
    Pyometra in Dogs: How it can become life-threatening if left untreated

    We all know about various life-threatening diseases to pets. But have you ever heard something named pyometra in dogs? If you have, then you surely know how serious it is.

    Pyometra is one of those intensely serious diseases that is caused in the uterus of female animals. This is a very serious infection that starts spreading from the womb. It is one of the most common reproductive emergencies.

    Here we will provide you with some of the key ideas about its symptoms and how you might prevent them so that the next time you sense pyometra in dogs, you can take immediate action.


    pyometra in dogs

    The fluctuation of hormones in each heat cycle causes the size of the uterus to become thicker. As a result, the uterus gradually gets engorged with tissues that support a potential pregnancy.

    When this change continues year after year, the size of the uterus changes permanently. These changes make the uterus more prone to infections. Thus, in this way, pyometra starts occurring in the uterus of female dogs.


    Pyometra in Dogs - PetPlace

    Pyometra can be of the following two types:

    • Open pyometra

    When the cervix remains open, and you can often notice smelly pus oozing out, it is termed open pyometra.

    • Closed pyometra

    Closed pyometra means the cervix remains closed. This is far more serious as the puss is unable to come out.


    Cats and dogs are common animals who experience this disease.

    Progesterone plays a vital role in the occurrence of this disease. There occurs an often inducement of endotoxemia and sepsis. This is a very serious disease, and you should contact the doctor as soon as you realize that your dog or cat is suffering from this severe disease.

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    E.coli is the bacteria that is primarily responsible for causing this painful disease pyometra in dogs. It often is noticed a few weeks after a dog has finished her season. This is because the dog’s body went through several hormonal changes in season, making them prone to highly infectious diseases.

    The hormones estrogen and progesterone fluctuate during a heat cycle. Consequently, this fluctuation changes the uterus in preparation for breeding and pregnancy.


    Pyometra in Small Animals - Veterinary Clinics: Small Animal Practice

    There are always some symptoms shown when a disease starts to occur. So the preliminary thing is to notice whether your dog is having any symptoms of pyometra. Know the symptoms so that you can recognize them and take immediate action next.

    Usually, four to eight weeks after a season, symptoms of pyometra are visible. The symptoms are mentioned as follows:

    • Drinking more than they usually drink
    • Pus leaking from the vagina
    • Vomiting frequently
    • Panting and weakness
    • Bloated abdomen
    • Weeing more than usual
    • Salivation
    • Breathing difficulties
    • Fever
    • Off food
    • Collapsing very frequently


    Pyometra in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment | Pawlicy Advisor

    We all know that Prevention is always better than cure. Thus, here are some ways that would show you the right way of preventing pyometra in dogs:

    • Make every effort to breed your dog on her heat cycles.
    • Take steps to optimize the potential required for successful breeding.
    • You should breed your dog to produce the desired number of litter needed to safeguard her genetics.
    • In case you are not planning to breed your dog, you are suggested to spay them. It is one of the most recommended treatments.


    • Not aware of stump pyometra? Know today and save your dog from unwanted disease.

    A small womb stump remains inside your dog after neutering. Not always, of course, this is a very rare case, but yes, it is possible that infection again develops from that stump inside. The doctors refer to this as stump pyometra.

    For a stump pyometra in a dog, the secretion of the ovary hormone is necessary. This small piece of ovary tissue needs removal from her body to save her life.


    So, what do you think canine pyometra is? Is it something different from the normal pyometra disease?

    Canine pyometra in dogs is a diestrual disease generally occurring in the bodies of adult intact bitches whose development is strongly influenced by sequential progestational stimulations of the uterus.

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    Surveys show that the risk of having pyometra in dogs differed concerning breed, age, and geographical location. For example, more than 3000 bitches were found suffering from pyometra in Sweden between 1995 and 1996.

    In rough Collies, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Rottweilers, Golden Retrievers, and English Cocker Spaniels, the chance of this is high.

    Whereas breeds such as German Shepherd Dogs, Drevers, Dachshunds, Miniature Dachshunds, and Swedish Hounds are at low risk of developing this disease.


    It is very common to consume antibiotics to cure any disease. But in the case of pyometra in dogs or any other small animals, it is not suggested to cure the illness just by consuming antibiotics.

    Antibiotic treatment for this disease must be specific. Initially, ampicillin would be prescribed by your dog’s vet. However, taking the help of only medicines can lead to severe illness accompanied by prolonged suffering. It might make your dog more prone to the risk of death. Therefore, removing the affected uterus completely from the body with surgery would be a better treatment option.


    Pyometra in Female Dogs - Spotting the Signs | MiPet Cover

    Medical treatment of pyometra is quite costly as well as painful. Therefore, the primary concern is to look at whether the cervix is open or not, and the oozing out of the fluid is visible or not.

    After a thorough check-up, the most probable check-ups that your vets should suggest are mentioned below:

    • Firstly, a general chemistry profile of your dog is required
    • Then the doctors would suggest a complete blood count of your pet
    • The urinalysis test is mandatory in this context
    • Furthermore, abdominal radiographs are needed to be accompanied by abdominal ultrasound
    • Finally, vaginal cytology is prescribed.


