
    104 Best Male Cat Names for Your New Kitten

    Cats are such adorable creatures that you can’t help but melt at every look they give you. Whatever they do doesn’t make you stop loving them whatsoever and that is why when it comes to naming them, you do not want to make any compromises and want to choose only the best suitable name for them. In this article, I will tell you about the best male cat names.

    People choose names for their cats based on a lot of things, it doesn’t matter if it’s one of the male cat names or female names. What matters is that the name should suit their cats. Some might choose the name based on the behavior of the cat while some might prefer to name their cats based on their appearance.

    People also like to name their cats based on some sort of food or other such things. A lot of people also like to choose male cat names from a fandom that they like. It could be a movie series or book series or their favorite sports star, anything goes as long as you and your cat are happy with the name.

    Although, sometimes it happens that you might not know what to name your cats and at those times, you might try to ask people for suggestions or search for a number of names that will help you make a choice.

    So that is why I will be telling you about the best 104 male cat names that you can choose from or get inspired by, to name your cat. If you have a white cat then check out the article about the White Cat Names.

    To make it easier for you to browse, I have divided this article into 4 sections:

    1. Male Cat Names Based On Fandoms
    2. Male Cat Names With Beautiful Meanings
    3. Cute Male Cat Names
    4. Other Male Cat Names

    So let us get started and find the best name for your cat.


    Male Cat Names Based On Fandoms

    male cat names

    A. Apollo

    Character Son of the King of Gods Zeus
    Fandom Name Greek Mythology/ Percy Jackson
    Meaning God of Sun, Music, Poetry, etc.
    Popular In Europe and America

    The first in this list of best male cat names is Apollo, the Greek god of the Sun. This name would suit any cat of yours who is very lively and always happy and ready for activities. Although this might be a rare quality, certain cats do have it. If by some miracle you have trained your cat to sing or plan to, then Apollo is the name to use.


    B. Bruce

    Character Batman/ Hulk
    Fandom Name DC/ Marvel
    Meaning Willow lands
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    If you are searching for male cat names that connect fandoms, Bruce is a great name as it is the name of both Batman and Hulk. Both of these characters are known to be very wise and loving for the people close to them. So if you love these characters, you can choose this name for your cat.


    C. Crookshanks

    Character Hermione’s pet cat
    Fandom Name Harry Potter
    Meaning Bendy legs of cats
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, and America

    Crookshanks is a name that would come to your mind if you are a Potterhead. Crookshanks was the pet cat of Hermione and he was very loyal to her. Ron might have not liked him but Crookshanks still cared about him. The name also sounds very cute when you think of its meaning.


    D. Draco

    Character Nemesis Of Harry at Hogwarts
    Fandom Name Harry Potter
    Meaning Dragon
    Popular In Europe and America

    This is another name from the Harry Potter fandom and if you are one of the Draco or Tom Felton stans, then choosing this name would be a great idea. Draco means a dragon and I know your cat might not be a dragon but if he has the attitude of one, then this name would suit him.


    E. Emrys

    Character Merlin’s alias
    Fandom Name Celtic Mythology/ Merlin
    Meaning Immortal
    Popular In Europe and Australia

    Emrys is another name amongst those male cat names that come from mythology. Emrys was the alias of Merlin, who had the name because it meant immortal. Emrys is a great name for a cat who is very cute and knows how to enchant you to love him because Merlin was considered to be the greatest enchanter.


    F. Frodo

    Character The main protagonist
    Fandom Name Lord of The Rings
    Meaning Wise by experience
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, and America

    If you are a die-hard Lord of the Rings fan and you are searching for some male cat names then why not go for Frodo?! Everyone who has read or watched Lord of the Rings would definitely love this hobbit. And if your cat is a notorious one and likes sneaking to places, then Frodo would suit him.


    G. Goose

    Character Goose the cat/ flerken (who took Fury’s eye)
    Fandom Name Marvel Cinematic Universe
    Meaning Giving a boost/ a foolish person / a bird / poking someone
    Popular In Europe and America

    Goose was the cat who was not a cat in the Captain Marvel movie. Anyone who has the power to take away Fury’s eye must be a powerful person. So Goose makes its way into this top male cat names list because of that. You can use this name if you have a cat who is very foolish and always looking for trouble.


    H. Hermes

    Character Son of the king of gods, Zeus
    Fandom Name Greek Mythology/ Percy Jackson
    Meaning God of Thieves, Travelers, Messengers, etc
    Popular In Europe, Asia, and America

    Hermes is the Greek god of travelers and thieves and this would be one of the best male cat names for your cat if he likes to sneak and rob things like food or toys in your house. You can also use it if your cat runs very fast.


