
    Front Squat Vs Back Squat- Important Points To Determine Which One To Opt For!

    Front Squat vs Back Squat- Which One Should You Perform And Why?

    What type of squat are you interested in more- front squat vs back squat? People who love working out every day will agree that your body type or fitness goals do not matter. Squats are necessary workouts. The only doubt people have is which type of squats are better among front squats vs back squats.

    By now, you very well know what kind of benefits squats provide and all other good things. From perkier booty to increased strength, the benefits are undoubtedly legitimate. With so many variations of squats- goblet, back, front, single-leg, etc.- we get confused about which one suits our body type better.

    Let’s discuss the front squats vs back squats debate about learning which one is better. Keep reading further to conclude front squat vs back squat.

    Front Squat vs. Back Squat- A quick answer

    front squat vs back squat
    Calorie Bee

    when choosing between the front and back squat, you must first think about your strength, abilities, and fitness goals. Although both exercises are highly beneficial for your glutes and legs, front squats require more mobility than back squats.

    It suggests that if you are a beginner at workouts, back squats are the best option to start. If you are comfortable with both front squats and back squats, you can directly think about your goals and start with the workouts.

    If you are aiming for more strength and power, back squats are worth sticking to. However, if you are looking to develop killer quads, then focusing on front squats might be more useful in such a case.

    Front squat vs back squat- Do they work the same muscles?

    Both front squats, as well as back squats, will provide you with killer gams. However, these are variations of one exercise, both different stress muscles.

    If you wonder which exercise targets more muscles between front squat vs back squat, back squats target the back muscles of your body or posterior chain, including hamstrings, lower back, and glutes. The core and quads are engaged too.

    On the other hand, front squats target the front muscles of the body or anterior chain, including the upper back and quads. Hamstrings and glutes and engaged too.

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    Front squat vs back squat- Which one offers more physical benefit?

    front squat vs back squat

    In short, both fronts, as well as back squats, offer similar benefits. Front squats and back squats help in gaining strength in glutes, hamstrings, and glutes. This strength, in turn, contributes to your power and speed.

    But, front squats are slightly easy on your lower back as the weight position does not contribute to compressing your spine with would otherwise happen in back squats.

    The aforementioned is a benefit of front squats, but it also has a drawback. As the weight is positioned in front of the body inf front squats, you will not elevate as much as you perform back squats.

    Front squats-

    If you want the exercise to develop the quads, you cannot go wrong with combining front squats to the workout routine. Many bodybuilders build their popular leg exercises encompassing front squats for this reason alone.

    If you are also interested in training in Olympic-level weightlifting, going for a front squat is a significant element you will require to provide you with a strong foundation of technique and strength to base weightlifting training.

    Back squats-

    There is sufficient reason why the back squat is popularly known as “king of all workouts.” It is highly required if you are fascinated and want to get as strong as achievable or practice powerlifting. The bar placement on your back is more relaxed and easier to maintain in these squats than the front squat, so you will have the endurance to lift more prominent loads.

    Though the reason behind this is not very clear, most trainers argue that it supplies more overall musculature compared to the front squat, carrying heavily on everything starting from the shoulders and back to the glutes, calves, and hamstrings, in addition to your core and quads.

    Front squat vs back squat- How to do each type effectively?

    front squat vs back squat

    Although the basic foundation of both front and back squats are the same and the movement is similar, there is a subtle difference in each workout which you must know.

    How to perform back squats

    If you find back squats easier to perform and the benefits outweigh the benefits of front squats in your body, here’s how to perform these squats.

    1. Carefully place a barbell back of your head such that it rests on your traps.
    2. Stand straight with a distance of shoulder width apart between your feet, keep your toes lightly pointed out, and keep your chest up.
    3. Start to sit back in the hips by bending the knees and lowering the butt approaching the ground. Make sure that you are pushing your knees outwards and that your gaze lingers ahead of you.
    4. As soon as your thighs move parallel to the floor, take a slight pause, and then stand back up by pushing through the entire foot to the original position and completing all the reps.
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    How to perform front squats

    If you wish to perform front squats, follow these steps to get started:

    1. Carefully place a barbell onto the front side, holding it on the shoulders.
    2. Secure your fingers on the barbell in an underhand grasp simply outside the shoulders and shift your elbows upwards.
    3. Start to perform the squats, begin the hips’ motion, bend your knees, and lower your butt moving towards the floor.
    4. Ensure that the knees fall out and the chest stays pointed up, maintaining the pull to fall forward. Keep repeating the movement to perform as many reps as your body allows.