    Both open and closed pyometra in dogs can be successfully treated by medication. Initially, the goal is to reduce progesterone stimulation as this creates favorable conditions for bacterial growth. Thus, progesterone regression medications are provided.

    For medical treatment, several mentioned protocols need to be followed:

    • Prostaglandins F2 alpha is the most commonly used medication. It causes direct stimulation of myometrium contraction. However, excessive contraction of the myometrium can lead to uterine rupture.

    Prostaglandin is injected inside the dog’s body. Both natural and synthetic processes of prostaglandin are successful in curing pyometra in dogs. Yet, synthetic processes are more recommended as their side effects are minimal. Their dosages vary according to the selected protocol.

    • A dopamine agonist is used by combining it with prostaglandin. It inhibits the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland. Subsequently, there is a rapid drop in plasma progesterone concentration.
    • Prognosis is another effective way of medical treatment to pyometra.
    • In addition, aglepristone alone can be safe and effective for the treatment of metritis. It also helps to induce cervical opening in closed pyometra in dogs.


    Pyometra in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost

    Just as it is a very common phenomenon to suffer from some side effects after medications of any disease, pyometra is also not an exception in this context. Some of the common side effects for pyometra medications are as follows:

    • Vomiting
    • Urination
    • Abnormal discomfort
    • Anxiety
    • Fever
    • Restlessness
    • Dyspnea
    • Hypersalivation
    • Tachycardia


    This is that type of medical injury that demands immediate treatment. Medical surgery is the most suggested treatment to cure pyometra in dogs.

    For most pets, preoperative stabilization followed by resuscitation is considered the first and foremost. Generally, a rapid recovery is expected. Besides, the chance of recurrence is reduced to a minimum. Ovariohysterectomy is the other name for spay treatment. This surgery also minimizes the chance of ovarian cancer and unwanted pregnancy.

    Dogs and cats are at an increased chance of developing pyometra once again, even after medical treatment. Thus it is suggested to have an ovariohysterectomy performed after they are done with their breeding purposes.

    The most common phenomenon during the surgery is the huge amount of blood loss. So a blood transfusion is generally required in most cases.


    You cannot even imagine how dangerous and how progressive pyometra is. It can deteriorate the health of your dog, vigorously pushing her towards death within just four days.


    This is one of the most frequently asked questions. Many owners don’t want to take the risk of surgery. Most of the time, this is because they are extremely worried about the life of their pets.

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    But the only option to make your dog survive is the immediate treatment of pyometra. Immediate recognition of the disease leading to treatment can give your dog a new life.

    Leaving the disease as it is, won’t be of any help. The only consequence of this kind of negligence is the death of your dog.


    Let us get familiar with how pyometra in dogs is treated. Routine spraying is carried on, followed by removing the uterus and ovary from the dog’s body. Following is a brief procedure on how the surgery is being carried on:

    • The pet wears a surgery suit during the surgery.
    • Sterile drapes are gently placed over her
    • Close monitoring of heart rate, temperature, blood pressure, and breathing is carried on
    • Gum color, pulse strength, and depth of anesthesia is observed carefully
    • An incision is made in the middle of the underside along the length of the belly
    • The abdomen is checked thoroughly to prevent any type of other infections.
    • The urinary bladder is emptied. Later, the uterus is very gently removed
    • The usage of sterile pads does prevention of pus spillage
    • A sampling of pus will be taken
    • The stump is cleansed
    • Next, everything but the ovaries and uterus is replaced into the dog’s abdomen
    • The incision is most frequently closed with three layers: body wall, subcutaneous, and skin/subcuticular.
    • Finally, the skin is closed with the help of staples or stitches.

    Then she is taken to a place where she is kept under observation. Later considering her condition, she can be taken home. The stitches are cut two to three weeks after the successful surgery.


    Pyometra in dogs is perhaps one of the most serious diseases you have ever heard of. So, it is obvious that the surgery would also be a major one. Therefore, your dog needs full support and complete monitoring.

    The survival rate of your dog after surgery is as high as 80%-100% if the systemic infection is treated the right way and any kind of abdominal contamination is avoided.

    As soon as your dog is ready to leave for home, the vet would suggest some precautions. Therefore, you must follow the below-mentioned schedule very tightly:

    • You have to keep a special eye on your dog so that you can stop her from any kind of heavy activity such as jumping, playing, or running.
    • Plenty of rest is one of the utmost necessities.
    • Taking rest and staying calm is crucial for your dog.
    • Monitor every food carefully before providing it to them
    • If your vet has prescribed any medicines, get hold of them as soon as possible.
    • Licking at the wound by itself needs to be prevented as it might cause infection. So, they might require a protective suit.
    • Due to reduced organ function, they require some special attention.