    I. Ikaris

    Character One of the lead members of the Eternals
    Fandom Name Marvel
    Meaning Variation of Icarus, an over-ambitious boy in the Greek Mythology
    Popular In Europe and America

    Rather than focusing on what character the name is derived from, let us focus on the person who carries the name. Ikaris is a very loyal, brave, and powerful character in the Eternals comics. You can use it as one of the male cat names for your pet if they are just full of positivity and love.


    J. Jaskier

    Character Geralt’s friend, the bard
    Fandom Name The Witcher
    Meaning Buttercup, a plant with cup-shaped yellow flowers
    Popular In Europe and South America

    Jaskier is probably one of the most loyal characters in the Witcher series and he has stuck with Geralt through a lot of things. Don’t worry I won’t spoil it for those of you who haven’t read the novels. Just keep in mind that the name Jaskier gives off an aura of love, loyalty, beauty, and care and it would be perfect for your little kitten.


    K. Krillin

    Character One of the Z warriors and Goku’s friends
    Fandom Name Dragon Ball franchise
    Meaning Chestnut
    Popular In Asia and America

    Krillin or Kuririn has been Goku’s friend since forever and even though he did not have many powers, he has stuck with him. If your cat is just as loyal and lovely as him and if you are a Dragon Ball fan then you should definitely use this name.


    L. Loki

    Character Brother of Thor
    Fandom Name Norse Mythology/ Marvel
    Meaning God of mischief
    Popular In All over the world

    Loki is a character famous for his notorious ways and we love him for that. A name that means the god of mischief has to be on the list of best male cat names because there are a lot of cats on whom this name would fit perfectly.


    M. Merlin

    Character Loyal friend of King Arthur
    Fandom Name Celtic Mythology/ Merlin
    Meaning Sea fortress
    Popular In Europe and America

    For those of you who do not know Merlin is, the easiest way to explain would be to say that he was the best and most powerful magician in Celtic Mythology. He was always by King Arthur’s side and he was an immortal. Merlin is a cute name for any cat who is big and strong.


    N. Nova

    Character One of the Secret Avengers/ Guardians of the Galaxy/
    Fandom Name Marvel
    Meaning A sudden increase in a star’s light
    Popular In All over the world

    Nova is one of the most powerful superheroes in the Marvel comics and a defender of humanity. Aside from what it would mean to the Marvel fans, the name Nova sounds super cool and cute and that is why it makes its way to the best male cat names list.


    O. Olaf

    Character Snowman created by Anna and Elsa
    Fandom Name Disney (Frozen)
    Meaning Ancestor’s relic
    Popular In All over the world

    Olaf is a super cute name for any cat and if the cat has white fur then you should definitely choose this name for him. Olaf is a very fun character and it would prove to be a good cat name for your mischievous cat.


    P. Padfoot

    Character Harry’s Godfather
    Fandom Name Harry Potter
    Meaning A grim-like dog
    Popular In Europe and America

    Even though the name Padfoot might be more suitable for a dog as it was originally a dog’s name, you can still choose it for your cat because the name just sounds very cute. Padfoot is a name that everyone around the world loves.


    Q. Quill

    Character One of the member of the Guardians of the Galaxy
    Fandom Name Marvel
    Meaning Tail feathers of a bird
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Quill is a hilarious character who might not always want to get into trouble but somehow ends up being in a complicated situation. It’s one of the best male cat names if your cat causes a lot of trouble as well.


    R. Ron

    Character Harry’s best friend
    Fandom Name Harry Potter
    Meaning Mountain of strength/ a ruler’s counselor
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Ron is one of Harry’s best friends and very brave and loving as well. He was always with Harry helping him and even the name means a mountain of strength so that is why you should definitely choose it for your cat as it is a sweet and short name.


    S. Skylar

    Character Walter White’s wife
    Fandom Name Breaking Bad
    Meaning Noble scholar
    Popular In Europe, Asia, and America

    The character of Skylar in Breaking Bad is a powerful character and it would be a great name for your cat because one, it sounds great and two, you can shorten the name and just use Sky as your cat’s name.


    T. Tyrion

    Character One of the Lannisters
    Fandom Name Game Of Thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire
    Meaning Rock
    Popular In All over the world

    Tyrion is probably the sassiest and smartest character in the Game of Thrones franchise and he always has a witty comeback and savage replies. You can name your cat Tyrion if he is smart and knows how to get what he wants from you.


    U. Urchin

    Character Ariel’s friend
    Fandom Name Disney (The Little Mermaid)
    Meaning A young child poorly dressed
    Popular In Europe and America

    The name Urchin might not have a pretty meaning but the character was a very loving person. The name Urchin just sounds very cute as well. You think of that word and a small furry kitten comes to your mind instantly.

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    V. Vader

    Character Main Antagonist in the original trilogy
    Fandom Name Star Wars
    Meaning Father
    Popular In Europe, Australia and America

    Darth Vader might have been the villain in the original trilogy but he had a past that led him to it. Even with all that, he is a character we all love to hate. If you have a black cat then this is probably one of the best male cat names for him.


