
    How to get silly putty out of clothes? 3 best ways discussed

    You may be able to clean up most of your children’s spills and messes, but getting Silly Putty out of clothes and fabric may be difficult. So, how to get silly putty out of clothes? A Silly Putty stain requires special care because it is oily and gooey.

    One of the most widespread toys ever, silly putty, created was, believe it or not, an accident! General Electric assigned one of its scientists to develop a synthetic rubber substitute in 1943. The scientist mixed boric acid with silicone oil, resulting in a sticky, stretchy goo dubbed “nutty putty.”

    This unintentional discovery was not a replacement for synthetic rubber but rather the prototype for a fun toy. The scientist bought the rights from General Electric and renamed it Silly putty. The rest, like Silly putty embedded in your couch or jeans, is history!

    how to get silly putty out of clothes
    The Maids

    Silly putty is stretchy and sticky, and it’s fun to play with, but it can get stuck on clothes and make a mess. Fortunately, there are several techniques for removing Silly putty from fabric. You can remove stains and avoid having a permanent Silly Putty reminder on your clothes by rubbing alcohol, WD-40, or freezing the fabric.

    So, what’s the deal with getting Silly Putty out of clothes and fabric? Take a look at the ingredients and how Silly putty works. The silicone oil in the formula causes stains similar to grease, and the sticky, stretchy goo clings to fibers. Consider it a stain that is both flexible and stubborn. 

    However, with suitable cleaning products and a little knowledge about how to get silly putty out of clothes, you can easily clean them smoothly. Read on to learn more about getting silly putty out of clothes. 

    How to get silly putty out of clothes? Things you need to tackle silly putty stains

    What you’ll need to remove Silly Putty stains from most fabrics and clothing is as follows:

    • A butter knife
    • Liquid dish soap
    • Ice cubes
    • Vodka
    • Hand sanitizer
    • Cotton balls
    • Rubbing alcohol
    • White vinegar
    • WD-40
    • Water

    How to get silly putty out of clothes? Remove any excess Silly Putty from the fabric with your butter knife. You should freeze the remaining stain with ice, so the silly putty shrinks and pulls away from the fibers. Pull and scrape the hardened putty gently, taking care not to stretch or tear the fabric. After you’ve removed the solids, the oily part of the stain should be visible.

    Test your tint remover on a hidden area of the fabric. If it’s safe, work your stain remover gently into the oil stain to break it down and lift it out of the fibers. Scrub any remaining solids and oily residue with a microfiber cloth, a small amount of water, and liquid dish soap.

    How to get silly putty out of clothes? Five stain removers for getting silly putty out of clothes

    How to get silly putty out of clothes? There’s no doubt that many commercial stain removers do an excellent job of removing stains from carpet, upholstery, and clothing. These cleaning miracles make removing most stains simple and convenient. But at what price?

    Most store-bought stain removers function well because they contain powerful chemicals that can harm your health. Consider how simple it is to ingest or spread those chemicals throughout your home. You probably rub stain remover into the fabric with your fingers, breath in the tiny droplets that form when you spray them, and wear clothes that contain chemical residues that can linger even after washing.

    So, how to get silly putty out of clothes? You can remove silly putty and other stains from clothing without using harsh, potentially hazardous chemicals. Skip the commercial stain removers and try these safe and effective stain treatments when wondering how to get putty out of clothes. Whatever stain remover you use, ensure to scrape away any excess silly putty first and work quickly. Check out the 5 stain removers you can use if you are worried about how to get silly putty out of clothes! 

    How to get silly putty out of clothes Using Sanitizer for Hands

    Hand sanitizer is an excellent first choice for removing Silly putty from fabric. These sanitizing solutions are typically composed of about 65 percent ethanol, which provides enough strength to break down most taints without being too harsh. Hand sanitizer quickly dissolves Silly Putty and evaporates, making it simple to scrub away the stain.

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    Because hand sanitizer may contain other ingredients such as aloe vera and fragrance, it may stain some fabrics, especially if left on for an extended period. Before using the hand sanitizer on the silly putty stain, test it in an inconspicuous area. 

