What Are Veneers And How Are They Installed?

You must have heard about people with tooth problems using veneers. But the question is, what are veneers? If you feel conscious about the way your teeth look or you just have a weak tooth and your enamel is not that strong either. If you want a solution to that then asking the question what are veneers will definitely start you on the path to fixing this issue.

Veneers can be very helpful if you face certain teeth issues or other specific dental health issues. It can give strength to your teeth as well as make your smile more beautiful in the process.


Although, before you even get started on the process of asking your dentist to install veneers, you must first know what are veneers and gather every information that you can about them. And that is what I am going to help you with, in this article.

In this text, we will be answering questions like what are veneers, why they are used in dentistry and the process for installing veneers on your tooth. I will also tell you about the difference between porcelain veneers and composite veneers, how you can care for veneers, and all the things that you should do before and after you get veneers. Let us get started.

What Are Veneers?

So the most important question here is what are veneers? Well to put it simply, veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made tooth-colored shells that are attached to the front surface of your teeth. This is done to both make the teeth stronger and to give your tooth a better appearance.

Veneers are usually made from two materials and they are porcelain veneers or resin-composite veneers. I will explain more about them when I further answer the question of what are veneers. Veneers are used to treat a number of dental and cosmetic issues. These issues are:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Smaller-than-average teeth

Most people only get veneers installed when they have broken teeth or chipped teeth. Even if that is the case, some people get veneers, that too up to 6-7 veneers, to get an even and symmetrical smile. Veneers are known to be mostly installed in the front 8 teeth of the mouth.

Veneers are also something that is used to fill in the gaps between your teeth and make them look much better. Keep in mind that veneers are permanent, it is an irreversible treatment so you can’t get them out. So that is why it is essential that you know what are veneers before you decide on getting them.

Veneers are custom-made to the contour of your teeth. When they are installed, they get bonded to the original enamel of your tooth. This procedure is obviously carried out in-office where the dentist has all their equipment readily available to them.

A lot of people prefer veneers because they are very less intrusive than crowns or even braces. As I said, they could be used to close gaps or correct small issues with your teeth and that is why they are often preferred in dentistry over other things.

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What Are Veneers’ Benefits?

Now that you know a bit about what are veneers, let us talk about all the benefits that you get from getting veneers installed. I have already mentioned how they enhance your appearance and give you a bright smile.

What they also do is cover broken and chipped teeth, hide the severe discoloration or uneven coloring of the teeth that you can’t fix with just whitening. They also fill in the gaps as I said and they help cover the teeth that are smaller in size than what is normal by giving uniform size to all teeth and they also help with the issue of pointed or unusually shaped teeth.

Based on what type of veneer you are choosing to get, they can last for more than a whole decade. This is why they are a semi-permanent investment and they can keep your smile intact for years and years. Now that you know what are veneers’ benefits are, let me tell you about how much they cost.

Cost Of Getting Veneers

You might be saddened to know that veneers are not something that is covered by your health insurance. The reason behind that is that getting veneers is considered a cosmetic procedure. The Consumer Guide To Dentistry says that the traditional veneers can cost around $925 to $2500 per tooth on average.

These veneers can last for up to 10 to 15 years. The no-prep veneers cost a bit less than the traditional veneers. You already know what are veneers so let me tell you what no-prep veneers are. As the name suggests, no-prep veneers require a lot less preparation for the tooth.


They focus only on the enamel of the tooth for minimal removal and installment. It only covers the front of the tooth and uses no local anesthesia. It is kind of like a cosmetic contact lens. These veneers can also be made from composite or porcelain material.

The no-prep veneers will cost you around $800 to $2000 per tooth and they last for about five to 7 years. So when you think about the longer term, the traditional veneers are the most cost-effective as they last 2 to 3 times more than a no-prep veneer.

The cost of any veneer will depend on the factors such as what kind of veneer you are getting installed, the brand name of the veneer that your dentist has, the cost of living in your area, and the level of expertise of your dentist. All these things will determine how cheap or costly your veneers are going to be.

What Are Veneers’ Different Types?

When you are about to get a traditional veneer installed, it is going to require some preparation beforehand which I will be discussing in this article as well. Installing veneers like the Lumineers and Vivaneeres takes a lot less time than any traditional veneer. The different types of veneers are:

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Porcelain Veneers

The most common type of veneers is those that are made from porcelain. The porcelain veneers are preferred by most for correcting the shape and color of teeth and these can last for more than a decade, something even up to 2 decades.

