
    12 Smart Techniques on How to Clean an Iron [Approved Methods]

    Iron is the type of machine that is also recognised as a healing tool for the removal of wrinkles from fabric. Depending on the fabric, the temperature of the heat ranges from 180°Celsius to 220 °Celsius which is 356-428 Fahrenheit. Well, it is important to know how to clean an iron for the long-term usage.

    In the fibres of the material, irons serve the purpose of loosening the bonds between the long-chain molecules of polymer. By the weight of the iron, the fibres are straightened while the molecules remain hot. While cooling, new shapes are held by them. Although there are some fabrics like cotton which has the extra requirement of water for loosening of the intermolecular bonds. The development of permanent press clothing was meant for reducing the necessity of ironing through the combination of wrinkle-resistant polyester with cotton.

    Different Methods on How to use an Iron

    #1. Check the fabric of the garment

    Before ironing the particular garment you should check the fabric of which it is made. You should properly check the tags for instructions to iron them. Sometimes the tags are not mentioned so you can take the reference of the fabric to know the setting for putting the iron. Depending upon the type of material sometimes the settings of many irons are ordered such as wool, cotton, polyester.

    #2. Setting up on the ironing area

    It is recommendable to use an ironing board, if possible. If it is not possible to have access to an ironing board, then you can also use a flat, sturdy type of surfaces such as a table or a counter. The ironing board is primarily used for designing for absorption of heat and moisture without causing any damage. Although it is recommendable to avoid ironing on a highly flammable surface.

    #3. Fill up the water reservoir of the iron

    If the features of your iron consist of a function of the steam then it might need the addition of the water. On the top of the tool, you need a large, detachable water chamber. After this, you are required to filter the water and later add it to the brim. This helps in avoiding calcium build-up in your iron, which could further cause clog in the steam spouts.

    #4. Arrange the garment

    The arrangement of the item of clothing should be done in such a way that it lies properly flat on the board. There should be no wrinkles. Since ironing over a wrinkle will only press a crease line into the fabric.

    #5. Heat the iron

    According to the fabric, you should set the heat dial of the iron. After the selection of a heat level, the warmth of the metal will start to grow. After the iron has become hot, avoid waiting for more than a matter of seconds. According to the type of fabric, the levels of heat should be listed. It is instructed to not use an inappropriate setting since the response of the cotton is quite well high heat and steam, but the same heat might melt or fuse some synthetic fabrics after exposure to such high temperatures.

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    #6. Maintain the temperature at a minimum

    You should set the heat temperature at a minimum before starting ironing. Ironing more than one garment requires the lowest setting on the iron. Cooling down the iron before continuing can be avoided by following this.

    #7. Start ironing the first slide

    Across the fabric, you should run the hot flat side of the iron firmly. It would smoothen out the wrinkles in the garment. For effective results, start ironing work with the natural folds and creases of the garment. You should iron each part of the garment individually in separation.

    The main body of the garment should be ironed, at last, the collar, cuffs, sleeves and shoulders should be done first.

    #8. Before precautions after switching on the iron

    If the iron rests directly on the garment, lest the fabric is doomed to overheat. You might strike a fire after being careless with the iron.

    #9. Smoothen all the sides

    After flipping the piece of clothing over you should immediately iron the other side. Be precautions of not flattening any wrinkles or creases into the new side.

    #10. Hang the clothing after ironing the garment

    After ironing you can either bunch up the garment or just leave it laying out, then there’s a possibility that all the wrinkles would dry out. You should hang the fabric on a clothes hanger so that it is air-dry.

    12 Ways on How to Clean an Iron

    #1. Usage of Tylenol into a hot iron soleplate

    One of the most common hacks for cleaning an iron with burnt residue is Tylenol. You can choose it irrespective of any brand any type of acetaminophen tablet will serve the purpose. You should put the iron onto the highest setting. After the iron has become hot you should press the pill directly onto the burnt area. After melting the pill will transform into a gel that would further dissolve the burnt spot. To clean the soleplate you should Use a damp cloth or paper towel. Until the complete removal of char, you should repeat the process. It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron.

    Source – Pro Housekeepers

    #2. Wear gloves while cleaning

    The protection of your fingers is necessary while cleaning an iron. To protect the fingers, you should wear an oven mitt or heat-protecting gloves. It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron. You should not try to hold the pill with pliers or tweezers. Since after one slip you would end up scratching the iron, there is no fixation for it. Therefore it is important to wear something to protect your hands.

    Source – The Spruce

    #3. Create a mixture of Iron Cleaning Paste With Baking Soda

    It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron.

    Baking soda acts as a magical agent which cleans everything be it from ovens to dishwashers. It can also properly clean your iron. You can create a mixture of stain-fighting paste with just two tablespoons of baking soda and one tablespoon of water. After rubbing it properly around, on the iron plate, you should keep in mind to not let baking soda in the steam holes. If the paste still gets in the steam holes by mistake you should clean them out immediately.

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    How to clean an Iron | Sleck
    Source – WikiHow

    #4. Usage of a Cotton Swab to Clean Out the Steam Holes

    Cotton swabs serve the best purpose and act as a perfect tool to get inside the steam holes to clean them out. Before inserting them to level up the grime-fighting pow you can also dip them in distilled white vinegar. It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron.

    Source – HomeZene

    #5. Soak a towel in vinegar

    One of the most popular ways to use vinegar while cleaning the iron plate is to soak a towel in vinegar. The plate of iron should face towards after setting the iron onto the towel. It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron. You can wipe it down after sitting it for consecutive 30 minutes. If your iron has corrosion this method can yield beneficial results.

