
    How To Recall An Email In Outlook: Simplified!

    One click in advance and before you get to know it, your fragmentary email is on its route to your colleague. This is totally aggravating, but not the ending of the world for Microsoft Outlook end users. Providentially, you can take the message back with an email recall property before your recipient reads it. Although many users think this feature is new to Gmail, nevertheless Outlook has had the capability for years. Let us now take a look at how to recall an email in Outlook.

    The email program comes along with the function of recalling messages. We will divulge how its working properties and what is needed to withdraw your email.

    However, like most of the recall tools, Outlook’s functionality has major limitations. On the Microsoft Exchange server, it only works between two Outlook users, and even then, it is quite simple to disable by tech-savvy individuals.

    Requisites for the recall process

    Emails directed with Microsoft Outlook could be deleted from the inbox of the recipient or dislodged with new emails until the following terms are fulfilled:

    1. Both the particular recipient and your email program are linked to the Microsoft Exchange server
    2. Email sent to the same company using Microsoft 365 or the Outlook desktop application
    3. The recipient has not as yet read the message

    If all three of these requirements are met, the email could be recalled without any problems.

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    How to Recall An Email In Outlook 2010, 2013 and 2016?

    To remember an email that was already sent using Outlook 2010, 2013, or 2016 you definitely need to go after this article on ‘how to recall an email in Outlook’ and do the following:

    Step 1: Tap on the “Sent Items” folder on the left-hand side of the Outlook window.

    How to recall an email in Outlook

    Step 2: Choose the message you wish to annul through Outlook and make a double hit on it, and it will open up in a completely new window.

    How to recall an email in Outlook

    Step 3: Strike the “Actions” button and choose the “Recall This Message” Outlook option from the drop-down menu.

    Recalling emails in Microsoft Outlook


    If the Outlook option “Recall This Message” is not shown, it may be because you did not use an exchange account or the recall feature has been disabled by the exchange server administrator.

    Step 4: Choose one of the two recall preferences.

    • Erase unread copies of this specific message.
    • Remove unread copies and oust with another new message.


    Decide if you want to let the recipient know why you recalled the message.

    Confirm choosing by tapping ‘OK’.

    Step 5: Ensure the recalling process was entirely successful.

    Outlook will always notify you by email of the decision to withdraw. The recipient of the message will also be notified of the recalling function if you have accelerated the correlated function.

    Failed to recall

    The report on failed recall contains the following data: recipient, time, subject, and date of delivery and whether the recall was conquering or not.

    How to recall an email in Outlook

    Accomplished recall

    If you get a positive recall report, you could presume that the incorrectly sent message has been deleted or dismissed by another version.

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    How to make sure the recall process is successful

    Whether an entirely new text message can replace an early sent email hinges not only on the directives enlisted above but also on the settings of the recipient’s Outlook.

    Learn the following resources with this column on ‘how to recall an email in Outlook’, which are achievable under the authority of Microsoft.

    Scenario 1: The “Automatically process meeting requests and responses to meeting requests and polls “attribute is disabled.

    If the recipient does not allow the “Automatically process meeting requests and responses to meeting requests and polls “, then both the reminder message and the original message will be saved in the recipient’s inbox. Whether the recall is successful or not hinges on which email is opened first:

    • If the recipient first opens up the message about the recall, the actual message will be deleted; pointing out the recall was successful.
    • If the recipient opens up the original email first, the recall will be failed.

    Scenario 2: The “Automatically process meeting requests and responses to meeting requests and polls” attribute is permitted by default.

    If the recipient has enabled the “Automatically process meeting requests and responses to meeting requests and polls” property, both the email reminder message and the original message will be saved in the recipient’s inbox. Whether or not the recall works depends on whether the mail has been seen.

    • If the recipient has not yet seen the actual message, it will be dislodged by a reminder text message. The recipient will be informed that you have recalled the actual message.
    • If the message is considered as read when the message comes up, the recall attempt will decline, and still, the message will be in the recipient’s inbox. Despite that, the recipient will be notified that you tried to recall that particular message.
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    Scenario 3: An inbox rule moves both the recall email and the original email to some other folder.

    If the recipient states a rule that both emails must be stored in the same folder, it relies on which email is opened initially.

    • If the recipient opens up the recalling text message earliest, the actual message will be erased. Then the recall was successful.
    • If the recipient opens up the actual email first, the recall will obviously fail.

    Scenario 4: An inbox rule shifts the actual email to another folder.

    • If the recipient has denoted a proper rule, the recall will fail if the actual email and the recall email are stored in different folders.

    Smarter email controlling for everyone

    On average, business individuals receive and send 122 emails a day, and the consumers are not far behind that. With all the data flowing in and out, you don’t have a while to contemplate meticulously about each communication.

    Sooner or later, you will slip and send misinformation or create an uncomfortable faux-pas. It does not even account for the risk of data breaches and hacks, which can promptly turn sensitive personal data into public knowledge.

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