
    Almond Butter vs Peanut Butter | Which One Is The Best For You?

    Almond butter vs peanut butter, which option is better? Wondering a question like this is quite common nowadays and I’m sure you have also wondered this at some point.

    According to serious eats, 89 percent of households in the US consume peanut butter. From this data, you can easily see that how popular peanut butter is. But from when almond butter has entered the market, the confusion between almond and peanut butter has risen.

    Most of the people who used to consume peanut butter are now are turning to almond butter or they are confused about which one to choose. So, if you are also the one who falls into these categories, keep reading this article.

    Here we are going to do a brief comparison of almond butter and peanut butter.

    Almond Butter vs Peanut Butter: A Quick Overview

    almond butter vs peanut butter
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    There are not very big differences between almond and peanut butter. Both are known to be very healthy but almond butter is just a bit more which might be because of the following reasons:

    • It is very high in vitamin E
    • It is full of healthy fats
    • It contains higher iron content
    • It is an excellent source of fiber
    • It provides you a good amount of magnesium

    Almond butter has the ability to provide you much more nutrition than peanut butter but it is a bit pricey. If you have budget issues, you should definitely go for peanut butter.

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    Peanut butter also gives you a good amount of nutrition. It is known to be a very rich source of nutrients like iron, vitamin E, potassium, etc. Also, according to Healthline, peanut butter provide slightly more protein than almond butter.

    Almond Butter vs Peanut Butter: Major Nutritional Differences

    As we mentioned above almonds and peanut butter are not that much different from each other. But still, there are a few major nutritional differences that are important to consider.

    Here’s a quick comparison that shows all the major nutritional differences. The comparison will be based on 2 tablespoons of almond and peanut butter.


    almond butter vs peanut butter
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    Unfortunately, they both contain almost the same amount of calories.

    A 2 tablespoon of peanut butter will give you 200 calories. On the other hand, 2 Tbsp of almond butter will give you 202 calories.

    You see there is almost no difference. So, if you want a nut butter that provides a good amount of calories, both are a better pick for you.


    Peanut butter is known to be a better source of fiber.

    A 2 Tbsp of peanut butter will give 2.0 grams of fiber and a 2 Tbsp of almond butter will give you 1.2 grams of fiber.

    So, if you want more fiber in your diet to give a boost to your digestion, peanut butter is good to go with.


    Peanut butter contains more sugar than almond butter.

    A 2 Tbsp of peanut butter will give you 2.0-grams of sugar. On the other hand, 2 Tbsp of almond butter will give you 0.0 grams of sugar.

    Go for almond butter if you don’t want much sugar in your diet.

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    almond butter vs peanut butter
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    Almond butter will give you a bit more fat than peanut butter.

    A 2 Tbsp of almond butter will give you almost 19.0-grams of fat and 2 Tbsp of peanut butter will give you 16.0-grams of fat.

    Go for almond butter if you want to consume more healthy fats to get the benefits like reduced inflammation, lower cholesterol levels, etc.


    As we mentioned above that peanut butter contains slightly more protein than almond butter.

    A 2 Tbsp of peanut butter will give 10.0 grams of protein. On the other hand, 2 Tbsp almond butter will give you 4.0 grams of protein.

    For everyone who wants high protein in their diet, peanut butter is a great pick.

    Vitamins and Mineral

    Both almond and peanut butter are known to be great sources of vitamins and minerals. But still, there are a few differences that are necessary to mention. Here are some of the major ones.

    • Almond butter contains more calcium than peanut butter.
    • Peanut butter contains more vitamin B.
    • Almond butter contains more zinc.
    • Peanut butter contains more niacin.
    • Almond butter contains more potassium.
    • Peanut butter contains more folate.
    • Almond butter contains more iron, magnesium, and vitamin E.

    You can easily see that both contain a very good amount of vitamins and minerals. But almond butter is considered the best source of all the micronutrients.


    Again, they both contain almost the same quantity of carbohydrates.

    A 2 Tbsp of almond butter will give you 6.8 grams of carbohydrates. On the other hand, 2 Tbsp of peanut butter will give you 6.0-grams of carbohydrates.

    You see, there is not that much difference so you can pick up any one of them if you want a decent amount of carbs in your diet.

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    Almond Butter vs Peanut Butter: Price Differences

    almond butter vs peanut butter
    Photo by Corleto Peanut butter on Unsplash

    Almond butter is quite expensive. If you are on a low budget, peanut butter can be a good pick.

    Most of the peanut butter brands will cost you around $3-$6 and almond butter will cost you around $10 for a jar or maybe more.

    If you don’t have any budget issues, then you can definitely go for almond butter. But don’t worry if you are on a low budget, peanut butter is also a better choice and can provide you a very good amount of nutrients at a very reasonable price.

    Almond Butter vs Peanut Butter: Which One Should You Pick?

    Well, both almond and peanut butter are known as very healthy options. However, almond butter contains just a little bit more nutrients than peanut butter. But, peanut butter is also a good source of fats, protein, and many other nutrients.

    There is also a huge difference in their price tags. So make sure to choose the one according to your budget.

    One more thing to remember: Almond and peanut butter are also know to be common allergens. So, if you are predisposed to food intolerance and gut health issues or have some kind of allergies, then these nut butter might not be a good fit for you.

    Final Words

    Almond butter vs peanut butter
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    Almond butter and peanut butter have very few differences. If someone wants to buy one of these, it will be dependent on what are their needs? Here are a few things that one should consider while choosing one of these nut butter.

    • Nutritional needs
    • Budget
    • Allergies issues

    A buying tip for you: Whichever nut butter you choose, just make sure to take a look at the ingredients. Choose the one that is made up of only peanut, almond, or/and salt.

    So that was all about almond butter vs peanut butter. Now we hope that this article was helpful to you.


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