    How to get silly putty out of clothes with hand sanitizer? Pour enough hand sanitizer on the stain to cover it if it’s safe. As the alcohol quickly dissolves the stain, scrape immediately after applying the hand sanitizer. Try ice and liquid dish soap if the stain doesn’t come out.

    How to get silly putty out of clothes – Use Rubbing Alcohol 

    Because rubbing alcohol has a thinner consistency than hand sanitizer, don’t use too much, or you’ll end up extending the silly putty stain as it dissolves. Pour rubbing alcohol away from the stain. 

    Rather, soak cotton balls in rubbing alcohol and place them on the stain. Scrape away the Silly Putty once it begins to break down, and if necessary, follow up with ice and dish soap.

    Although rubbing alcohol appears clear and pure, it may contain other ingredients such as dyes that can stain fabrics. Before working with the Silly Putty stain, test a small area first. 

    As rubbing alcohol can function as a mild bleach, it should be safe on most fabrics if you work quickly. You should use dish soap to remove the alcohol residue from upholstery and other fabrics.

    How to get silly putty out of clothes Using White Vinegar

    White vinegar is a natural remover for fabric, carpet, and surfaces. It’s a safe and adequate disinfectant and cleaner used throughout the house – including on Silly Putty. Because vinegar is gentler than most stain removers, it is an ideal solution for stain removal. 

    White vinegar will not usually stain fabrics, but because it is acidic, never use it at full strength for cleaning or stain removal. Always mix it with water and avoid over-soaking upholstery and other fabrics.

    How to get silly putty out of clothes with white vinegar? Take 1 part white vinegar and 2 parts water, dampen a cloth with the stain remover, and gently rub the stain. As the goo dissolves, scrape it away and gently pull it out of the fabric. 

    To remove the lingering vinegar odor from fabrics that can’t be washed, use baking soda to lightly scrub the area, dab dry, and vacuum up the rest. If you’re trying to get Silly Putty out of your clothes, wash them as usual but add a half-cup of vinegar to the wash for a cleaning boost and brighter whites.

    How to get silly putty out of clothes
    American Two Shot

    How to get silly putty out of clothes Using Vodka

    How to get silly putty out of clothes with vodka? Pour just enough vodka to cover the stain. Scrape away any excess goo and rub the vodka into the stain gently. Because the alcohol evaporates quickly, you must act quickly. After cleaning the upholstery with dish soap and water, wash the clothes.

    Spending much money to remove stains like silly putty with vodka is unnecessary. Cheap vodka works just as well as premium brands on stains. Avoid flavored vodka because its sugars and dyes can dilute the stain-removing power and leave a sticky residue on your fabric.

    Vodka is a non-hazardous cleaner and stain remover for carpet, upholstery, clothing, and other fabrics. From red wine to Silly Putty, vodka quickly dissolves stains without harming the fabric.

    How to get silly putty out of clothes Using WD-40

    WD-40 is great for dissolving greasy stains, loosening rusted bolts, and quieting squeaky doors – but it also removes taints. If you’ve attempted all of the above stain removal methods for silly putty and the stain remains, it may be time to take more drastic measures.

    How to get silly putty out of clothes with WD-40? Use WD-40 only in well-ventilated areas. Because WD-40 is a petroleum product, it has the potential to stain clothing if not used with caution. Don’t use it on soft fabrics like silk or satin, and avoid soaking padding and other materials beneath upholstered furniture. Just spray enough WD-40 to cover the Silly Putty stain on both sides of the stain if possible.

    Allow the WD-40 to work on the stain for 5 minutes. Remove the dissolved Silly Putty and gently scrub the remaining stain and WD-40 residue with dish soap and water. To remove the strong chemical odor of WD-40, wash the treated clothes immediately and wipe the residue from the upholstery with a damp cloth.

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    How to get silly putty out of clothes? Three best methods to get silly putty out of clothes

    Method 1: Using Rubbing Alcohol

    Step One:  How to get silly putty out of clothes using rubbing alcohol? Using an unsharpened knife, scrape off as much Silly putty as possible. Scrape the knife’s edge gently against the stain to remove as much putty as possible. Scrape the putty off to the side or onto a paper towel to discard later. 

