
    9 Essential Oils For Poison Ivy With Soothing Properties To Manage the Rashes!

    Essential Oils For Poison Ivy- Useful Oils To Calm Down The Symptoms

    Encounters with poison Ivy, poison oak, or bug bites can be itchy and unpleasant. There are some essential oils for poison ivy that can help soothe itchiness and other symptoms that come from poison ivy.

    To determine the best essential oil for poison ivy, you must know what poison ivy is, as some people get confused between poison ivy and poison oak.

    What is poison ivy?

    poison ivy, toxicodendron radicans, itching
    Photo by JamesDeMers on Pixabay

    Poison ivy is a traditional plant with urushiol, an oily compound discovered in various parts such as leaves, stems, flowers, and roots. Many people are highly allergic to the plant compound urushiol and have itchy, painful rashes after contact with any part of poison ivy.

    This kind of reaction is called contact dermatitis. If you are allergic to urushiol, you might have also noticed symptoms like redness, swelling, and oozing blisters.

    While you can generally prevent a rash from occurring by washing the urushiol immediately from your skin, this is not always as simple as you think. In some instances, you may not even realize you have been touched by poison ivy until some hours later, when you begin to notice symptoms of a rash.

    How to differentiate a poison ivy rash?

    essential oil for poison ivy

    Poison oak and poison ivy can be quite challenging to tell apart – not only from one another but from different plants. Wearing closed-toes shoes, long-sleeves, and pants can be the most simplistic way to shield your skin when you live in wooded areas. But it is not the most suitable option when the temperature is rising.

    If you notice an unfortunate touch with any of these plants, here are a few common clues to look for so you can inquire about a suitable treatment. And make sure you do not scratch!

    Tip one
    Some rashes do not develop immediately. They might form anywhere between 24 to 72 hours of touch with poison ivy. Though such rashes rise within a week or so, they may trouble you as long as three weeks!

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    Tip two
    A rash arising from poison ivy looks like streaks or patches of red, raised blisters in the place where the plant has touched your skin. The rash does not usually spread on your body unless the compound urushiol is still connected to your skin.

    Tip three
    When camping, be cautious what you search for fuel and firewood. It is not suggested to burn leaves, which might incorporate poison ivy and poison oak. Such plants release chemicals that may irritate your nose or eyes– or worse, lungs.

    Tip four
    Urushiol adheres to the skin, so if you have had touch with this compound, quickly wash the area using lukewarm water and soap or try applying ]alcohol or alcohol wipes to get rid of it. Keep the site clean, dry, and calm.

    Tip five
    Just because you have skipped the wrath of poison ivy doesn’t indicate you’re safe. As per the American Academy of Dermatology, nearly 85% of people are allergic to urushiol, no matter what their age is.

    If you discover yourself with an irritating rash from poison ivy, diluted essential oils might help get rid of the symptoms. Below are some great essential oils for poison ivy that help soothe the symptoms. Find the best one for yourself.

    Best essential oil for poison ivy

    1. Calendula

    essential oil, spa, cosmetology
    Photo by Mareefe on Pixabay

    Calendula is also known as marigold. It is a yellow flower applied to soothe troubled or irritated skin for many decades. A study from 2011 discovered that calendula helped correct the symptoms of contact dermatitis.

    Not only that, there is lots of anecdotal data that mentions calendula’s soothing qualities, such as helping with redness, pain, itching, and dryness.

    2. Chamomile

    chamomile, oil, aromatherapy
    Photo by zerin117 on Pixabay

    Chamomile functions are pretty similar to calendula, which makes sense as they arise from the same family of plants. While you may be using chamomile tea drinks for relaxation, you may also practice it in the form of essential oil for poison ivy to soothe irritated skin.

    A 2012 study mentions that using a compress having chamomile two times a day is more efficient than using a 1 percent hydrocortisone lotion once a day for inflamed, itchy, or painful skin.

    3. Eucalyptus

    essential oil, essential, oils
    Photo by Deedster on Pixabay

    Eucalyptus is a local Australian tree. A 2013 study discovered that eucalyptus was useful for skin rehydration and counteracting dryness. These qualities might help through the following stages of a rash developed by poison ivy when your skin grows dry and itchy.

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    4. Juniper

    gin tonic, alcohol, glass
    Photo by Ben_Kerckx on Pixabay

    Juniper is one more great plant historically well-known for its skin-calming features, particularly for itchy skin. This might be due to thujone presence within the juniper plant as per one study from 2015.

