
    How To Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure using 20 Excellent Ways!

    How To Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure- Know Everything!

    The first step for how to lower diastolic blood pressure is finding out symptoms that indicate high blood pressure. Wondering how to lower diastolic blood pressure, here are a few things and facts that can help you achieve your goal and be in a good shape whatsoever.

    At times getting the blood pressure under check needs you to take a few medicines each day, such as calcium channel blocker and diuretic blocker. But there are few therapies that don’t require medication. People who possess a drug intolerance or are not willing to take any medicines may decide on a pill-free therapy, and it may also be utilized to make a medicine regimen more efficient.

    Nonetheless, if you simply have high diastolic blood pressure, you can not combat that alone. You will require to work jointly with the doctor to find answers for how to lower diastolic blood pressure and not allowing it to fall lower than 60 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Know that when diastolic blood pressure is too low, it may lead to heart diseases and increase the risk of heart damage.

    This article will let you know all about how to lower diastolic blood pressure and deal with it.

    Some Blood Pressure facts

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    Photo by geralt on Pixabay

    Aside from how to lower diastolic blood pressure, blood pressure readings are a measure of the strength or force that blood exercises on the walls of the arteries. When blood pressure readings grow too high, you are said to get high blood pressure, also called hypertension.

    There are two different numbers generated when you visit the doctor for getting your blood pressure measure. The first number on the reading shows the systolic blood pressure while the second number in the reading is the diastolic blood pressure.

    A lot of concentration has been put over the past few years on systolic blood pressure which regularly rises as a person ages. It is also considered to be the more important between the two numbers given in the reading- systolic and diastolic.

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    Now, it is quite recognized that both numbers on the reading are fairly important and lie on the same ground. And a person might be diagnosed with high blood pressure or hypertension if either of these two numbers is exceedingly high. People having higher diastolic blood pressure might be largely at risk for acquiring a high systolic blood pressure also.

    Difference Between Diastolic and systolic blood pressure

    Diastolic blood pressure estimates or measures the force on the walls of the arteries in between your heartbeats. Normal diastolic blood pressure tends to be less than 80 mmHg.

    Systolic blood pressure on the other hand records the pressure on the walls of the arteries when the heartbeats. Normal systolic blood pressure tends to be less than 120 mmHg.

    But, how can a person figure out if they have any of the conditions of higher systolic blood pressure or diastolic blood pressure? You can figure that out by checking out for certain symptoms and visit a doctor for diagnosis when felt uneasy.

    Symptoms Of Diastolic Blood Pressure or Hypertension

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    Hypertension is usually known to be a silent killer. This is due to the fact that people having a higher blood pressure usually show no symptoms. Many individuals discover that they have hypertension or higher blood pressure when a regular physical examination is done at a doctor’s office.

    Indications of hypertension are usually only present or they only start showing when the ailment has become critical. They may include:

    1. Nosebleeds
    2. Shortness of breath
    3. headache

    Now that you know what are signs of higher blood pressure are, here are some tips to help you how to lower diastolic blood pressure.

    How To Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure

    There are many ways which you can learn to help you in how to lower diastolic blood pressure and remain healthy. Follow these amazing tips to see the difference.

    1. Eat more heart-healthy food items

    how to lower diastolic blood pressure
    very well family

    Food is an integral part of a healthy routine that also keeps your heart healthy and your body in a good shape. Below given is a list of certain food items you may eat to help you in how to lower diastolic blood pressure.

    • Vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, and spinach.
    • Fruits such as bananas, oranges, and apples.
    • Fish, particularly those fishes that are rich in fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids.
    • Lean cuts of pork or beef.
    • Skinless turkey or chicken
    • Eggs
    • low fat or fat-free dairy products such as yogurt and cheese.
    • Whole grains such as brown bread or brown rice.
    • Beans and nuts

    2. Try limiting trans fat and saturated food

    Try not to consume any foods that are rich in saturated fats or trans fats. For instance any fast food, frozen food, and hot dogs.

    Rather, try to concentrate on eating healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated that could be available in food like avocados, nuts, olive, or canola oil.

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    3. Avoid eating too much sodium

    Sodium or salt in excessive quantity may raise blood pressure, so focus on limiting the intake to only 1,500 milligrams a day or less than this.

    4. Eat more potassium

    Potassium can really check and neutralize the effect that sodium or salt has on our blood pressure. Attempt to increase consumption of food items enriched with potassium, such as tomatoes, bananas, and spinach.

    5. Get rid of too much caffeine

    Caffeine is another stimulant that may elevate your blood pressure. If you already have hypertension or high blood pressure, try to check and reduce the intake, especially before exercise or certain activities that may increase blood pressure, such as working out.

    6. Reduce Intake of alcohol

    Drinking a large quantity of alcohol may also raise blood pressure. Drink it in moderate amount. That suggests two drinks every day for men and one drink for women.