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    Avoid scraping it on the carpet or surfaces where it might become stuck. Stop scraping when all of the large chunks of putty have been removed.

    Wipe your knife clean as you scrape the putty, and try folding the fabric, so the putty is on edge to make it easier to remove without spreading it to other areas of the fabric.

    You could also remove excess putty with your fingernails, but some people find it unpleasant to get it stuck under their nails. By using a blunt knife, you can keep your hands clean.

    Step Two: Pour 99 percent isopropyl rubbing alcohol over the stain (Note: If rubbing alcohol isn’t available, you can use hydrogen peroxide instead). Do this in a kitchen or washroom sink to avoid rubbing alcohol and putty on other surfaces. Soak the stained area in rubbing alcohol. The stain will begin to disintegrate and become slimy once more. Antiseptic ethyl rubbing alcohol will not work very well.

    Step Three: Use a toothbrush, scrub brush, or clean washcloth to remove the stain. When scrubbing, use gentle motions because you want to apply some force but don’t want to tear or damage the fabric. The scrubbing action will loosen the Silly putty from the clothing fibers.

    Try holding the fabric you’re cleaning so that the rubbing alcohol and scrubbing only affect one layer rather than soaking through to the bottom of the garment. You can even clean with one hand on the underside of the stained section and the other on the top.

    A scrub brush or toothbrush is ideal for this task because the bristles provide more friction than a washcloth, but if the fabric is especially delicate, use a soft washcloth.

    Step Four: Repeat the rubbing alcohol and scrubbing procedure until the stain is removed. It may take many applications to remove the stain. Feel the fabric with your fingers – is it still slimy or slippery? If this is the case, Silly Putty is still in the material. Continue working until the material no longer feels slimy.

    As you clean, rinse your scrub brush, toothbrush, or washcloth several times. This will reveal whether or not putty is still being raised from the clothing.

    Step Five: Wash and air dry the stained item of clothing as usual. This gets rid of the rubbing alcohol smell as well as any leftover Silly putty. Allow it to air dry after washing rather than putting it in the dryer. Check the stained area after it has dried to see if it is still visible. If this is the case, repeat the rubbing alcohol and scrubbing process. 

    Putting the fabric in the dryer, even on low heat, would cause any remaining stain to set in. Allowing it to air dry allows you to inspect and perform any necessary cleaning.

    How to get silly putty out of clothes
    Country Diaries

    Method 2: Freezing the Putty

    Step One: Place the tainted item of clothing in the freezer and leave it there overnight. You don’t have to put the stained clothing in a bag, though you can if you want! The freezing temperature will harden the putty and cause it to shrink up into itself, making it easier to crack and peel off.

    Instead of freezing it overnight, try placing an ice cube or an ice bag directly on the stained area. The main goal is to get the putty as cold as possible before chipping it off.

    Step Two: Crack the frozen putty with a hammer or other hard object. This breaks up the stain into smaller, easier-to-remove chunks. Remove the frozen chunks from the clothing. Set the putty aside or on a paper towel to be discarded later. Deter from getting the silly putty on other surfaces where it might stick.

    Depending on how little or large the stain is, you may be able to simply peel off the frozen putty without first cracking it. Cracking large stains makes them easier to peel off in sections; if the stain is small, it may peel off without being cracked first.

    Step Three: Refreeze and repeat until the putty has been removed. You may notice some staining in the material’s fibers from whatever color the Silly Putty was. These small fragments may not be recovered by freezing because they have become embedded in the fabric.

    Because of the compounds in putty, some types will not freeze. If the putty still does not freeze after 12 hours in the freezer, you should try another method to remove the stain. 

    Due to the composition may not completely freeze depending on the type of silly putty used (brand versus made-at-home putties).

    Step Four: Launder the fabric and air dry it. Wash the clothing as usual, then hang it to dry rather than put it in the dryer. Check the stain after the clothing has dried to see if it has completely disappeared. If that doesn’t work, attempt one of the different stain removal methods. Allowing the shirt to air dry prevents the stain from setting in, as it would if dried in the dryer.