    In very rare cases, it is found that pets have increased urination and water intake that gradually leads to permanent kidney damage. If you can take good care of your dog, do not worry, they will surely recover soon.


    Treating pyometra in dogs medically or surgically can be an extremely tiring process for your dog. It takes quite a long time for the surgery to be successful. In addition, the after-effects are also sometimes painful.

    Don’t you think that getting a homemade remedy to cure pyometra in dogs will be more beneficial? It is possible if you know the correct method and the exact usage of organic treatment. The combination of manuka honey, vitamin C, and turmeric proved to be an excellent medicine in the treatment of pyometra.

    On the first day, you might give her 4-5 doses. This is to boost her immune system. Then 3 doses per day for 10 days is suggested. The right quantity of all the ingredients are listed below:

    • Manuka Honey

    Over 80 pounds, 3 teaspoons

    21-80 pounds 1 1/2 teaspoon

    5-20 pounds 3/4 teaspoon

    • Sodium ascorbate Vitamin C

    5-20 pounds 500-1,000 mg

    20-80 pounds 1,000-2,000 mg

    Over 80 pounds 2,000-4,000 mg

    • Turmeric

    Over 80 pounds 1 teaspoon

    41-80 pounds 1/2 teaspoon

    21-40 pounds 1/4 teaspoon

    5 -20 pounds 1/16 -1/8 teaspoon


    How do you know that your dog is suffering from pyometra? Yes, it is possible in case you are a bit attentive towards your dog’s daily routine. Check the color of her discharge regularly.

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    One of the most common signs that your dog is developing pyometra is the change in color of her discharged fluid. For example, a yellow, green, red, or brown copious discharge would be noticed from the vulva of the dog. Thus, it would be evident that your dog is suffering from the disease.


    Smell sometimes plays a ruling factor in the determination of some types of diseases. For example, doctors can detect any infection from the odor of any type of secretion from a particular body part.

    Similarly, it is noticed that smell plays a very important role in the determination of pyometra in dogs. Since this is an extremely serious disease thus, detecting it right from the beginning is helpful for the animal.

    Now it is very obvious that a dog would never be able to come and tell you that they are suffering from a certain disease. So, therefore, it falls under our responsibility to look after them.

    So how do you exactly understand from the smell that your dog is suffering from pyometra?

    First, note that getting a foul smell or a fishy smell from your dog is quite susceptible. This is because they have scent glands on their anus. These scent glands become oily whenever your dogs get defecates. So if ever it happens, just don’t ignore the situation. Instead, take your dog immediately to a vet.


    Pyometra in dogs is quite common for any type of disease. Therefore, experiencing pain is a must, be it more or less. But, moreover, when it comes to animals, they suffer even more, which is clearly because they are not able to express their pain.

    The increase of the uterus can be severely painful. Due to the swollen uterus walking, jumping, running, or any other activities gradually becomes impossible. It is much more painful for dogs than cats.


    Dogs are generally known to have a lifespan of more or less 12-13 years. Pyometra in dogs is generally noticed before they complete 10 years of their age.


    Pyometra in dogs is an emergency disease that requires immediate treatment. But, naturally, not every individual who owns a dog has a huge amount of monthly income as well. Thus, money becomes an important factor in this context.

    So, do you know how much it can cost? More than you expect. Its treatment is laborious and, therefore, requires as much as $1000-$2000. A lot. Right?

    For individuals with a moderate income, it becomes a tough choice if their dogs suffer from pyometra. Either they have to spend a large amount of their savings that might put them in future trouble, or they have to sacrifice the life of their pets.


    Are you worried about whether humans are also prone to pyometra, such as pyometra in dogs? This is particularly a rare case in humans. But reports convey that there are some unusual cases witnessed. Here are two of them for you to get familiar with:

    • A case was witnessed where a 59-year-old woman was found to be suffering from this life-threatening disease. The patient was experiencing a body temperature of 38.1°C. The abdomen was soft, non-tender, and non-distended. No costovertebral angle tenderness was noticed.

    Later gynecologic examination revealed that yellow-colored discharge was visible from the vagina without frank blood. In addition, the cervix was consistent with radiation change. But the change occurred without motion tenderness. So finally, the doctors came up with the result that the woman was suffering through pyometra.

    • Again, another 71-year-old woman was found to have a green, foul-smelling vaginal discharge continuously for three months. She required the use of 4 perineal pads per day. The patient initially had been checked by her gynecologist. The test results had demonstrated no abnormalities. Doctors kept on prescribing various antibiotics. But she was forced to stop the dosage as she developed dyspnea. Later after several weeks, it was revealed that the woman was suffering vigorously from pyometra.

    Your family member is always your responsibility. Similarly, your pets also are included in the list of your family members. Therefore, they are completely dependent on you.

    So, you must always stay aware of their needs and the problems they are facing. Love for them will be definite if you are caring enough and protective. Take them to a vet immediately as you sense anything wrong in their general behavior. Ignoring their health is never accepted.

    Your care, love, and support can not only help to cure pyometra in dogs but also from any other life-threatening diseases.


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