    7. Ditch sugary drinks and food

    Foods having too many added sugars may also add needless calories to the diet. Avoid food items and drinks that have added sugars or some artificial sweeteners, such as candies, soft drinks, or cakes.

    8. Replace regular chocolate with dark chocolate

    A 2010 interpretation of 15 different studies propose that dark chocolate might somewhat decrease the risk of blood pressure. If you are consuming chocolate, prefer dark chocolate over all other types which are sweetened artificially, and make certain that the chocolate is at least made of 70 percent cocoa.

    9. Try using a DASH eating plan

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    Photo by coyot on Pixabay

    The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) consumption plan for eating may help you follow a heart-healthy diet. As per the National Institutes of Health, numerous studies have revealed that people obeying the DASH diet have helped lower their blood pressure with cholesterol.

    10. Make sure you check labels

    Sometimes, you need to eat more foods having too many calories, fats, and sodium without realizing it. You may withdraw from this by accurately reading all the food labels, recording things such as the number of calories per serving, fat content, and sodium.

    11. Lose weight

    Reducing your weight may assist a lot in reducing your blood pressure. In fact, you may lower the blood pressure by almost 1 mmHg for every two pounds of weight you lose.

    12. Watch your waistline

    A larger waistline may put a person at a more prominent risk of heart disease. Commonly speaking, to decrease the risk, men must strive to keep the waistline below 40 inches. Women must try to keep the waistline below or less than 35 inches.

    13. Stay active

    Not only does doing aerobic activities and workouts help you drop weight, but they may also help lower your blood pressure. Try to perform 30 minutes of cardio or aerobic exercise a day.

    Some examples of such activities include walking, cycling, swimming, jogging, running, and using an elliptical machine.

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    14. Reduce Stress

    Anxiety or stress is an additional thing that may increase your blood pressure. Try to bypass things that cause stress. Performing activities such as YOGA and meditation or deep breathing exercises may help reduce stress.

    15. Do not smoke or vape

    The nicotine present inside the cigarettes is one such stimulant that may raise your blood pressure. It may also begin to injure the walls of the blood vessels. Not only quitting smoking is useful for overall health, but it may also be the answer for how to lower diastolic blood pressure.

    16. Try using supplements

    Although more extended research might be required, some studies reveal that supplements for examples garlic might help lower down your blood pressure.

    17. Use probiotics

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    Photo by Alicia_Harper on Pixabay

    Probiotics are certain good bacteria that are helpful for your digestion. A review study from 2016 reveals that using probiotics might serve to lower down your blood pressure. Nevertheless, further studies are required to achieve a more solid judgment of how specifically probiotics influence blood pressure.

    18. Give acupuncture a shot

    A study from 2007 showed that conventional Chinese acupuncture was supported in lowering blood pressure. However, this result went away after acupuncture therapy stopped.

    19. Monitor blood pressure at home

    Controlling your blood pressure at your house not only assists you in knowing if your approach is working, but it may also inform you if hypertension or diastolic blood pressure is worsening.

    20. Use prescription medication

    Your doctor might prescribe medicine to help you in how to lower diastolic blood pressure. Regular blood pressure medicines prescribed by the doctors include:

    These were 20 tips to know how to lower diastolic blood pressure. Sometimes a few complications may arise. Keep reading to know more.

    Complications in diastolic blood pressure

    blood pressure monitor, health, heart rate
    Photo by geraldoswald62 on Pixabay

    Hypertension may proceed to damage the arteries. This damage may harm other organs of the body as well. When high blood pressure or hypertension is not treated on time or left untreated, it may put you at risk for several serious complications or ailments, including:

    • Heart failure
    • Heart attack
    • Strokes
    • Dementia
    • damage to your eyes
    • aneurysm
    • kidney diseases

    When to visit a doctor

    The blood pressure reading is normally taken as a regular part of your doctor’s checkup or visit. Most people discover that they have high blood pressure or hypertension in this context. If you develop hypertension, the doctor will operate with you to reveal a treatment plan that is suitable for you in order to answer for how to lower diastolic blood pressure.

    There are additionally many kinds of blood pressure directors or tools available on sale so that you may check your blood pressure at your house itself. If you prefer to do this, carry your monitor to the next doctor’s meeting so that they may explain to you how to correctly utilize it to achieve accurate readings.

    A single reading for high blood pressure at home should not be a reason for concern. Be certain to note the reading and resume taking blood pressure on the regular schedule. If you remain obtaining such high readings, take an appointment with the doctor.

    The Bottom Line

    There are several ways to reduce your diastolic blood pressure, involving changes to your lifestyle and medications. It’s essential to recognize that you cannot just target the diastolic blood pressure solely. You’ll need to lower the blood pressure as a whole.

    If you possess a high diastolic blood pressure, it is crucial to speak to your doctor and operate with them to reach up with a custom treatment plan that is appropriate for you.

    This was how to lower diastolic blood pressure.


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