How To Clean Tile Floors Of All Kinds- 8 Best Maintainance Tips!

How To Clean Tile Floors Of Every Type!

You must be having a tough time keeping up with tile floors. In that case, learning how to clean tile floors can be time-saving, if not life-saving. If you have already gone through different cleaning methods, but nothing works well for you, here are a few ways to learn how to clean tile floors to have them shining as new.

Tile floors can remain forever, given that you deal with them appropriately. Fortunately, contrasted with a few different sorts of floors, tile is genuinely low-maintenance. All you want to keep the floor spotless and sparkling is warm water, a touch of cleanser or cleaning item, and a chamois mop or cloth.

How Often Should You Clean The Tile Floors

A tile floor must be “dry cleaned” or mopped or vacuumed at least two times a week to obtain riddance of the gritty residue that may otherwise dull the completion of the tile floor. Wet clean and mop your tile floor in the kitchen every two weeks and once a week in the bathroom. Spot-clean the middle grout once in two or three months to keep them in excellent condition.

You might have ceramic or porcelain, marble or natural stone, vinyl, or linoleum tile floors installed within your house. Do not panic, and we have covered all the cleaning ways for different types of tile floors. Here’s how to clean tile floors of every type.

How To Clean Tile Floors Made Of Ceramic

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Photo by jarmoluk on Pixabay

Sweeping ceramic floor tile is easy as long as you practice so often and does not let heavy soil build up. Weekly vacuuming, sweeping, and dry cleaning of the flooring will rescue you from the hardship of having to cleanse and use more powerful cleansers that may end up destroying the tile floors.

For a more in-depth clean, begin with the most gentle cleaning technique, warm water. If the tile is not coated with lustrous or glossy material, you must only use normal water for cleaning. For shiny tile, you can employ a soap with a water solution or a regular household cleaner compatible with every type of tiling. With the latter, you must always do a trial area first the same way as you take a patch test on your skin.

1. Cleaning Your Tile Floor Routinely

Vacuum or sweep two times a week- Cleaning with a vacuum or dry mop is excellent, though you can clean using a broom if you are in a rush. Go for a gentle and fluffy mop for dusting, preferably with a removable end that can be washed in a machine.

Do not employ a vacuum having a beater bar, which may rub or dull the tile flooring. Go for a vacuum extension for bare floors or a smooth head attachment. Mops having disposable dusters are additionally expensive in the long run and do not tend to clean and have fluffy, washable mop heads. For quick cleaning, brooms having rubber bristles work pretty well.

Use a damp mop on unglazed tile every other day- sweep or vacuum first. Fill your bucket with simple warm water. Wash the mop frequently, and substitute the water when it seems dirty.

Dodge from utilizing a sponge mop, as it can push dirty water within the grout. Unglazed tile will only be washed with water. Therefore, it requires more additional regular cleaning than glazed tile to evade staining.

Mop glazed tile weekly- sweep or vacuum before employing a wet mop. Fill the bucket using warm water. If the glazed tiles appear highly dirty, you may add a driblet of dish soap to one gallon of water. Wash the mop often, and switch out the water when it becomes too dirty.

Do not use a sponge mop, which may deposit contaminated water within the grout. If you operated soap, follow up using at least a rinse using the mop and simple water.

Dry the floor using clean towels- This will gather up any remaining dirt, avoid water spots, and provide the flooring with incredible shine. Drying the flooring is particularly significant if you have non-lustrous tiles.

Unglazed tiles are highly porous than glazed tiles, and when they are left wet, they are more feasible to gather organic staining from mildew or mold.

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2. How to release stubborn stains from the ceramic tiles

Pre-wet your floor- With a mop and warm water, wet the tile flooring before utilizing cleaning agents. The tile is absorbent and will soak the water to stop chemicals from infiltrating the tile.

You might reduce severe dirt before watering the floor using a broom or once the floor is wet with a plastic pot scrubber.

Scrub mildew or mold with water and soap- load the bucket with warm water and drops of dish soap. Wash the floor with a natural or nylon bristle brush.

You can leave your cleaning mixture on the floor for nearly ten to fifteen minutes, as long as you do not allow it to dry on the ceramic tile.

Wash the tiles- Once you are done scrubbing, rinse the tile floors– twice, if feasible– with normal water. Dry the tile flooring using terry cloth towels, if required.

If soap and water have not worked, test a homemade or commercial floor cleaner planned to clean ceramic tile.

Test the tile floor before utilizing any acid or chemical cleaner- Find a hidden area and perform a small test spot using the cleaner. Try a chemical or an acid-based cleaner with vigilance, only if required, and always observe the manufacturer’s guidelines. Make sure to pre-wet the floor sooner and thoroughly rinse it later.