    W. Wayne

    Character Batman
    Fandom Name DC
    Meaning Wagon builder or driver
    Popular In All over the world

    Bruce Wayne is a very smart and strong character and this would be a great name for your cat if he has bat-like ears or if he is black in color.


    X. Xavier

    Character Founder Of X-men
    Fandom Name Marvel
    Meaning Bright and splendid
    Popular In All over the world

    Xavier is a very unique name and if you are a Marvel or X-men fan then this should be the name you choose to call your cat by. You rarely ever see people with pets who have such a unique name and it would fit your cat if you believe he is a special one.


    Y. Yoda

    Character The legendary Jedi Master and teacher of Luke Skywalker
    Fandom Name Star Wars
    Meaning A warrior, one who knows
    Popular In All over the world

    Yoda might be one of the cutest male cat names on this list just because of how the character appeared as Baby Yoda in Star Wars. Yoda is a powerful Jedi master and if you are a die-hard Star Wars fan then this is what you should name your cat.


    Z. Zeno

    Character The King Of All
    Fandom Name Dragon Ball Franchise
    Meaning King of everything
    Popular In Asia and America

    You might know the name Zeno from the Dragon Ball franchise in which Zeno appears as the King of everything. If you are a Greek geek then you would recognize this name as Zeus’s gift. Whatever meaning you prefer, you can use. Zeno is a very adorable name to give to your cat.


    Male Cat Names With Beautiful Meaning

    male cat names

    A. Angel

    Meaning Messenger of God
    Origin Latin, Greek
    Best Suited For White cats
    Popular In All over the world

    Any cat that is white in color would love it if you named him Angel. A name that means the messenger of God is already very beautiful and when you combine that with how your cat looks, the combination is just heavenly, pun very much intended.


    B. Bolt

    Meaning A bolt of lightning
    Origin Anglo-Saxon
    Best Suited For A fast cat
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, and America

    A lightning bolt is something that you can see from miles away and it still looks beautiful. It comes by and passes away so fast that it travels thousands of miles in a second, So it would be a suitable name for your cat if he is a very fast runner or even if he has a bolt-like mark on his body somewhere.


    C. Casper

    Meaning Treasurer
    Origin Aramaic
    Best Suited For A very sheltered cat
    Popular In Europe, Australia, America

    Treasurer is a word that means that everything this person owns is very precious to them and the same is the case with the cats because it’s not us who are their owners but rather they own us. Cats love their human partners very much so any cat that might be possessive towards his owner would love the name Casper.


    D. Dev

    Meaning God
    Origin Sanskrit
    Best Suited For White and regal cats
    Popular In Europe and Asia

    Dev is a word that represents a lot of things like a god, or a lord of something, or an owner but the most used meaning is god. This name would be one of the best male cat names for a cat that behaves regally or has blessed your life with his presence.


    E. Ezekiel

    Meaning God’s strength
    Origin Hebrew
    Best Suited For A strong, brave cat
    Popular In Europe and Asia

    Ezekiel is the most popular surname in the European countries. Although in other parts of the world it is used as a first name as well. Ezekiel would be amongst the best male cat names when it comes to names that are associated with God. If you are a person of religion, then this would be a great option for you.


    F. Felix

    Meaning Lucky, successful
    Origin Latin
    Best Suited For A cat that brought luck with it for you or is always very lucky
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, and America

    There are people that are born with luck, be it for themselves or for the people around them. These people just bring happiness with them and if your cat has such traits, then you should surely name them Felix. It is a cool and unique name and you will love it if it rolls off your tongue and this is why it’s on this list of best male cat names.


    G. Gabriel

    Meaning God is my strength
    Origin Hebrew
    Best Suited For People who believe their cat is God’s gift
    Popular In All over the world

    Sometimes people can’t help but be overprotective and loving of their cat and believing that their cat is a gift given to them by God. If you are one such person then you should name your cat Gabriel. You can shorten the name to Gabby or anything similar that you like. Anything who hears this name would definitely say that it is a beautiful and lovely name.


    H. Harvey

    Meaning Blazing Iron. battle worthy
    Origin Old reton
    Best Suited For Aggressive cats
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Harvey is a name that sounds very sweet and soft but when you get to know about what the name means, you would be like, woah! If you go with its meaning, you should give this name to your cat if he is an aggressive cat by nature but if you want to name him Harvey because it sounds soft and sweet, then any cat that is very kind and tender would love this name.


    I. Ian

    Meaning God is gracious
    Origin Scottish
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Ian is another name associated with religion. You can use this name for any cat. Ian is just a Scottish variation for the name John. So if you love John but do not really want to use that name, you can choose Ian as it is one of the shortest and cutest male cat names.


