
    Can you eat aloe vera? Know the 5 best health benefits

    Have you ever been so hungry that you ate Aloe Vera?

    Probably, no.

    But I did – though, out of curiosity. (and tbh, no, it doesn’t taste ‘that’ bad!)

    And, you would want to do it once you know its secrets.

    So, my answer to the question “Can you eat aloe vera?”… will be YES!

    But, but, but – there are some considerations (and, trust me… you wouldn’t want to ignore this!) to keep in mind before trying to eat aloe vera.

    can you eat aloe vera

    First things first, let’s give you a brief.

    Fun fact: Aloe Vera can bloom and survive without soil? Yes!

    Being a member of the Asphodelaceae family (with over 400 other aloe species), Aloe Vera boasts decades of ancestral heritage in traditional medicines.

    From sunburns to plaque and even when it comes to managing your blood sugar levels.

    But you shouldn’t just take my word for it.

    Because while some parts of the Aloe Vera are safe to consume, some are not – and here’s what to know about it.

    So, can you eat Aloe Vera?

    Well, yes, you can. But I suggest sticking to the Aloe leaves and not consuming the gel. 

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    Well, when it comes to latex, the safety concerns are major because of the anthraquinones, which are responsible for the laxative effect of Aloe. 

    Studies show that if such anthraquinones are consumed, they might lead to cancer.

    You can even get cramps or diarrhea if you consume the latex in great quantities.

    Can you eat aloe vera

    How to Prep Aloe Vera Before Eating?

    Well, it’s simple.

    All you need to do is – separate the Aloe leaves from their latex.

    In many grocery stores, you can avail yourself of just Aloe leaves (without latex).

    If you do not want to purchase from the grocery store, you can grow them home and consume them.

    Can you eat aloe vera? Here’s how to prep your Aloe leaves for eating:

    • Pick an Aloe leaf that looks fuller, feels firmer, and has minimal spots.
    • First, peel the Aloe leaf with a vegetable peeler or a knife.
    • Remove the spikes as well as the white bottom parts.
    • Scoop off the gel from within the leaves with a spoon.
    • Once removed, soak the Aloe to remove along for 5 minutes.
    • Now, get ready to poach your Aloe!

    Poaching Your Aloe

    Once you’re done with all the nitty-gritties of prepping your Aloe leaves, it’s time to poach them.

    Can you eat aloe vera

    • Chop the Aloe into small cubes.
    • Add the cubes to the pan to mix with lime juice.
    • Stir it continuously to make it sticky.
    • Add any sugar and mix evenly.
    • Mix till it’s no more slimy and sticky.

    If you still want to eat the Aloe Vera gel, ensure you cook it because the raw form can harm your health. 

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    Can you eat aloe vera? How to Eat Aloe Vera?

    As a Salad

    Can you eat aloe vera

    The best (and ideal) way to have aloe vera is to have it as a salad. Just prepare your usual go-to salad with green leafy veggies, and toss some cubed and frozen aloe leaves for the crunch. Snacking done right!

    As a Juice

    Can you eat aloe vera

    Aloe Vera juice has been widely popular for a while now and works like magic when you’re considering shedding off some extra pounds. Take a glass of water, squeeze in some lemon juice and add a couple of scoops of Aloe Vera gel.

    As a Tea

    Can you eat aloe vera

    If you’re a tea-holic like me, you’ll love this! Packed with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Aloe tea can be the ideal mid-afternoon drink. For some added flavors, you can add some ginger and sip on it while you work!

    As a Smoothie

    Can you eat aloe vera

    Early morning breakfasts are always a headache. However, a smoothie seems to be just the right solution. 

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    Can you eat aloe vera? Health benefits of eating Aloe vera 

    Though Aloe Vera is one of the weirdest edible things you would want to eat. But if you ever want to try it out, its health benefits are wondrous.

    Can you eat aloe vera

    1. Lowers the Cholesterol Levels – The aloe vera juice works like magic for those with higher cholesterol levels. Besides improving blood circulation in the body, aloe vera also contributes to total fat loss in the body.
    2. Treats Constipation Issues – Aloe vera consists of compounds like laxatives. If you suffer from constipation, consuming aloe vera can help you with the issue.
    3. Controls Blood Sugar – Consuming aloe vera juice regularly can help control the blood sugar levels in individuals by decreasing the blood lipids.
    4. Boosts Immune System – Aloe vera, one of the ancient medicinal plants, consists of essential vitamins and minerals that boost the body’s immunity to fight against diseases and infections.
    5. Treats Skin Conditions – The latex or the gel from the aloe leaves proves to be very beneficial when treating skin conditions like acne and pimples. Besides, it acts as a great moisturizer for the dry skin individuals.
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    Can you eat aloe vera

    Can you eat aloe vera? Side Effects of Eating Aloe Vera

    1. Allergies – Latex from aloe vera can be a major trigger if you are prone to allergies.
    2. Stomach cramps – The latex of aloe vera isn’t easily digestible and often leads to stomach cramps and diarrhea.
    3. Lack of evidence – As there is still very minimal information on consuming aloe vera, pregnant women and children should avoid it to be on the safe side.

    Now that I have answered the question “Can you eat aloe vera?” what’s your take on it?


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