
    5 Days Dumbbell Workout to Stay Fit and Strong

    5 Days Dumbbell Workouts – In this fast-paced world, people are not taking care of their health. People face severe issues like diabetes, thyroid, breathing issues, digestive issues, and move on. People are facing these issues as they are under more stress, lack of sleep, and no proper nutrition diet.

    There is a chance to change it all at an affordable cost, and no fancy gym is required or fancy nutritionists. You can start by working out at home with the help of 5 days of dumbbells workout. Being honest with yourself and stopping investing in junk, and eating healthy will save your money and help you detoxify the body. Try to sleep for at least 5 – 6 hours.

    After Covid-19, people start trying to be fit and keep themselves hydrated and eat healthily. Following a healthy lifestyle, your immune system can be more robust and produce more antibodies in your body to fight against diseases.

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    Working out can be fun if you just be dedicated to the workout. The 5 days dumbbell workout can be used by both men and women for their desire, like losing some weight, building muscles, or being fit and active. Two more things you have to follow are keeping your eat clean and drink a lot of water in the whole day to make that complex workout effect, as 75% of your food and water changes your body and mind.


    Our body is made up of joints and muscles. They are 24 hours active. Before starting any workout, it is advisable to do a 15 mins mobility to circulate the blood flow better, release the tensions on the joints and muscles, and also avoid muscle injury or cramps after the workout.

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    Before starting any workout, please make sure the room temperature is average. You have a water bottle with you; use it after every two exercises and a towel to clean out the sweat.

    Mobility for 5 days dumbbell workout, which you have to follow before every workout day, are

    #1 Neck Rotation and Anti-clockwise – 10 reps

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    #2 Shoulder Rotation and Anti-clockwise – 10 reps

    Posterior Or Backward Shoulder Retraction GIF by ePainAssist - Find & Share on GIPHY

    #3 Wrist Rotation and Anticlockwise – 10 reps


    #4 Palm Stretch – 40 seconds hold


    #5 Toe touch – 10 reps each side


    #6 Knee Rotation and Anti-clockwise – 10 reps


    #7 Ankle twist and Anti-clockwise – 10 reps



    Warmup increases the heart rate, increasing the muscle’s temperature that produces more energy in power, improving muscle reflexes, and lowering the time it takes to contract a muscle during a workout. The warmup prevents muscle injuries and helps in the proper concentration of strength while working out.

    The warm-up exercise you have to follow daily after mobility for 5 days dumbbell workout:

    Note. Take 20-30 seconds rest after every workout

    #1 Skipping- 20 reps x 5 sets

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    #2 High Knee Jumps – 30 seconds x 3 sets

    Pin on Running

    #3 Burpee – 10 reps x 5 sets


    #4 Wall Squads – 20 reps x 5 sets


    Day 1 – 5 Days Dumbbell Workout

    Workout (Chest)

    #1 Push-up – 20reps x 5 Sets

    Fitness Push Up GIF by 8fit - Find & Share on GIPHY

    #2 Flat Dumbbell Press – 15, 12, 10 reps


    #3 Flat Dumbbell Fly- 15, 12,10 reps


    #4 Pull over- 18, 15, 12


    #5 Decline Pushups – 20 x 3


    Day 2 of 5 Days Dumbbell Workout

    Workout (Back)

    #1 Pull-Ups – 20 reps x 5 sets


    #2 Dumbbell Deadlift – 20,15,12,10 reps

    Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift | Straight leg deadlift, Dumbell workout, Deadlift

    #3 Single- Hand Dumbbell row – 15, 12, 10 reps


    #4 Dumbbell Row- 15, 12, 10 reps


    #5 Superman extensions – 30 seconds, 3 sets


    Day 3 of 5 Days Dumbbell Workout

    Workout (Shoulder)

    #1 Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press – 15, 12, 10 reps


    #2 Arnold Shoulder Press – 15, 12, 10 reps


    #3 Side- Lateral Raises – 15, 12, 10 reps

    5 Days Dumbbell Workout

    #4 Front Dumbbell Raises – 15, 12, 10 reps


    #5 Dumbbell Shrugs – 20, 15, 12, 10 Reps


    Day 4 of 5 Days Dumbbell Workout

    Workout (Legs)

    #1 Standing Lunges – 20 reps x 3 sets


    #2 Sumo Squats – 25, 20, 15 reps


    #3 Front Weighted Dumbbell Squats – 20 reps x 5 sets


    #4 Stiff Leg Deadlift – 20, 18, 15, 10 reps


    #5 Calf Raises – 20 reps x 4 sets


    Day 5 of 5 Days Dumbbell Workout

    Workout (Arms)

    #1 Dumbbell Curl – 20, 15, 12 reps


    #2 Hammer Curl – 15, 12, 10 reps

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    #3 Concerted Curl – 15, 12, 10 reps



    #4 One Arm Over Head extension – 15, 12, 10 reps


    #5 Bench Dips – 18, 15, 12 reps


    #6 Triceps Kick Back – 15, 12, 10 reps


    Core Exercises

    The core is one of our body’s vital muscles; it is beneficial and plays a crucial role while performing various exercises. It essential to have a good core and maintain the balance of the body in every workout.