    J. Julian

    Meaning Young at heart
    Origin Latin
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe and America

    The name Julian can be shortened to Jules or Julie. That is a great option for your cat as he is a big cat that always loves to cause trouble and is very active and excited in whatever he does. Cats like this can be rare but they do exist.


    K. Knight

    Meaning A warrior
    Origin English
    Best Suited For Black or grey cats
    Popular In Europe, Asia, and America

    Knight is a name that is very close to the word night. It is a name that means a warrior and if your cat is an aggressive one then this would be one of the ebay male cat names for him. This would also suit black or grey cats because Knights always wore those colors.


    L. Leo

    Meaning Lion
    Origin Latin
    Best Suited For Big cats
    Popular In All over the world

    Lions are members of the cat family. So it would really fit well if you name your big cat, Leo. It is a short and beautiful name and that is why it makes it to this list of best male cat names. This name can also be a short form of Leopold or Leonard.


    M. Magnus

    Meaning Great
    Origin Latin
    Best Suited For Big cats
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, and America

    If your cat is of a big species and it is going to grow big then Magnus would be a very suitable name for him and it means great. There have been a lot of famous people named Magnus and it has also been used by a number of fandoms. All in all, Magnus would be a beautiful name for your cat.


    N. Nico

    Meaning People of victory
    Origin Greek
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe and America

    Nico is a name that was derived from the word Nike, who was the Greek goddess of Victory. This name would be suitable for any cat and you can even shorten the name to Nic or Co based on what you prefer and what your cat responds to.


    O. Oasis

    Meaning Hope. rich, pleasant
    Origin Latin, Greek, French
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Asia, Australia, and America

    Oasis is a name that means hope and if you love your cat a lot and they give you motivation to go through everyday life when everything seems unimportant or just gloomy, then Oasis would be the perfect name for your cat. This name is one of the most beautiful male cat names on this list.


    P. Percy

    Meaning Born of sea/ Pierce Valley
    Origin Greek/ French
    Best Suited For Cats who don’t hate water
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    If you have read the Percy Jackson novels, you would know how good a person Percy is and any cat who carries that name would sorely because of how good it sounds. Cats might not be born of the sea but sometimes they do love playing with water, although that is rare. So if your cat is one of those cats, then this is amongst the best male cat names.


    Q. Quince

    Meaning Apple like fruit
    Origin Latin
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    There are a lot of names out there that are related to a fruit or a flower but most of those names are suitable for only female cats. Quince is one of the common male cat names because it is associated with a fruit and can be used for male cats.


    R. Robin

    Meaning Fame, bright
    Origin Old Germanic, Berht
    Best Suited For Cats of the lighter color
    Popular In All over the world

    You all must have heard the name Robin somewhere, although it is the name of a bird, a lot of people use this for their kids and pets. The name just sounds beautiful and that is why it would be one of the ebay male cat names options.


    S. Salem

    Meaning Peaceful, complete
    Origin Arabic, Hebrew, English
    Best Suited For A cat that is peaceful
    Popular In Europe and America

    You rarely find peaceful cats. There are cats that are just lazy and don’t do anything but they will get aggressive if you provoke them. But sometimes you would come across a cat that is actually peaceful and loving and you would instantly fall in love with them. That is why Salem should be on this list of best male cat names.


    T. Terry

    Meaning Power of the tribe
    Origin German
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In All over the world

    If you have a family of cats living with you and you get a newborn male cat and it looks like this cat is going to be the head of the family someday, then you can surely name him Terry. Even if you don’t get any feeling like that, you can just choose this name for any cat as it sounds cute and has a beautiful meaning,


    U. Uri

    Meaning My light, my flame
    Origin Hebrew
    Best Suited For Cats with the colors of fire
    Popular In Asia, Africa and Australia

    Uri is a very short and cute name and if your cat has red, yellow, orange or similar fur, then Uri should be amongst the male cat names that you consider for your cat. You rarely come across a word that is so lovely.


    V. Venus

    Meaning Roman Goddess of Love
    Origin Roman
    Best Suited For Cats full of love
    Popular In Europe and America

    If you ever studied the Roman history, you would find that Venus, the planet, was actually the name of the Goddess of Love and it is a perfect name for a cat that is full of love for every person around him. This might feel like a female name to some but you can use it and its shortened forms like Venn or Vens as male cat names as well.


    W. Waco

    Meaning Commander, Heuco Indians
    Origin Native American
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe and America
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    Waco is a very unique name and you wouldn’t find it being used by anyone much. So if you feel like your cat has a very unique personality or look, you can choose Waco as his name.


    X. Xylo

    Meaning Wood, forest
    Origin Greek
    Best Suited For Cats who love climbing trees
    Popular In Europe, Asia and Africa

    You must have seen clips on the internet about how a cat got stuck on the top of a tree and needed to be rescued because it somehow got up there but it could not come down on its own. Such cats who love trees would also love this name. Xylo is a very unique and pretty name and it’s one of the best male cat names that is associated with nature.


