
    How To Find And Replace In A Word – The Best Actionable Guide

    To create a great document, you must learn how to find and replace in a Word. Microsoft Word or MS Word is often called Word. It is a graphical word processing program that the users can type with. Its purpose is typing and saving documents. Also, just like other word processors, it has several tools to create documents. However, to work in this program, you need to know how to find and replace in Word.

    So, let’s talk about how to find and replace in the Word below.

    Why is it important to know how to find and replace in a Word?

    Find and Replace are two handy tools in MS-Word. These can search your document for a specific phrase or Word. You can replace a word with another, which can help you when you need to change its spelling or change the entire Word. You can correct the Word within the entire document with just a few clicks.

    So, it is essential to know how to find and replace in a Word. Here are the steps for you.

    How to find and replace in a Word in Windows

    To do the process of how to find and replace in a Word, you need to do the steps:

    1. First, open your Word document, click on the “Home” option on the top left side, and click on “Replace” on the top right side. As an alternative way, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H.
    2. After that, type the phrase or Word you are trying to look at in the box showing “Find what,” and type the replacement phrase or Word in the box showing “Replace with.”
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    how to find and replace in a word
    1. Now, Word will take you to the first location of the phrase or Word. Click “Replace” to change or modify the phrase or Word with your replacement text for each case. You can select “Find Next” to go to the following location or instance.
    how to find and replace in a word
    1. If you want to replace all the instances, click on the option “Replace All.”

    So, in this way, you can complete how to find and replace in a Word in Windows.

    The process of how to find and replace in a Word on Mac

    If your operating system is Mac, you have to follow the steps mentioned below to do the process of finding and replacing in Word.

    1. First of all, open MS-Word on your Mac.
    2. Hover over or click on the option showing “Edit” you can find this tab in the top toolbar.
    3. Next, click or hover over the option “Find” from the dropdown menu.
    4. Now, you need to click on “Replace” or hold the “shift” + “command + “H” on your keyboard.
    how to find and replace in a word
    1. This will now open a side panel. Here you need to enter what you wish to find out in the first entry and what you want to replace within a second.
    2. After that, click on the “Find button” to locate the matches first, then the button shows ” Replace” to replace each match (you can highlight the one you want to change just by clicking on the list item). You can also click on the “Replace All” button to replace all the matching phrases or words.
    3. After making those changes, a pop-up will appear, “All done. We made _ replacements”. In the blank space, you will see the exact number of replacements.
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    You can also click on the gear icon to access the other options, including specifying the whole words only or case while searching. In addition to this, the gear icon usually gives the option to open the advanced find and search pop-up. You can also access this from the dropdown menu showing “Edit. “

    How to use Advanced Find and Replace in a Word on macOS

    1. First, Open MS-Word on your Mac.
    2. Then, click on or hover over the “Edit” option found in the top toolbar.
    3. After that, click or hover over the “Find” option from the dropdown menu.
    4. Now, click on the option “Advanced Find and Replace.”
    5. This will immediately open a pop-up menu with several options, including the options like “Replace,” “Replace All,” and “Find,” with some different specifications like prefixes and suffixes.

    So, to make some notable changes to your replacement, click on “Format” at the bottom of the pop-up ad select from the list. One of the helpful options is “Font.”

    1. You can easily specify a new style, font, size, color, and more on the front screen. So, make your changes and then click on “OK.”
    2. Whatever changes you make, the pop-up list will list your formatting changes under the option “Replace with.”
    3. Select to replace the first one and replace all, or find the next.
    4. Now, a pop-up will appear when your replacements are complete.

    In this way, you can quickly complete the entire process of using advanced Find and Replace in Word on macOS.


    Therefore, knowing about the entire process of finding and replacing in a Word is no doubt an essential part when you are working in MS-Word. This will help you modify or beautify any word within your entire Word document without any problem. Thus, you can work very smoothly and create a perfect document.

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    Performing different tasks in MS Word can be easy for most people. However, many need help with this. This blog on How To Make A Copy Of A Word Document: The Simplest Thing To Know! will be worth reading.


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