    Thujone also possesses antimicrobial properties, which may help prevent infection, reduce inflammation, and speed up healing.

    5. Lavender

    Lavender is among the most well-known herbs because of its soothing fragrance and medicinal qualities. A 2012 study established the anti-inflammatory impacts of lavender essential oil on a cellular skin level.

    Additionally, a 2015 study inferred that lavender essential oil also possesses analgesic features, suggesting it relieves pain. This feature of lavender oil makes it a great choice as an essential oil for poison ivy to significantly unpleasant, inflamed rashes.

    6. Tea tree Oil

    essential, oils, bottle
    Photo by NatureFriend on Pixabay

    Tea tree oil is also among the most used and known essential oils for treating different skin ailments. A review study from 2013 used tea tree oil to treat dermatological diseases. The study concludes that tea tree oil speeds up the healing of wounds, prevents itching, and provides relief from rashes.

    Besides that, tea tree oil also has antimicrobial properties that might help prevent further infection while the rashes heal.

    7. Pine

    For instance, a few constituents of one, pine tar, are commonly used in soaps made to heal symptoms of poison ivy. While there is much anecdotal evidence that soaps containing pine as the chief ingredient works, studies have not yet mentioned much about the use of pine to treat ivy rashes.

    However, another study from 2012 has confirmed that essential oils crated from two types of pine have much stronger wound healing features than other kinds of essential oils.

    8. Peppermint

    lavender, lemon, peppermint
    Photo by Devanath on Pixabay

    Peppermint has a minty fragrance, which you are already aware of. Its fragrance is one reason why peppermint is so popular as an essential oil for poison ivy. It functions pretty similarly to myrrh and lavender. It is believed to have both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

    Additionally, a study from 2012 discovered that peppermint oil helped reduce symptoms of itchy skin in women who were expecting or pregnant.

    9. Myrrh

    Myrrh is a resin that comes from different types of trees. It has been used to treat inflammation and pain for a long time. Another animal study from 2014 reveals that myrrh extract showed anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which might help treat pain and swelling often associated with poison ivy rashes.

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    Once you find the right essential oil for poison ivy, you must also know how to use it properly to treat rashes. Here’s how to do it:

    How to use essential oil for poison ivy?

    There are ways to apply essential oils for many skin issues, including rashes from poison ivy. Never practice using pure and undiluted essential oils straight on your skin, despite what you are trying to handle but notably if you developed a rash. Doing such things may grow a rash similar to the one created by the poison ivy plant. Follow the instructions below:


    To create a compress, blend five drops of essential oil into a cup of warm water. Mix or shake water and oil blend together. Moisten a clean washcloth in this blend and apply it to the rash. Repeat continuously till all the water is absorbed. You must do this various times a day if it gives relief.

    Lotion or cream

    You can also try making a calming topical cream by incorporating essential oils with your preferred lotion, cream, or carrier oil. Combine five drops of essential oil for one ounce of the ointment. Spread the mixture on the rash as often as required.

    Important safety information

    While most essential oils are originated from plants, they are still compelling and must be handled with care. Before administering any diluted crucial oils to the skin, do a small patch test before applying. This includes using a small amount to any area on the skin that does not have a rash to ensure your skin does not have any adverse reaction.

    If applying essential oils makes the rash worse, discontinue the usage right away, despite completing a patch test without any issues. The affected skin might be extra sensitive than the remaining of your skin. Most importantly, despite any symptoms, do not take any essential oil orally. Some essential oils are highly toxic if swallowed.

    While many studies propose health benefits, the Food and Drug Administration does not monitor or control the sincerity or quality of any essential oil. It is necessary to talk to your healthcare provider before you start using essential oils and practice caution when picking a quality brand.

    Try to buy essential oil for poison ivy that:

    • have the plant’s Latin name
    • list the place of origin
    • contain 100% of essential oil
    • are manufactured through mechanical cold pressing or steam distillation.

    You may also try speaking to someone who works at the local health food shop. They will probably be able to suggest a high-quality brand of essential oil.

    Call the doctor if:

    • your rash appears to be spreading
    • you see painful blisters
    • you feel that your face or throat is swelling

    If you mark any of these symptoms, you may require additional treatment to prevent further complications, such as an infection or allergic reaction.


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