Male Anal Orgasm: Interesting Facts you should not Miss

Enjoy an Erotic Pleasure at its Best with Male Anal Orgasm

Anal Orgasm! Sounds unreal, right? We have heard about anal sex. We have learned how to enjoy penetration through the anus. But what about anal orgasm? Is it possible to have an anal orgasm? Yes, it is possible.

You can enjoy abundant pleasure with your anus, and if you want, you can give your partner a crazy sensation with an anal orgasm too. Especially, male anal orgasm is an exciting thing to learn. We will discuss it here.

male anal orgasm
Men’s health

In this article, we will discuss what male anal orgasm is. Along with it, we will help you find out how to have it. Also, a few commonly asked questions about anal orgasm will be answered at the end.

So, are you ready to explore the new ways of enjoying heavenly pleasure alone and with your partner? Let’s move ahead.

What is an Anal Orgasm?

It is a way to stimulate the erotic nerves around the area of the anus. When there is a lot of talk on prostate orgasm, many people often wonder – is prostate orgasm the same as anal orgasm? Here is the whole story.

Anal orgasm may lead to prostate orgasm if the individuals with a penis and balls. In general, anal orgasm, for both people with a penis and those with a vagina, is an exciting part of stimulating full-body orgasm.

male anal orgasm

Male anal orgasm often leads to the P-spot of the men, which is within the anus and prostate. It is one of the most interesting points in male anatomy for erotic pleasure.

So, if you thought of giving your male partner a smooth, heavenly bliss, try the techniques of male anal orgasm.

Male Anal Orgasm: How to Enjoy with your Partner:

When it comes to enjoying a male anal orgasm, you need to keep in mind that both the giver and the receiver should involve and reciprocate to enjoy erotic pleasure. Let us guide you on how to enjoy the orgasm to its fullest.

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When you are a giver:

Being a giver, you should keep a few things in mind, ranging from personal hygiene to your partner’s consent. Let’s know how you can give pleasure to your partner in the best possible way.

Get into the mood: Your partner will not get pleasure if you are not in the right mood. Think about how you feel when your partner licks your clitoris! Feel the erotic sensation within you that you want to give your partner.

Wash your hands: Make sure to wash your hands well. Maintaining hygiene prevents bacterial infection and infection from dust and dirt. Also, cut your nails short, so it can’t damage the inside.

Apply lubricant: A lubricant smoothens the task. Also, if your partner is a first-time receiver of anal orgasm, it helps to overcome the initial sensation of ickiness. Another way is to use condoms. Along with making the movement easy, it reduces the risks of sexually transmitted diseases.

Stimulate the area: Getting direct is not the right way at all. You need to start slowly and gently. Kiss, tap, prick and kiss the areas around your anus. Give a swift lick across the thighs. Move your tongue gently across the back of your partner. Gradually, move towards the anal point.

male anal orgasm

Start Slowly: You can use one or more fingers for the job, according to your and your partner’s convenience. It is recommended to start with one finger, then use more than that. Slowly move the finger within the anus. Reach around two inches to find the special P-spot. Once you reach there, be sure about the highest level of pleasure your partner seeks. Ask your partner if he needs it faster. Do it accordingly.

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When you are a receiver:

Even if you are just a receiver, you cannot move away from responsibilities if you want to enjoy the male anal orgasm to the highest level. Let’s know what you should do when you are about to enjoy the orgasm from your loving partner.

Relax first: Before anything else, get a comfortable place, sit back or lie down. Relax your nerves and muscles. If possible, take a warm-water bath before getting along with your partner. Take a deep breath to get into the mood.

Indulge into Erotic: Do a sex chat or watch porn! Enjoy a sex story or look at the erotic images! Do what makes you feel aroused. The more you are aroused, the easier it will be for you to enjoy the male anal orgasm.

Try sex toys: Before enjoying your partner, you can try sex toys to find your pleasure points. Tease the anal areas, butts with the toys before inserting them.

male anal orgasm

Lubricate the area: As your partner will be ready with lube on their hands, you should also lubricate your anal areas for a pleasurable slip. However, it is a matter of safety as well.

So, thus, reciprocating with each other, you can enjoy the male anal orgasm.

The Popular Techniques of Male Anal Orgasm:

Well, regardless of how much moved you are with your erotic arousal, you cannot enjoy the orgasm without knowing proper techniques. The popular methods are:

Move your finger upward: As a giver, slowly insert your lubricated finger, curl it, and move it upwards within the anus. Insert in the same direction more deeply if your partner insists. Also, you can increase the speed at his request.

Pressure to the point: Find the pleasure point and explore it. Once you reach the end, tap it gently, like clicking your seatbelt button. Move your fingers swiftly around the point and let your partner enjoy the pleasure. Increase the pressure on requests.

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male anal orgasm

Play with the fingertips: Insert the fingers through the anal point. Start moving your fingers in a circling motion around the pleasure point. Go anti-clockwise and clockwise, both. Ask your partner about which one gives more pleasure and continue that.

After all, you can invent your own techniques and the other traditional techniques. Consider the depth and speed your partner prefers. And work accordingly. Thus, you can enjoy male anal orgasm to their fullest.

When you are alone, you may not go for the licking and smooching by yourself. In that case, teasing your perennial areas with sex toys before inserting them can help. Once you are aroused, insert the toys or your fingers into the anus.

Now, coming to the end of our discussion, let’s answer some frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions about Male Anal Orgasm

We understand that you have so many questions in your mind still after reading the write-up. Let us try to answer some of them with our best knowledge.

Is lube necessary for anal orgasm?

Yes, it is a must as it does not self-lubricate like a vagina.

Does anal sex cause STI?

It can cause sexually-transmitted diseases if you do not maintain proper hygiene. Make sure to wash your hands and maintain proper hygiene. It is better if you use condoms.

What is a male G-spot?

It is a sensitive gland behind the penis which can be aroused erotically. For men, it is a perfect pleasure point for having an orgasm.

male anal orgasm

The Bottom Line

So, it was all about the male anal orgasm. From the definition to techniques- we have mentioned all. Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comment boxes below if you want to know more.


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