
    How to Clean Glass Shower Doors: 7 Important Tips You Must Follow

    How to Clean Glass Shower Doors: All You Need to Know

    how to clean glass shower doors
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    A clean, well-maintained home makes you happy, refreshed, and productive. You can concentrate on your new shift to the work-from-home scenario. At the same time, you can give yourself and your family a healthy living with a clean home. Many other numerous benefits are available. But is it as easy as it sounds? A cleaned house looks well, but the cleaning process is probably the last thing that most people want to do on this earth.

    Dealing with those dirt, dust, and debris is a hassle. Among all the cleaning tasks, one of the most crucial and the least favorite is cleaning the glass shower doors. Often, people ask how to clean glass shower doors. You, too, probably have this question in your mind. Do not worry. We will answer it here.

    You are probably thinking- “how can I make my shower glass door clear again?”, “how do I clean cloudy shower glass?”, “how do I make my shower glass door sparkling again” and so on. Our write-up will answer every single question.

    how to clean glass shower doors
    WD-40 Australia

    How to Clean Glass Shower Door: The Ingredients and Steps You Need

    If you are here to learn how to clean glass shower doors, you must know that the cleaning process includes several aspects. You cannot limit your efforts to rubbing the glasses only. The steps that you need to follow are-

    • Cleaning the glasses
    • Wiping the hard stains off
    • Cleaning the door tracks
    • Daily maintenance
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    Do not ignore the last point. The answer to – how to clean glass shower doors lies in it to a great extent. Now, what do the cleaning processes require?

    Cleaning the Glasses:

    Without the right ingredients, everything goes in vain. The ingredients you need to clean the glasses are-

    • white vinegar
    • water
    • soft cloth
    • lemon
    • rubber gloves
    • spray bottle

    Take a note that it is for the normal cleaning process. These ingredients may not be enough for hard stains, etc.

    how to clean glass shower doors

    So, let’s know how to clean glass shower doors with these ingredients.

    Step 1: Heat the undiluted vinegar and make a solution with water at a 1:2 ratio.

    Step 2: Wear rubber gloves and pour the solution into a spray bottle.

    Step 3: Sprinkle the vinegar water on the glasses.

    Step 4: Let it stay on the glasses for 4-5 minutes.

    Step 5: Wipe it off with soft clothes.

    Step 6: Rinse the area with water.

    Wiping Off Hard Stains:

    Coming to the next phase of how to clean glass shower doors, let’s know about cleaning the hard stains on the doors.

    The ingredients you require for the task are:

    • grease-cutting liquid dish detergent
    • white vinegar
    • sponge
    • spray bottle
    • lemon juice
    • microfiber cloth
    • ammonia
    • water

    When you gather the ingredients, it is time to start with the steps. The significant steps that you need to follow are-

    Step 1: Make a solution of grease-cutting liquid dish detergent and warm vinegar at a 1:1 ratio.

    Step 2: Pour it into a spray bottle and sprinkle it on the hard stains and problem areas.

    Step 3: Rinse the surface instantly, as vinegar can harm the glass if exposed to it for a long time.

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    Step 4: Combine 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and one tablespoon of water.

    Step 5: Pour it into a spray bottle and sprinkle it on the target areas on the glasses.

    Step 6: Wait for 5-6 minutes and wipe it off with a sponge.

    Step 7: Dry the glass with the help of a piece of microfiber cloth.

    Step 8: If there is any streak on the glass, use two tablespoons of ammonia and 2 quarts of water.

    Step 9: Pour the solution into the spray bottle and sprinkle it on the problem areas.

    Step 10: Wait for 3-4 minutes and wipe it off with a microfiber cloth.

    Cleaning the Door Tracks: 

    If you have a frameless door, cleaning the tracks is not difficult. But, if you have a metal frame attached to the doors, you need to pay extra effort. Soap scums and grime can get accumulated into the tracks.

    how to clean glass shower doors
    The Spruce

    So, if you want to know how to clean glass shower doors, you should pay attention to cleaning the tracks.

    The ingredients you require for the task are-

    • paper towel
    • distilled white vinegar
    • an old toothbrush or any cleaning brush
    • water
    • soft cloth

    Once you gather the right ingredients, it is time to follow the steps. The steps include-

    Step 1: Pour the white vinegar solution into the tracks and let it soak overnight or for at least 5-6 hours.

    Step 2: Soak the vinegar up with paper towels.

    Step 3: Scrub the surface with a toothbrush well to remove the dirt and stains.

    Step 4: Wrap the paper towels around the brushes to reach the corners.

    Step 5: Dip a soft cloth into the water and rub the areas gently.

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    Step 6: Dry up the tracks with a soft cloth.

    Daily Maintenance: How to Clean Glass Shower Doors Every day

    A few daily maintenance tips can help save the long time and efforts you spend on deep cleaning the doors. Want to know how to clean glass shower doors regularly? Follow the tips below.

    how to clean glass shower doors
    1. Remember to maintain cleanliness every day by drying the water collected into the tracks with a soft cloth and paper towel.
    2. Also, take care of the glasses. Wipe the water on it off every day so that no water stain sits on it.
    3. Before the soap scums leave a mark, rinse them off.
    4. Swipe away the water and soap residue from the shower area after every use.
    5. Dry the floor with a microfiber cloth after cleaning the water and residue.
    6. Apply regular cleaning products daily to make the doors shine.
    7. Keep the shower doors open to allow air ventilation.

    You may ask how to clean glass shower doors with regular cleaning products. How to prepare the cleaning products.

    Well, you can find various cleaning products on the market. Here are the details if you want to know how to clean glass shower doors with your homemade cleaning products.

    • Take 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol and 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide.
    • Mix it and pour it into a spray bottle.
    • Add a few drops of liquid dishwasher soap.
    • Fill the spray bottle with water.
    • Sprinkle it as needed.

    Before You Go: The Takeaway 

    So, it was a discussion on how to clean glass shower doors. We hope you have learned every detail that you require. Now, it is time to clean the doors. Follow the above-mentioned methods of how to clean glass shower doors.

    how to clean glass shower doors

    Experience a smooth and hassle-free cleaning process. Enjoy a healthy and comfortable living in a clean, hygienic place. Three cheers to your happy home!

    If you are passionate about keeping every corner of your home clean, we have something for you. Click here to learn how to clean stainless steel sink.


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