    Front squat vs back squat- which one will you add to your routine

    Both the variations are significant and valuable for your fitness overall. You will have to look at your fitness goals and abilities to determine which suits you best and provides the most reliable results. Once you know which squats to perform, keep focusing on building your strength.

    To efficiently and safely perform front squats, you will require excellent mobility in certain body parts, including ankles, hips, wrists, shoulders, and upper back.

    While performing back squats, you do not need as much mobility, so it becomes easier to start and focus on the form and build strength using these squats.

    Also, if you find your body comfortable with both front and back squats, you have to think more about your fitness goals. Back usually squats allow you to attach weight quickly, which in turn helps promote power and strength.

    While front squats are also used to promote the power and strength of the same parts- but it lacks speed. Front squats are better for someone looking to develop quads.

    Although you might have decided which one is better for you amongst front squat vs back squats, know that you should prioritize front squats if your goal is body aesthetics. Whereas, if you are willing to reap power, strength, and aesthetic benefits, you should include both front and back squats in your workout routine.

    While doing these exercises is beneficial, some common mistakes inhibit receiving the utmost benefits from your workout sessions. Le’s see which one has more chances of errors- front squat or back squat?

    Common mistakes in the front squat vs back squat

    front squat vs back squat

    If you are not new to workouts and exercises like squats, you might know that maintaining the correct form is the key to effectively and safely performing both the squats and receiving great results out of them.

    Both movements take a little time to get used to it, particularly the front squats.

    Common mistakes while performing back squats

    • Knees are moving forward: Right knee position is the key to performing squat correctly. Your knees must push outward and not occur over the toe line.
    • Shortness of proper depth: Your thighs must be parallel to the floor while performing a back squat. If you narrow the extent of motion, you will not receive the full benefits of this movement and might even risk damaging or hurting your knees for a while.
    • Chest dropping: Allowing your chest to fall ahead disengages the posterior chain, an essential part of a back squat. Rolling the shoulders back and down and maintaining your gaze in the front will help tackle this issue.
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    Common mistakes while performing front squats

    • Rounding of upper back: Because your weight is in front, the upper back may quickly round due to the resistance. Make sure your spine remains straight during the movement for precise alignment.
    • Not sitting into your heels: When doing a back squat, you are required to assume sitting back into the hips, but in doing a front squat, this activity will lead to too much. Instead, you can think about dropping directly down into the heels to avoid falling forward.
    • Elbows dropping: Dropping the elbows indicates you will lean forward while doing the movement. Push the elbows up, moving towards the roof to make sure you will sit back in the hips.

    Is adding the weight a good idea?

    Discovering a decent squat form without adding weight is the key before supplementing any further resistance in performing the squats. Once you have built a solid, you may attach importance to a front squat or back squat exercise to receive more significant results.

    Begin slowly and make sure you can complete at least three sets of 12 reps each before adding the weight.

    Both front squats and back squats are easy when you determine the proper form to do it. However, if you are not comfortable doing any of these variations, you can start testing other variations to decide which one fits your abilities. here’s a take to try out-

    Alternatives to front squat vs back squat

    kettlebell, gym, fitness
    Photo by CorrieMiracle on Pixabay

    Another variation of regular squats called the goblet squats is an excellent variation to front and back squats. The movement of goblet squats is natural and related to daily life, while it also helps you make your form perfect that incles- a strong core, knees out, and upright torso.

    To perform a goblet squat, try doing:

    1. Take a kettlebell or any sized dumbbell in a vertical position, and grip it properly with your hands beneath the top of the weight.
    2. Bend the elbows and place the weight opposite to your chest. It must stay in contact with the body during the movement.
    3. Start to squat downward, squatting back in the hips, retaining the core to be tight and your torso to be upright.
    4. Let the elbows track in between your knees, stop when they form contact.
    5. Push through the heels back to the original position and perform as many reps as you can.

    The Bottom Line

    You must have decided which one is better or more proper- front squat vs back squat for you. Know that both the variations are equally impressive based on the results you are looking for. If you can, try to include both the workouts in your routine to gain good marks.

    Front squats vs back squats- which one do you find to be more suitable for you?

    If you are willing to try other exercises to improve leg strength, here are some great exercises to include in your leg workout routine!


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