The acid-based cleanser might be required to release lime or adhesive mortar staining. Do not use abrasive cleaners such as baking soda, powdered cleansing agents, or even creams promoted as “mildly” abrasive. These may damage your tile’s texture and design.

Illuminate the grout- Load a bucket using one ounce of Murphy Oil Soap, two gallons of warm water, and 1/2 cup of white vinegar. Sink a toothbrush or different narrow brush within the bucket and clean the grout. Prevent the tiling as much as you can.

As some contact with your floor tile is unavoidable, do a test first in a remote area. Let the dirty cleaner air dry onto the grout.

How To Clean Tile Floors Made Of Marble

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Photo by PRAIRAT_FHUNTA on Pixabay

There is nothing more graceful than marble tile floors. Its polished exterior and veining structure count a sense of stateliness to a mundane house.

However, sweeping marble tile floors is not as easy as other floor styles. Marble is highly porous and may damage quickly when not managed with care. If you wish to learn how to clean tile floors made of marble, look no further.

1. Prepare the water solution for cleaning

You must not use powerful chemicals or harsh brushes; your most suitable bet at hitting tough stains is just hot water. Hot water is highly productive at carving through dirt, oil, and other items that may be clinging to the tile floors.

So whether you are utilizing a cleaning blend or not, the water you use must be hot. Boil some on your stove or heat the water in a kettle.

We also positively recommend that you employ distilled water. This water runs through a method called distillation. Contaminants such as minerals are released during the process, exiting clean H2O.

Due to the piousness of distilled water, it will not tarnish, discolor or harm your precious marble tile floors. You can purchase distilled water at the nearby grocery store or prepare your own at house.

2. Add a Cleaner

Marble floors are absorbent and, thus, need a mild detergent. You can purchase pH-neutral cleaners, like the one from ZEP. These cleaners are mild and secure to use as they have the tiniest risk of irritation if they dribble on the skin.

Follow the guidance supplied by the selected product and add the needed amount to the hot water. You can discover specially created cartridges with a prepared solution safe for marble tile floors, like Bona Stone, if you have a jet mop.

3. Mop the Floor

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Please take out the most suitable microfiber mop; it can be a spin mop or a traditional manual mop. Spin mops are efficient as you can quickly squeeze most of the water out.

Begin at the most distant part of the room and function towards the door or exit. Quick strokes work nicely on marble, and do not be scared to overlap as you move. Dip and squeeze the mop often to prevent spreading dirt.

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4. Rinse

Once you clean the floor using detergent and hot water, it is time to wash. Fill a bucket with cool, clean water. Then use the exact method to clean by dipping and squeezing as required.

Mopping the tile floor an extra time will release any remnants from the cleaning mixture. It’s also a fantastic way to free any remaining dirt or grime.

Quick Tip (How to clean tile floors)

Replace the water as frequently as you can. When it starts to look cloudy, change it. This will destroy any chance of lines or scratches generated by debris within the water.

5. Dry The Floor

Drying marble tile floors is essential if you wish for a good result and stop water damage. Use a pure and soft fabric or towel to wipe down the floor. Switch it when required. This was how to clean tile floors of marble or natural stone.

Quick Tip

Envelop a clean towel near a floor squeegee to effortlessly wipe large rooms in one go. It will also preserve your knees and back from needing to bend.

How to Clean Tile Floors That Are Resilient

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Photo by expresswriters on Pixabay

Tile floors are of so many types. Wondering how to clean tile floors of other materials?

Tile floors are made from linoleum, cork, vinyl, and rubber materials. A resilient tile is a superb option if you wish for a surface accessible on the feet and requires minimal supervision. Keep the given tips in your senses when cleaning the resilient tile floor. Here’s how to clean tile floors made of resilient materials.

  • Vinyl Tile: This resilient tile flooring type is also effortless to maintain. Just sweep or clean up trash and mop using a vinyl cleaning solution from stores or water and vinegar. Do not use a harsh cleaner or scrubbing tool on vinyl as it might score the surface.
  • Linoleum Tile: Though it is usually mistaken for vinyl tile flooring, linoleum is a significantly diverse material with different cleaning needs. After cleaning or vacuuming, clean the linoleum tile using a flooring washing solution or Borax detergent and water. Wash, clean, and allow the floor to dry. To save your linoleum floors, spread a coat of wax or fluid wax and buff to a polish every 3 to 6 months.
  • Cork Tile: The cleaning maintenance your cork tile requires will differ based on the finish on the tiles. If the cork exterior is closed with polyurethane (utmost cork floors are), neat with water and gentle detergent or just white vinegar, then wash well. If the cork is incomplete or waxed, observe the cleaning guidelines for polyurethane but spread solid or liquid wax after the tile is dry.