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    How to get silly putty out of clothes
    American Two Shot

    Method 3: Applying WD-40

    Step One: How to get silly putty out of clothes by Applying WD-40? Scrape off as much Silly Putty as you can with a blunt knife. Gently push the knife back and forth over the stain, being careful not to rip the fabric. Fold the fabric so the stain forms an edge and scrape from that point for stubborn stains.

    Put flaked Silly Putty to the side or on a paper towel to throw away later, and avoid getting it on other surfaces where it could get stuck. While scraping the fabric, wipe your knife down several times.

    Step Two: Allow WD-40 to soak into the stain for 4-5 minutes. If the odor bothers you, wear a face mask or perform this step outside or in a well-ventilated area. Attempt to keep the WD-40 away from other fabrics that do not need to be treated.

    The idea is that the oil in the WD-40 will lubricate the putty, allowing it to release its bond with the fabric and thus be easier to clean off.

    Step Three: Scrape off any excess Silly Putty with your knife and reapply WD-40. Repeat until the silly putty stain is soluble and slimy once more. It can take a minimum of two or three applications before you are confident that the stain has been lifted from the material.

    Wear rubber gloves when working with WD-40 if you don’t like the feel of it on your hands.

    Step Four: Using cotton swabs, remove the Silly Putty stain. Instead of rubbing back and forth, use a forward motion with the swabs. Set aside the WD-40 and Silly Putty-coated swab and replace it with a new one. Persist doing this until you have removed all of the silly putties. Cotton balls or thin cotton swabs, which are available at any drugstore, can be used.

    Step Five: Wipe the taint with a damp washcloth and dishwashing liquid. Remove any remaining residue from the fabric, periodically rinsing with cool water to check your progress. Repeat until the area appears free of oil, stain, and suds.

    Because you must clean around the entire WD-40 treated area, a large section of the material you are cleaning will be wet by the time you finish.

    Step Six: Allow the stained material to air dry after washing it on its own. Check the stained area after it has dried to see if it is free of the Silly Putty stain and the WD-40. If the stain persists, repeat the rubbing alcohol and dishwashing liquid procedure until it is clean. 

    Because the fabric contains oil, keep it separate from other clothes until it is completely clean, even if it is in the washer. Putting the fabric through the dryer would set any remaining stain. Allowing it to air dry allows you to check and do any additional stain removal work.


    Silly putty, which first appeared on store shelves in 1950, remains one of the most popular children’s toys. While Silly Putty is entertaining, it can cause headaches for parents who must remove this gooey gunk from clothing. Silly putty is sure to end up on clothing at some point, whether it’s a mom who sits on Silly putty or a little boy who tries to stick it on his pajama pants. 

    Fortunately, removing Silly Putty from clothing is a process that has been refined over time. Hope the methods discussed in this guide will assist you in resolving the problem of how to get silly putty out of clothes.

    Frequently asked questions on how to get silly putty out of clothes

    • Will silly putty dissolve in the washing?

    How to get silly putty out of clothes? You may be able to remove the Silly putty if you try to remove it after cleansing but before drying (while it is still wet). However, don’t hope the silly putty comes out of your clothes simply by washing them. To have any possibility of removing the stain, you must first treat it.

    • How to get silly putty out of clothes?

    How to get silly putty out of clothes? Remove as much putty as you can by scraping. Refrigerate the putty with ice cubes to make it easier to scrape away. Blot the stained area with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol. If the stain persists, rub it with liquid dish soap and wash as usual.

    • Does silly putty adhere to clothing?

    Silly putty is stretchy and sticky, and it’s fun to play with, but it can get stuck on clothes and make a mess. How to get silly putty out of clothes? Fortunately, there are several ways to withdraw Silly putty from fabric.

    • What breaks down, silly putty?

    How to get silly putty out of clothes? Hand sanitizer quickly dissolves silly putty and evaporates, making it simple to scrub away the stain. Because hand sanitizer may contain other ingredients such as aloe vera and fragrance, it may stain some fabrics, especially if left on for an extended period.

    • What was the purpose of Silly putty?

    Silly putty became one of the most popular toys of the twentieth century. People began to devise practical applications for it, such as picking up dirt and lint and sticking it to a wobbly leg to make a table more stable. Astronauts even used the goo on the Apollo 8 moon mission to keep their tools secure in zero gravity!


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