    Y. Yaris

    Meaning Beauty and elegance
    Origin Greek
    Best Suited For Regal cats with an air of elegance with them
    Popular In Europe, Asia, America and Africa

    Yaris is a name that was derived from the Greek goddess Charis. Charis was the goddess of Beauty and Elegance. This name was coined by the car company Toyota who used it for one of their car models. So Yaris both a famous and beautiful name and would be a great choice for your cat.


    Z. Zephyr

    Meaning West wind
    Origin Greek
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe and America

    Zephyrus or Zephyr is the Greek god of the west wind and if your cat roams around a lot and causes trouble then this would be a great name for it. Even if that is not the case, Zephyr is one of the most unique male cat names and thus you can use it for any kind of cat.


    Cute Male Cat Names

    male cat names

    A. Ace

    Meaning One, expert, unity
    Origin Latin
    Best Suited For The firstborn cat
    Popular In All over the world

    Ace is a name that carries elegance with itself and any cat who carries it would be a leader of its pack or family. It is a name suitable for any cat who is eldest amongst his siblings because Ace literally means One. The name is a very short name as well so any cat would take to it very quickly.


    B. Bluebell

    Meaning A blue bulbous perennial flower
    Origin English
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Bluebell is a flower’s name that can be considered as one of the sweetest male cat names. It is one of those rare plants that have gender neutral or masculine names. You can even use the name Snowbell if you don’t like Bluebell as these names are similar and Snowbell was the famous cat from the Stuart Little movies.


    C. Cashew

    Meaning Cashew the dry fruit
    Origin Portuguese
    Best Suited For White cats
    Popular In All around the world

    Cashew is a dry fruit that can be found in a lot of households and if you are someone who loves eating cashews and if your cat has white fur, then you can definitely go for using this name as your cat’s name as it is one of the few names that is suitable as white male cat names and it is also an eating item.


    D. Dexter

    Meaning Fortunate, one who dyes clothing
    Origin Latin
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Dexter is a name that is very popular amongst kids because of the animated TV show Dexter’s laboratory. If your cat is someone who loves watching TV and especially this show or anything else that is scientific then you can consider this name as one of the male cat names for your cat.


    E. Echo

    Meaning Reflected sound
    Origin Latin, Greek
    Best Suited For Demon kitties who are chaotic
    Popular In All around the world

    Any cat that is named Echo would have to be worthy of the name because cats named Echo are chaotic in nature and they are even considered as demon kitties by some. The name originates from the Greek myths of Narcissus in which Echo was a nymph who was in love with Narcissus but later faded away until only her voice was left behind.


    F. Fudge

    Meaning A chewy sweet made from sugar
    Origin Norman
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, America

    Fudge is one of the cutest male cat names on this list because of how it sounds. People sometimes even use it as a playful curse word. Any cat name that is derived from a food is definitely going to sound adorable and the name when combined with how the cat looks, I am sure it would be cuteness overloaded.


    G. Gus

    Meaning Great
    Origin English
    Best Suited For Big cats
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Gus is a name that is suitable for big cats as it means great but you can also use it to name your cat Augustus, August or Angus. All these names are a great option for male cat names as they are sweet and lovely.


    H. Hue

    Meaning A color or shade
    Origin Germanic, Old English
    Best Suited For A cat with multiple colored fur
    Popular In All around the world

    Hue is a name that means different shades or colors and if you have a cat that has various colors on its fur then this might just be the perfect name for it. Apart from having a pretty meaning, it is also a short name and that is why it makes its way into this list of best male cat names.


    I. Iggy

    Meaning Fiery one
    Origin English
    Best Suited For An aggressive cat
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Iggy is one of those male cat names that is a short form of another name, which in this case is Ignatius of Ignatius. The name means someone who is fiery, that is of a hot temper and hence, if you have an aggressive cat, this name would suit him splendidly.


    J. Joey

    Meaning Jehovah increases
    Origin English, Hebrew
    Best Suited For Fun loving cats
    Popular In All around the world

    Who doesn’t love Joey? Maybe Rachel didn’t but that’s when you talk about romantic love. The name Joey and even the character, both are just so pure and adorable that you can’t stop yourself from going ‘aww’. All these things make Joey one of the cutest male cat names. Joey is. It is a version of the Hebrew name Josephine.


    K. Kiwi

    Meaning A fruit and a bird
    Origin New Zealand
    Best Suited For Small cats
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, and America

    New Zealand or the Kiwis and some people like to call them, is the country that named the bird Kiwi and just the people, even the names that they come up with are sweet. Using this for a cat that is small would be a great idea as both the bird and the fruit are small in size and all small things are cute.