The cost of these veneers varies from $800 to $2000 based on your location and some other factors. It is essential that you ask your dentist when you will need to replace them. To install porcelain veneers, the teeth are prepared by removing a small amount of enamel from the front and sides of the teeth.

By the space that is made, veneers are installed. This is done to make the veneers look natural. The dentist then makes a mold of the teeth and then decides the shade of the veneer best suitable for you. The mold gets sent to the lab to make a porcelain veneer and that might take a few days and you might get temporary veneers in the meantime.

When you visit the dentist again, they will install the veneers and clean the teeth, and then bond the veneer to the tooth. If there are changes to be made, the dentist will tell you when to come and what procedure to follow.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers or composite resin veneers are something that cost a lot less than porcelain veneers. They cost around half as much as porcelain veneers. Composite veneers can be made very quickly and you get the diagnosis and get them installed, both in just one day.

These veneers are made especially for your teeth and not in an off-site laboratory. These also have factory reversibility. Where porcelain veneers require the reshaping of your natural teeth to fit them, composite veneers do not require much preparation as they are not a permanent fixture and can be removed.

Composite veneers require a lot less tooth enamel to be removed and they require very few visits to the dentist. If they get damaged, they can be fixed very easily as well. To install these veneers, the teeth are prepared, and the dentist bonds and sculpts the composite material.

To harden the composite, a special light gets used, and then it is bonded with your teeth. To make the veneers look like natural teeth, they are polished and smoothed out.

Things Done Before You Get Veneers

Before you are approved to get veneers, it should be made sure that you have healthy teeth, and if you have any diseases or decay, then the dentist would treat those. If you are someone who always clenches or grinds your teeth, then veneers are not a good option for you.


The reason behind that is that veneers that are thin can break. In such a case, your dentist might tell you to wear a plastic dental night guard while sleeping. You have to keep in mind that once the tooth enamel is removed during the preparation process, it can never be obtained back.

Veneers could come loose over time and thus, new veneers would have to be installed. You should discuss all the possibilities with your dentist before you decide on getting veneers.

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Things Done After You Get Veneers

Make sure you never clench or grind your teeth and avoid biting your fingernails or chewing on hard objects like ice for the health of your veneers. After you get the veneers, you will have to give a few days to get used to the pressure of the veneers. If you feel awkward or feel like something is wrong when the veneers get installed, tell your dentist immediately.

Always keep your teeth and gums clean and brush and floss regularly. There is a possibility that you can get cavities under or around the veneers so you should avoid them the best you can. Proper oral hygiene will make the veneer last for a long time but remember that they will need to be replaced someday.

Make sure you keep these things in mind:

  • Do not chew on hard objects like ice or shells.
  • Do not use your teeth to open packages.
  • Do not chew with your front teeth.
  • Eat the harder food substances with your back teeth.
  • Cut up hard foods as much as possible.
  • Use a splint or retainer to protect your veneers at night.
  • Always use a mouthguard when playing sports.

Process Of Placing Veneers

I have told you about what are veneers. Now let us discuss the process for installing veneers.


This is the first step of the process where you will have to explain to your dentist the result you want. The dentist will examine your teeth to make sure the veneers are a good option for you and they will tell you what the procedure will entail. X-rays could also be a part of the process.


As I said, to prepare the tooth, the dentist will remove a bit of enamel from the tooth surface. This will be about half a millimeter of the tooth enamel which will be almost equal to the thickness of the veneer.

Before the enamel gets trimmed, the dentist will decide on an anesthetic to numb the area. After that, they will proceed to make a mold of the tooth. This will get sent to a lab and it will take about 2 to 4 weeks for your dentist to get the veneers back and then they will be placed and bonded with your teeth.


Before the veneer gets installed permanently on your teeth, the dentist will place the veneer temporarily to see how it is fitting. They will try to make the veneer a perfect fit for your teeth. Your tooth will be polished, cleaned, and etched to allow proper bonding to take place.

A special cement will be applied to the veneer and then it will be placed on the tooth. After the placing is done, a light beam would be used to activate the cement and harden it. After that, if any adjustments are needed, the dentist will do those.


Hopefully, this article helped you understand what are veneers and cleared all your doubts. The only thing that you should keep in mind is that you should take care of your teeth as best as you can.

Veneers would help you get a better smile and hide any damage to your teeth. Veneers are a great option if you do not want to go for a crown or braces. So get your veneers placed and brighten the world with your smile.


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