    The Core exercises for the 5 Days Dumbbell Workout are:

    #1 Leg Raise – 20 x 3 sets


    #2 Crunches – 20 x 3 sets


    #3 Russian Twist – 20 x 3 sets

    Russian Twist: How to Do, Plus Variations and Muscles Worked

    #4 Plank – 30 seconds, 4 sets


    #5 Side Plank – 30 seconds, 4 sets


    Cool Down

    After a long hard working workout, we have to cool down the body to bring the body muscle optimal temperature and heart rate. This will get the muscle length expected and reduces the chances of feeling dizzy or weak after the workout.

    The cooldown workout to be followed for the 5 days dumbbell workout:

    #1 Straight forward Walk – 30 seconds, 3 sets


    #2 Downward-facing Dog – hold for 1 min


    #3 Cobra Pose _ Hold for 1 min


    #4 Child Pose – Hold for 1 min

    5 Days Dumbbell Workout

    #5 Corpse Pose – Hold for 2 mins


    Benefits of Workout At Home

    Working out at home is challenging, but it has many benefits, due to which you should opt and consider working out at home.

    #1 You can work any time of day according to your comfort

    When we start working out, mostly we miss the workout due to the hectic time-table. Once we begin missing the training, we lose the will to go back. When you’re working out at home, you get flexible time to work out according to your suitable time.

    #2 As you have to work at home, no more time traveling to the gym

    The biggest problem living in a modern Metro-Politian city is a traffic jam, so traveling takes most of the time from one place to another. Still, while working out at home, you come home after office and workout after relaxing.

    #3 No more extra expenditure on gym fees

    Working out at home is very affordable as you don’t have to pay for anything. You can work out in your own space with the help of a resistance band, and dumbbells which are not that expensive.

    #4 You can work out in private

    When you work out in a gym or park, you get conscious as many people are around you, and you feel very uncomfortable, but while working out at home, you can be you and workout without thinking about anything.

    #5 You can keep your results in check

    When you’re working out on your own, it is easy to check on your results as you keep analyzing your body and workout and plan according to it to get the best results.

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    #6 You will gain knowledge about workout and nutrition, be independent of yourself for your growth

    To work on yourself, you have to educate yourself to avoid injuries, which makes you knowledgeable and independent from depending on gym trainers.

    #7 Living a disciplined life will also give you some time for yourself and help you reduce stress in life

    Primarily we all work around the clock, don’t get time for things mostly. Having a disciplined life will schedule every day to day task, so you can get time for yourself and efficiently manage time according to your way.

    #8 Benefits of working out are that you don’t have to worry about any disease, and you know your immune system can fight off easily

    Our body is made up of a lot of components. To keep it in the best shape, we have to feed and give what the body needs to maintain. Gradually, when we go for a balanced diet and workout, our body starts to detox the toxins inside our body and improve the immune system that results in solid antibodies that protect our body from all the diseases.

    #9 Working out will bring a new you with more confidence

    When you workout, your body starts changing after some weeks, and you start seeing the changes, like getting build-up or losing weight. It brings new confidence and believes in yourself from the inside.

    #10 Makes your skin clear and young

    The body changes after you start working out, and people who eat healthily and workout every day have flawless skin and your heart young and fit.

    #11 Increase positivity inside you and make you more cheerful

    Working out and good food also releases all the negativity inside you. It helps maintain mental peace, making you more productive, happy, cheerful, and makes your mind more positive and creative.

    FAQs – 5 Days Dumbbell Workout

    #1 Is it possible to build muscle just by using dumbbells?

    You can build muscle, get lean or lose weight by using only dumbbells. Just proper workout routine and diet much be maintained.

    #2 which dumbbell weight should be idle to use?

    The best dumbbell sets will be 5kg and 10kg, as it’s not risky and best for the beginner.

    #3 Should we workout daily?

    Working out every day is good until you are not pushing yourself harshly and not resting properly.

    #4 How quickly can someone see results?

    Usually, if someone is disciplined and focused on their goal, they see results within eight weeks of dedicated working out and honest nutrition.

    #5 What are the advantages of only using dumbbells?

    The benefits of using dumbbells are:

    • Burn fats and increases the metabolism of the body.
    • Improve the joints, muscles, and bones strong.
    • Help you in keeping you safe against injuries.


    It is essential to be honest with your workout and diet, as you can only build yourself with strong will and dedication. You can create at home if you’re busy and don’t get much time to travel to the gym. Working out at home is the best and most affordable way to keep your body healthy.

    In this 21st century, we have mainly youth populations worldwide; fitness spread among them as the new generation is attached to junk, soft drinks, and nightlife.

    You are planning to change yourself by focusing on your own, then don’t hesitate and fear failures as they will be a part of your journey. Once you fail, you can only learn the actual value of success, and all your hard work will pay off.




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