Tip: Do not use a steam mop on these tile classes. They are not prepared to stand up to intense heat or surplus moisture.

How To Maintain Tile Floors

1. Clean any spills as soon as they happen

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Photo by mohamed_hassan on Pixabay

Due to the absorbent surface, marble tile flooring will soak standing water and drinks— such as spills and stains. When this occurs, the marble will either tarnish or discolor. If you wish to save yourself on learning so much about how to clean tile floors, your best bet is to clean spills as soon as you can.

The most promising thing to do is to wash spills as they occur. Utilize a damp cloth (preferably a microfiber) to smear up the spill. Begin from the boundaries and work your way into the middle to bypass spreading the fluids.

2. Never Allow the Floor to Air Dry

Letting your floors, especially the marble ones, air dry can be destructive. When your floor air dries, both detergent and water are absorbed by the marble. This will contuse or stain the floors.

Always utilize a clean fabric or towel for drying the floor once mopping is done. It is also a fine idea to utilize as little water as feasible when washing by squeezing it thoroughly.

The different processes of irritating and drying floors can make sweeping more challenging. However, this will provide the best results while maintaining the sensitive surface.

3. Go for Mild Detergents

If you decide to utilize a detergent on the floors, always choose a pH-neutral derivative. These pH-neutral products are soft to the surface. Thus, it is secure to use on marble. However, they are less effective at clearing difficult stains corresponding to acidic or alkaline products.

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Vinegar is typically used to cleanse different kinds of flooring, such as floor tiles and hardwood. Nevertheless, vinegar is a big no-no when it comes to cleaning marble. Vinegar is acidic in nature, with a pH level of two or three, and will, thus, harm the surface.

Other generally-used cleaners to detour on marble tile floors are:

  • Citrus cleansers like orange or lemon.
  • Ceramic floor cleaners.
  • Ammonia

4. Felt Removes Scuff Marks

Scuff marks can occur when furniture is pulled along the tile floor — sneakers and other shoes can also lead to them. Whatever the reason, though, scuff marks can be annoying to locate on your beautiful tile floors.

Most scuff marks must be able to get off once you mop the floor. However, if you see a few obstinate marks, you can try a tennis ball or felt pad. Lightly spread some mild detergent with water to the pad and massage the floor.

Note On How to clean tile floors- Avoid massaging in circular motions as this can harm the floors.

5. Use a Marble Sealer For Marble Tile Floors

Sealing the marble floors is the most promising way to maintain them. It is a job efficiently done for any innovative DIY’er. You can purchase marble sealers at the local collection store or home advancement store. There’s also a spectrum of choices on online stores like Amazon and Home Depot.

Use any product such as a spray. Sprays are easy to use and save the marble against grease and spills. With many sealers, you spread it well and let the product penetrate the natural tile floor. After the needed time, you either brush off or clean off the surplus.

Some sealers need resealing after three years, while others may last up to five. If you feel uncertain about how to seal the floors, contact an experienced person to help you out.

6. Sweep Regularly, Mop Occasionally

Dust can quickly make your floors appear dull. Dirt with big grains can lead to scratches on the floors when dragged around by bare feet or shoes.

Sweeping occasionally with a soft broom or dust mop can hold dust, soil, and scratches at bay. Delicate vacuuming with a suitable machine can also accomplish the job.

You may be content to hear that marble floors d not need mopping that frequently. Unless you have a bustling home with children and pets, once a month must be enough for a deep clean. Because marble is susceptible to water, restricting mopping can help to maintain the delicate surface of the floors for a long time.

7. Use Baking Soda with Carefulness

If you discover very stubborn stains, you might need to use baking soda — but with cautiousness. Baking soda is alkaline and must be handled with caution. It’s also marked as a mild-abrasive cleaner, so there is no need to use too much pressure when cleaning.

Sprinkle a tiny amount of baking soda onto that stain. With a soft, damp cloth, rub the exterior gently; do not cleanse. Rinse the place well with cold water to balance the alkaline, and dry the area with a soft towel.

Make sure you do not let the baking soda sit on the floor for an extended time. It is always more helpful to repeat a procedure than risk lengthy exposure. Baking soda will darken the glossy finish on your floors.

8. Use Carpets and Rugs

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Placing some carpets and rugs in high-traffic locations can help to deter wear on the floors. It will also restrict dust and soil. You can likewise use doormats by doors as a friendly reminder for guests to release their shoes or wipe them.

Using bright rugs and carpets is perfect for showing your excellent taste and style. Mix and match various colors and designs to create a delightful atmosphere for you and your home. They’ll also maintain your feet warm during the cold winter days.

That was everything about- How to clean tile floors for great results.


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