    L. Licorice

    Meaning A herb
    Origin Latin
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Licorice is a herb that grows in Eurasia and its roots are used in medicine and something that heals people can never be bad. So considering Licorice as one of the male cat names would be a good idea as you can even break the name down into Lico or rice or anything else that you prefer.


    M. Milo

    Meaning Soldier
    Origin English
    Best Suited For Aggressive cats
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Unlike a lot of male cat names that are suitable for aggressive cats, Milo is a name that would make you think that there can be nothing aggressive about any cat who has this name. Milo is a popular name and it is also gender neutral. Milo is a shortened name for Miles.


    N. Nemo

    Meaning No one, nobody
    Origin Latin
    Best Suited For Small cats
    Popular In All around the world

    Everyone must have seen the animated movie Finding Nemo and if you have, you would know that Nemo was a fun and loving character. The same can apply to your cat and that is why this should be one of the male cat names on your list of probable names.


    O. Oreo

    Meaning A biscuit cookie brand
    Origin Unknown
    Best Suited For Black and white cats
    Popular In All around the world

    The name Oreo might not have a definite origin but it was used by the cookie manufacturer because the name is short and sounds very cute. And that is exactly what you might be looking for in a name for your cat right? If yes then just go for this name.


    P. Puma

    Meaning Mountain lion
    Origin Latin
    Best Suited For Big cats
    Popular In All around the world

    You must have heard of the Puma from the famous athletic wear brand. It is the name of a wild mountain cat species and that is why if you have a big cat, you should add this to the list of possible male cat names. Pumas are not only fierce warriors but also very passionate about their families.


    Q. Quizzy

    Meaning Some who asks a lot of questions
    Origin English
    Best Suited For Curious cat
    Popular In All around the world

    You might know the phrase ‘curiosity killed the cat’ but you should also hear the second part of it which is ‘and satisfaction brought it back’. It is not a bad thing if your cat is curious, being curious just helps them learn things faster. So if your cat is an enthusiastic learner, then this is one of the best male cat names for it.


    R. Rey

    Meaning Kings
    Origin Spanish
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Rey is a super cool and short name. You might be familiar with the name if you are a Star Wars fan. It’s one of the best male cat names because it literally means kings and what are cats if not our ruler? Just kidding. But this name would definitely suit any cat because cats are regal animals. They might not be the kings but their cousins, the Lions are kings.


    S. Spock

    Meaning Uniter or spokes
    Origin Dutch
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe and America

    Spock means someone who unites people or things. It was derived from the word spokes, which is the thing that keeps a wheel together. You might also have heard this name in Star Trek where Spock is the son of Sarek Of Vulcan and Amanda Grayson. This is another fandom-related cute name that makes it to the list of best male cat names.


    T. Theo

    Meaning God
    Origin Greek
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, and America

    Theo is a shortened form of a lot of names like Theodore, Theodoros, Theodosius, Theodotus, Theophilus, etc. All these can be used as male cat names, just go with whatever you prefer because this name literally means God.


    U. Uno

    Meaning One
    Origin Spanish
    Best Suited For First born cat
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, and America

    Uno is a variation of Ace, they originate from different languages but they mean the same thing. So if you did not like Ace as a name for your cat for some reason, Uno is definitely a name that you should consider in the list of the best male cat names.


    V. Vito

    Meaning Life
    Origin Latin
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe and America

    Vito is an Italian name that is still very popular in Italy and it was derived from the word vita which means life. So if you feel that your cat is full of life, which most cats are, then this should definitely be the name you choose for him. This name makes it to this list of the best male cat names because it has such a beautiful meaning.


    W. Wookie

    Meaning Humanoid aliens from Star Wars
    Origin Unknown
    Best Suited For Brown cats with huge fur
    Popular In All around the world

    If you have seen Star Wars you might love Chewbacca who is the loyal companion of Han Solo. Chewbacca is a Wookie and they are all very brave and caring towards their families and friends. Now some not not say Wookies are cute but they are definitely adorable and that’s why the name is one of the best male cat names if your cat has brown fur and resembles a Wookie.


    X. Xirus

    Meaning Unknown
    Origin Unknown
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, America

    The origin and meaning of the name is not clear but it is believed that the name is a variation of the Persian name Cyrus, which means the Sun or someone who bestows care. You can choose this name if you have a love for unique things as this is one of the most unique male cat names.

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    Y. Yo Yo

    Meaning Peaceful, friendly
    Origin Mandarin
    Best Suited For Friendly and kind cats
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, America

    When you hear the name Yo Yo, I am sure the first thing to come to your mind must be the kid’s toy. But Yo Yo actually means peaceful and friendly sand hence it is a great name for your cat if he is a fun loving and peaceful cat.


