How To Contact Seller On Amazon: The Simplest And Most Effective Guide

Amazon sells many of its products directly, and it offers a wide range of products too through third-party vendors. Therefore, if you feel to contact the sellers with some issues or queries and are unaware of how to contact seller on amazon, it will be quite a good idea to read this article. Undoubtedly, there are numerous simple ways to perform this. You can report an issuance via the “Your Orders” page, or ask a question via the seller’s page, or contact the buyer/seller via message.

How To Contact Seller On Amazon: Procedure 1

Make connection via the Orders Page

How to contact seller on Amazon: Easy Steps
  • Go to “Your Orders” from the Amazon homepage

You can place an order with a third-party vendor and ask for help from the “Your Orders” page if you have trouble. Go to and click the “Income and Orders” tab at the top of the page, or go to “Your Orders” from your Accounts page. Find the item you want to help within the order list.

In the Amazon application you can review your own orders only by tapping the top left side drop-down menu. You will discover “Your Orders” listed straightaway under “Home”.

  • Tap “Get help with order” or “Problem with order”

If your order has not already been successfully delivered from a third-party seller, you may find a button next to the order that shows “Get help with order” or “Problem with order”.

Select one of these buttons to report an issue and then ask them to report your issue.

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You can solve the problem without contacting the seller directly by following the instructions of Amazon. Otherwise, Amazon’s customer support system will help you contact the seller.

  • Utilize the “Leave seller feedback” option to rate seller

If you desire to comment on the products you already got, select the “Leave seller feedback” button next to the question order. From there, you can leave the star rating to the seller and leave comments about your own shopping experience.

How To Contact Seller On Amazon: Procedure 2

Utilizing the listing page of product

How to contact seller on Amazon: The Easy guide
  • Go to one of the seller’s product lists

If you desire to ask the seller a question about a product, you can do it from the product page. Go to and look for the product you want, and then tap the link for that particular product list in search results.

  • Click the seller’s name next to “Sold” on the right side of the page

In the product page, you will view two buttons, namely “Add to Cart” and “Buy Now”. Just below these buttons, eventually, you will find “Sold by” word with the link of the seller. Tap on that link to access the contact page and seller’s info.

  • Tap “Ask a Question” icon on page of seller

Open the seller’s page and you will get to see an “Ask a Question” button. With this button, you will be able to send a direct message to the seller.

  • You will be asked to select a topic for your question or comment

If you click the “Ask a Question” button, you will eventually view a drop-down menu asking you to select an item for your message. Choose the subject closest to your question or opinion.

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You can also find replacement buttons that ask the salesperson if they would like to contact you about an item they are selling or an order you already have.

  • Type through message into the text box on the very next page

After you select a topic, you will be redirected to a new page where you can type your message. Try to include any relevant information such as your order number, complaint details, or any other requests.

Pro Tip: If you want to complain about a damaged product and thinking about how to contact seller on amazon, just attach a photo of the damage proof. However, you can only avail this option while you are messaging from the web browser.

  • To send message tap on “Send Email” button

If the communication from the seller end satisfies you, tap the yellow coloured “Send Email” button at the bottom of the text box. Amazon will send your message to the seller and email you a copy.

How To Contact Seller On Amazon: Procedure 3


Make communication with seller/buyer messages

Contacting The Selleron Amazon
  • Go to “Your Account”

If you already have contact with a seller, you can continue the conversation through Amazon’s buyer/seller news system. To find your news, get started by going to the “Your Account” page from the homepage.

  • Scroll through “Communication and content”

Scroll down until you find the box labelled “Communication and content” on your account page. This box contains many links related to your contact and notification systems.

  • Tap on “Messages from Amazon and sellers”

Clicking on this link will open an inbox containing all your past communications from Amazon and third-party vendors. You can view any messages you send through the news system.

  • Choose “Buyer / Seller Messages” tab
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Here at the top of your inbox, you will see a tab called “Buyer / Seller Communication”. Click this tab to show only messages between you and third-party vendors.

  • Open up message from the seller you want to contact

Anyhow find out the text messages from the seller you want to communicate. You will find a copy of the message they sent you and Amazon’s information about buyer / seller communication policies.

  • Press the “Reply” button and write a text message

Once you have selected the message you want to reply to, click on the “Answer” button at the top of the page. This will open the text box where you can write your message. If you are satisfied with what you wrote, click the yellow “Submit” button to send the message.

Bottom Line

Amazon serves as one of the best seller-consumer communication facilities. These are the ultimate ways on how to contact seller on amazon. You can securely contact the seller via Amazon without any worries. All communications are operated through Amazon’s communication service, and you will get an assured reply from the seller end.

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