own words and help him remember it.

    9. Help your child stay organized

    What motivates your childHelping him keep track of his papers, books, and homework will greatly excite him about learning. Young school-aged children are often disorganized, making them feel like they have plenty to do. 

    Children who are too busy spend more time and energy being angry and worried than learning. Help your child get his school supplies and assignments in order by being patient and consistent. This will help him feel more in charge, less stressed, and more eager to learn.

    10. Recognize and celebrate achievements

    Recognizing and celebrating your child’s achievements is important, no matter how small. This is especially important for elementary school kids who need constant encouragement to keep learning and pushing themselves to do better. 

    We’re not saying that you should praise your child for being average, but you should acknowledge his or her accomplishments and be proud of them. If you finish a hard project, you should get a special treat. You could get ice cream if you do well on a math test. Always use positive reinforcement to get your child to learn.

    11. Focus on strengths

    What motivates your childWhen your child struggles academically, it might be tough to focus on his or her abilities. Even so, your child’s emotional and academic growth and progress need to focus on their strengths.

     Focusing on your child’s strengths is another way to give him positive feedback and encourage him to keep learning. On the other hand, focusing on your child’s weaknesses will only make them feel down, upset, and not want to learn. 

    12. Make every day a learning day

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    Photo by sasint on Pixabay

    Making each day a learning day may sound extreme, but it isn’t if you approach it correctly. Encourage your child to explore his surroundings, ask questions, and make connections wherever possible. 

    Assist him with identifying, classifying, and critically thinking about what he sees and experiences—making every day a learning day will help your kid develop the internal motivation to study in the classroom, at home, or wherever he is.

    13. Don’t be judgemental

    One easy way to make your child lose interest in something is to judge them. When you label everything your child does as “good,” “bad,” or “not good enough,” he or she will be afraid to try anything new. When you stop judging and putting your child in a box, he or she won’t be afraid to try something new.

    14. Be a Role Model

    What motivates your childChildren, especially when younger, look up to their parents. This means that if you are interested in something, such as doing math homework, your child may be interested in doing math homework as well. 

    One method to help motivate your children is to serve as role models. Engage them actively in the tasks you hope they will be inspired to perform. You may make the process appear less like labour and more like fun by bringing a positive attitude to it. Here are several examples:

    • Brush your teeth alongside them and sing/dance as you both finish the task.
    • Take turns reading a school book with your youngster, making silly voices or sounds as you go.
    • Wash the dishes together by allowing your youngster to dry while you wash.

    14. Create New Experiences

    What motivates your childChildren’s expectations about a task, such as whether or not they will succeed, are affected by their previous experiences. This means that if a child tries to play catch one day but fails, the next time someone invites them to play, they will refuse because they believe it is too tough. 

    Providing new experiences for your child to engage in strenuous activity that has been adapted to be less difficult may help them reset expectations and build motivation. Here are several examples:

    • Use your hands instead of a glove to play catch with a bigger or softer ball.
    • Work through a hard math problem with your child to show them they know how to solve it.
    • Go back to a task your child may have had trouble with, like reading out loud in class and help them do it in a less stressful setting at home.

    The Effects of Praise on Kid’s Intrinsic Motivation: An Overview and Synthesis

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    Photo by mohamed_hassan on Pixabay

    What motivates your childA study from Reed College and Stanford University found praise is especially good for motivation when considered sincere. The praise should encourage people to attribute their performance to things they can control, promote independence, and set standards and expectations that can be met.

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    Even though praise may greatly affect how motivated children are, the study says, “We don’t think it’s the only or even the most important factor.” 

    In American society, praise addresses an important human desire to seek the approval of others. “Most of us would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism,” said Norman Vincent Peale.

    Does a Positive Mindset Motivate Your Child?

    What motivates your childStudies show that the most important thing for motivation has a positive attitude. Stanford professor Dr Carol Dweck found that having a growth mindset greatly affects motivation and success. In her book Mindset, she discusses decades of research.

    What Motivates Your Child? Does Motivation Impact Learning?

    What motivates your childLet’s face it. We don’t always do our best. The most important thing is that we try our hardest. All of this is part of the way we think. When we have a good attitude, it seems like anything is possible. When we’re in a bad mood, everything seems hard. So, how do we teach our children to have a positive growth mindset?

    As a parent, it helps a lot if you pat your kids on the back and tell them they’re doing a good job. Tell them you appreciate them sticking with a hard assignment or task. Find that “one” good thing you can say to motivate them instead of pointing out the five things they may not have done well.

    You always do better when praised for a good job. It helps you with the next project. Your child is the same way, so praise them for doing their work and sticking with it.

    Sometimes you need something more. An incentive is just something that makes you want to do something. If an incentive is necessary to get your child to do his or her homework, then, by all means, try it. Remember that once your child is working on his or her own, you can stop giving them rewards and keep them going by praising them.

    What Motivates Your Child? Language, The Arts, Science, Music?

    What motivates your childIn an age with so many options and things to do, it can take time to find out where to start. Start small by showing your kids what you enjoy doing. How did you like to spend time when you were young? What did other kids do that you always wished you could do?

    Create a place at home where people are encouraged to create things. These activities don’t make you think, “Oh, here’s another educational thing to do…” They are more creative. It makes you think, “What kind of world do I wish to make?” These activities help kids learn, make things, and go on adventures. 

    When starting an art project or learning music, having a plan or goal in mind can be helpful. But it’s also important to remember that music and the arts are a way to have fun and go off on a tangent. Making things helps you learn skills you can use in school and real life.

    Tell your children it’s okay if what they make isn’t as “good” as they’d like it to be.

    How Technology Can Motivate Kids

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    Photo by HeteroSapiens on Pixabay

    What motivates your childWe can’t avoid screens, laptops, phones, and other tech. On both sides, they’re getting our attention. They give us something to do. They link us together. They can be our worst enemies and our best friends all at the same time. Technology has given us more freedom. 

    We don’t always think about it when we use a tool or device, but someone worked hard to design, build, and program the hardware and software you use daily. Hardware and software are now easier for kids and adults alike to build.

    If your kids are interested in robots, computers, photography, or technology, you should encourage them and help them develop their creativity. Some tools are still a bit pricey, but they are getting cheaper. You may have heard of Arduino or Raspberry Pi. You can program these small computers to do a lot of different things. 

    The Arduino and Raspberry Pi may be too complicated for kids, but there are starter robot-building kits that make it easy for kids (and adults!) to learn how to program. When a child (or an adult!) sees that they can build something with a little work, it makes them think about what else they could do.

    A Reminder for Parents

    It’s important to remember that your child may not be motivated even if you find the best reinforcers and help them all the time. That’s okay. That doesn’t mean you’re a bad parent or have yet to try hard enough to get them going. 

    Also, even though you try these techniques and they don’t work the first time, they still need to help your child somehow. It may even help them find the motivation they can use in the future. It’s hard to get a child to do something, so it’s okay to be kind to yourself while you try to help them.

    Final words: What motivates your child 

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    Photo by geralt on Pixabay

    What motivates your childParents want their children to be motivated for various reasons, such as putting their plates in the sink after eating or tying their shoelaces instead of leaving them dangling. 

    Children can be driven by various internal and external motivations that help them find meaning in their actions. You may help your child develop an innate drive by knowing more about what reinforcers work and finding ways to allow them more independence and support their learning. 

    This will enable them to work toward their objectives with greater perseverance, engagement, and effort.


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