    Z. Zeus

    Meaning The King Of Gods
    Origin Greek
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, America

    In the Greek mythology, Zeus is the lord of the sky and the King of gods. Zeus fathered most of the heroes from the Greek myths and while you might not want your cat to father as many kids, this will still be a great name for him because of how unique it is. This is another name that is the name of a god and hence is one of the best male cat names if you are a Greek geek.


    Other Male Cat Names

    male cat names

    A. Arlo

    Meaning Fortified troops
    Origin Old English
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In America and Europe

    Arlo is a name used for troops in the old English, troops that are always ready to defend their own and not care if some harm came to the person opposite them. And thus, it would be one of the better male cat names. Arlo is also something that sounds very adorable.


    B. Blue

    Meaning The color blue
    Origin French, German, English
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In All around the world

    Blue is not a color that cats have naturally blue colors but some species like the Russian Blue have a bluish grey coat. If you have such a cat, Blue would be amongst the best male cat names for him if not the best name. Even if you have a cat of another species, you can choose this name for your cat just because it sounds cute.


    C. Chowder

    Meaning Cauldron
    Origin French
    Best Suited For White cats
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Chowder is a name that is very close to the word powder and that is the reason this name is one of the cutest male cat names. Chowder might have been a variation of the French word Chaudière but whatever it was doesn’t matter because we now have another cool name to call our cats by.


    D. Dewey

    Meaning Beloved
    Origin Welsh
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe and America

    Dewey is a Welsh name and a different version of the name Dewy and a form of the name David. You can use any of those names as male cat names because they all have beautiful meanings. Dewey even sounds cute and it could be shortened to just Dew, which is another word with a pretty meaning.


    E. Elf

    Meaning A creature from folk tales
    Origin Germanic
    Best Suited For Small cats or Sphynx cat
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Elves are supernatural creatures whose mentions can be found in a lot of folk tales. You must have seen elves in Lord Of The Rings or Harry Potter. Elf is a sweet name for your cat and would suit them if they have pointed ears and the magical power to control you through their adorable eyes.


    F. Flash

    Meaning A short bright light
    Origin Middle English
    Best Suited For Fast runners
    Popular In All around the world

    DC fans might be familiar with Flash. Flash is a superhero with high speed powers. So if a cat likes to run everywhere and wreak havoc and chaos, then Flash would be a suitable name for him. Because of what the name symbolizes, this would be one of the best male cat names for a cat that runs fast.


    G. Ghost

    Meaning An apparition of a dead person
    Origin Germanic, Old English
    Best Suited For Grey/ white cats
    Popular In All around the world

    Now some people might think that naming their Ghost would be a very bad and unlucky idea but if you are a person that has no superstitions, Ghost would prove to be one of the best male cat names if you have a grey or white cat. Ghost is also a word used to describe spirits and in some cultures, a spirit is known as a bright hearted person.


    H. Hades

    Meaning God Of The Underworld/ Hell
    Origin Greek
    Best Suited For Black cats
    Popular In Europe and America

    Hades is a great name for a cat that has black or dark brown fur. Hades might be the God of Hell but the name sounds like a cute name for your dog. If not that then you can go for Cerebus too, even if your cat doesn’t have 3 heads.


    I. Ice

    Meaning Snow, solidified water
    Origin Germanic, Old English
    Best Suited For White cats
    Popular In All around the world

    Ice can be one of the best male cat names for two kinds of cats. If you have a white cat, then this would fit very nicely with them and if you have a cat that has a very cold behavior towards strangers and people in general then you can use Ice for such a cat as well. If your cat is both cold and white, well, there’s no better name than Ice in that case.


    J. Jon

    Meaning God is gracious
    Origin Hebrew
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In All around the world

    Jon is another name in the list of male cat names which are associated with religion as it means God is gracious. You can also use this name for your cat if you are a fan of Jon Snow from the TV show Game of Thrones. If you have a white cat, you can even use the full name Jon Snow for it and it would be a great choice.


    K. Karl

    Meaning Free, strong man
    Origin Germanic
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    The name Karl was made famous by the philosopher Karl Marx and since then it has been used by a lot of people to name their children and even as male cat names. A cat that does not like to be restrained would love the name Karl as it means a free man.


    L. Lou

    Meaning Famous warrior
    Origin French
    Best Suited For Aggressive cats
    Popular In Europe, Asia, Australia, and America

    People might think that Lou is a name suitable for female cats but it is used by a lot of people as one of the male cat names as well. And that is why you should not worry about the name being feminine. You should just choose a name that you and your cat like because nothing else matters.


    M. Murphy

    Meaning Sea warrior
    Origin Irish
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe, Asia, and America

    Murphy is another name that would suit an aggressive but sweet cat. A name that ends with a vowel sound is a great option when you are searching for male cat names as cats get used to such names very easily and start recognizing it as their own very early on and that is why it would be a great choice for you.