    Source – Wholefully

    #6. Addition of the Vinegar to the Water Reservoir

    After filling the reservoir of water with a mixture of half distilled white vinegar and half water you can easily clean out the iron steam vents in a steam iron. With the help of an old cloth, you can properly iron as well as steam them. After steaming residue will come out of the vents on its own along with the vinegar. It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron.



    #7. Prefer Iron Over a Newspaper and Salt

    It is better to choose iron over salt and newspapers which also serves the purpose. After flipping your iron to the hottest setting you should take an ironing board laying out a newspaper. After sprinkling a good amount of salt over the newspaper you should start ironing the salty newspaper in circles until it’s properly cleaned. It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron. The usage of a brown paper bag in place of a newspaper handy also serves the purpose.

    Source – Real Homes

    #8. Creation of magic with a magic eraser

    If your iron is spotted with hard water a magic eraser can surely do wonders on an iron. You should wet your magic eraser at first followed by rubbing it to cool the iron along with the sponge until the stains come off gradually. You can also re-wet the sponge if you need it. It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron. You can even use magic eraser to clean a bong. Check out the method here.

    How to clean an iron | Sleck
    Source – Business Insider

    #9. Usage of Ice Cubes and a plastic knife for removal of melted plastic

    Sometimes the iron comes into contact with the surface of the plastic, sometimes it becomes a mess to be dealt with but it’s a simple process enough to get it off. Immediately unplug the iron for further cooling if your iron comes into contact with plastic. To harden the plastic quickly you should quickly fill a metal bowl or pan with ice cubes and place the particular iron plate onto the ice. Scrape away the plastic with the help of a plastic knife. It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron.

    Using a vinegar spray or a damp rag you can also wipe down the surface. It’s important to remove the plastic before you use the iron again since otherwise, the plastic would end up melting into your clothes.


    #10. Maintain the Low Heat of the iron and Scrub With Dryer Sheets

    While the iron is on its lowest setting you should rub the soleplate with dryer sheets. After the dryer sheet gets quite hot you can reach for another after tossing it. You can repeat the process until and unless the iron is cleaned properly. It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron.

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    #11. Break Out a Brillo Pad

    It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron. Sometimes the iron gets stuck on the glue. In such cases, a Brillo pad can be effective. It properly serves the purpose of getting rid of all the remnants without causing any scratch on your iron plate.


    #12. Usage of nail polish remover to break down residue

    It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron. A nail polish remover would serve the best purpose. After grabbing a cotton ball you can dip it into a particular acetone nail polish remover. Along the surface of the hot iron, you can swipe the cotton ball with the help of an oven mitt or a heat-protecting glove. Immediately the residue would dissolve. It is recommendable to use this iron-cleaning method outside so that your family or pets don’t breathe in the chemical fumes. It is one of the easiest ways if you are actively in search of how to clean an iron.


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q1. What does it indicate if black stuff starts coming from an iron?

    A: Sometimes the iron sticks to the fabric, spraying dirty water which further leads to black spots on your clothing. On the bottom soleplate of your iron over time the formation of dirt, dust, spray starch and fabric fibre starts taking place. The water which is lying inside your iron’s water reservoir can lead to rust spots.

    Q2. How to clean a brown iron leak?

    A: Due to hard water sometimes the deposition of calcium into the tank of the water takes place which further leads to iron leak brown water. Water starts dropping from the clogged holes of streams. To remove the deposition of calcium you can also use the self-clean button of your iron. You can also make the solution of vinegar and lemon for cleaning the tank of the water.

    Q3. How can I use steel wool to clean my iron?

    A: Through the usage of a fine grade steel wool pad you can easily scrub the surface of the pan, inside and out, for the removal of rust and debris. You can also take the help of hot water and mild soap if needed. After cleaning all the residue off the cast iron you can easily wash and dry your skillet as mentioned. You can immediately re-season the pan after restoring the cast iron skillet.

    Q4. Can I clean iron with lemon juice?

    A: You can grab a soft cloth and soak some lemon juice in it. Until the black marks disappear you can rub the burnt surface. Although the same results can be obtained after ironing a fluffy towel soaked with lemon juice.

    Q5. Can we dry clothes with an iron?

    A: A lot of time is saved after drying the clothes with an iron. Since the clothes can take several hours or even a couple of days through air drying if the weather is not sunny. Through the usage of a dryer, you can instantly dry your clothes within minutes. It is also quite safe for the fabrics. Since drying clothes in a drier can prove to be rough for the fabric of your clothes


    Depending upon the type of material sometimes the settings of many irons are ordered such as wool, cotton, polyester. This helps in avoiding calcium build-up in your iron, which could further cause clog in the steam spouts.

    If you haven’t bought an steaming iron yet, check out this buyer’s guide.

    If you have a big load of laundry to take care of then a dirty iron can cause a lot of obligations. Water can leave behind mineral deposits over time due to it. The usage of spray-on starch or other products can leave junk marks behind on the plate of the iron.

    Although cleaning an iron regularly is relatively easy. To clean the other parts of the iron despite the plate you can take the help of a damp clean cloth to gently wipe the iron down. Be precautions of using water since too much usage of water in an electrical appliance can cause maximum damage to it. You can also take the help of commercial iron cleaners available to ease the process.

    But you need to follow the instructions with utmost care while using this method. While using a steam iron it is necessary to empty any excess water that is present in the iron. This will further build up mineral deposits on your iron. Although it is recommendable to use filtered water in your iron instead of distilled or tap water.


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