    N. Nash

    Meaning Dweller by the ash tee
    Origin Irish
    Best Suited For Grey or black cats
    Popular In All around the world

    Another name in the list of male cat names that would suit a black or grey cat is Nash, as it means a dweller by the ash. The name itself has ‘Ash’ in it. You can shorten and call your cat Ash and it would still be a very pretty name.


    O. Otis

    Meaning Wealth
    Origin German, old English
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Otis would be amongst the best male cat names for you cat if he is very rich of heart or even if you like to make him wear some kind of jewelry that shows that you have a huge wealth to spend on your cat. With short and sweet name like Otis for him, your cat would definitely love you.


    P. Peanut

    Meaning Groundnut legume
    Origin American
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In All over the world

    Peanut is a name that is very common when it comes to naming pets and hence, it is one of the male cat names as well. This name is also obviously another food name and would be a good choice for your cat if he loves peanut butter or other peanut products, or even if your cat is ginger.


    Q. Quirk

    Meaning Heart
    Origin Gaelic
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Quirk is one of those male cat names that you can use different variations of like Quirky. It might mean a specific trait in English but in Gaelic, it means the heart, which makes the name a lot more beautiful than it was before. Names with 2 or less syllables are always a great option for pets.


    R. Rio

    Meaning River
    Origin Spanish
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In Europe and America

    Rio would be amongst those male cat names that have a very pretty meaning and that is because it means rivers and rivers are like a lifeline to any place they flow through. It is also a short and sweet name and would be very easy for your cat to catch.


    S. Snuggles

    Meaning An embrace
    Origin English
    Best Suited For Big/ fluffy cats
    Popular In All around the world

    Snuggles is a great name for any cat that is big and fluffy and has a lot of fur on him. These cats would feel like a pillow to you when you cuddle with them and that is what makes them so lovable. So if you have a cat with a lot of fur then there might not be any name more perfect than Snuggles for them.


    T. Tofu

    Meaning A type of soya food
    Origin Chinese
    Best Suited For White cats
    Popular In Europe, Asia, and America

    Tofu is something that tastes great. Now you don’t have to name your cat after a food but when you do it, it just makes them seem more adorable. Tofu is one of the best food-related great male cat names for any white cat.


    U. Unyx

    Meaning Variation of Onyx ~ a black gemstone
    Origin English
    Best Suited For Black cats
    Popular In Europe, Asia, and America

    You must have known about the gemstone called the Onyx. Onyx is a very cool name that seems even cooler when you look at the gemstone. The name Unyx would be taken up by your cat very easily because it is short and unique and that makes it a strong contender amongst all other male cat names.


    V. Vespa

    Meaning Wasp
    Origin Italian
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe, Australia, and America

    Vespa is the name of an Italian scooter company that adopted this name from wasps. A wasp can be a very fast flyer and it just looks like a beautiful creature, even though it would be dangerous. The same could be said for your cat, he can be beautiful and dangerous both at the same time.


    W. Whisker

    Meaning The long hair below a cat’s nose
    Origin English
    Best Suited For Cats with long whiskers
    Popular In All around the world

    Whisker is a name that tells you why this cat was named so. Cats that have big whiskers just have a different aura about them and they act very regally. This name can be shortened to Whisky, which is even more adorable. All these things qualify it for our list of best male cat names.


    X. Xerxes

    Meaning Hero amongst rulers
    Origin Persian
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In Europe and America

    Xerxes was a ruler of one the most formidable empires of Europe. He even invaded Greece from across Hellespont. When he got defeated, the fall of the Achaemenid Empire started. You would not come across a name more unique or cool as this one and hence it should definitely be at least an option on your list of probable male cat names for your pet.


    Y. Yondu

    Meaning Ravager of justice
    Origin Unknown
    Best Suited For Any cat
    Popular In All around the world

    The fans of the Guardians of the Galaxy would be familiar with this name. Aside from loving that character, the meaning of the name is beautiful as well and that qualifies it to be on the list of best unique male cat names. You would even have fun calling out to your cat if he has this name because the name sounds funny too.


    Z. Zac

    Meaning God remembers
    Origin Hebrew
    Best Suited For All cats
    Popular In All around the world

    Zac is the last name on our list of best male cat names that are related to religion or God. When you name your pet Zac, it will be like calling out to your God and doing a prayer that says that God remembers. And moreover, Zac is a fancy name, a variation of Zack and hence a sweet name for your cat.


    Conclusion | Male Cat Names

    male cat names

    So these were all the 104 male cat names. Finding a good name amongst a plethora of male cat names can be a tough decision but what can help you figure it all out will be certain things like how your cat looks, how he behaves, what all things he likes, etc.

    You should be able to choose a name that has some meaning or sounds beautiful or something you might have a connection with. You can even choose words that sound completely silly, just as long as the cat likes it, it’s all good. There can be endless male cat names and so you don’t have to over think it and just follow your heart.


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