
    How To See Auras? 4 Important FAQs And Complete Guide!

    How To See Auras? Find Out!

    You must have heard about auras which makes you think about how to see auras and how to find out what energy do you give?

    Everyone gives off energy from every part of their bodies. To see that, you need to tune in to a certain level of consciousness. Even though the idea of aura seems to be at odds with modern science, scientists are now starting to believe in energies. Various experiments are being conducted, and many of them support the belief that this world and everything in it, whether it’s alive or not, is affected by its energies.

    Hindu scriptures like the Vedas, which are ancient systems of medicine, say that this energy is shown in seven layers. It is said that each layer represents a different part of your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. These layers are supposed to interact with one another to influence your overall health.

    Let’s find out how to see auras and have a piece of deep knowledge about auras.

    What is an aura?

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    Photo by Activedia on Pixabay

    When someone references “aura,” they talk about the spiritual energy field surrounding all living beings but can’t be seen.

    “Everything alive has an aura,” People believe that your emotional and spiritual health can be seen in the different colors of your aura.

    Even though we can’t always see aura colors with our eyes, we can usually feel them. Think about how some people give off a really warm and friendly vibe (or a really bad vibe) even before they utter a word. That’s the aura at work.

    What are the 7 layers of an aura?

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    Photo by johnhain on Pixabay

    Your aura has seven layers, which are also called bodies or planes. Each of which symbolizes a distinct aspect of yourself. Consider them to be the layers of an onion, with your physical body in the middle.

    Physical aura plane:

    As the name implies, the physical aura plane is the layer that depicts our physical health. It is the layer that is closest to your skin. It’s also known as the etheric plane.

    Emotional aura plane:

    This is the plane associated with your emotions. If you’re caught up in your emotions, this plane will reveal it. It changes color based on mood and seems dull or smudged if you’re under emotional distress.

    Mental aura plane:

    This plane is all about logic, thinking, and reasoning. It’s the 3rd layer of your body.

    Astral body aura plane:

    This plane, which moves outward, is linked with your spiritual well-being. It’s also where you keep your love capacity.

    Etheric aura plane:

    This plane is where your psychic powers come from. When your etheric plane is clear, you can tap into other people’s energy and connect with those on the same wavelength as you.

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    Celestial aura plane:

    This is the plane where your intuition and dreams are stored. It is also the plane of enlightenment, and people with a strong celestial aura plane tend to be very creative. 

    Causal aura plane:

    This is the last plane of the aura. It brings together all the other layers and helps you find your way through life.

    How To See Auras?

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    Photo by Alexandra_Koch on Pixabay

    If you’ve always been interested in auras and how so many people can see something that can’t be seen, here’s what you would love to read: A brief guide to developing that ability.

    Follow the steps below to be able to see a person’s aura.

    Step 1: Ask the person whose aura you want to see to stand about 10 feet away. Make sure that their backgrounds are either all black or all white. Also, make sure that the room is neither too dark nor too bright. Natural light is the best option.

    Step 2: Now, you need to pay attention to the nose of the person. Don’t look too hard, and keep your eyes loose so that you can also see what’s around you. Our vision is great because it goes all the way around. Even if you look at someone’s nose, your peripheral vision can help you see his sides.

    Step 3: You will notice a dark and growing outline of the person’s body. It will not be overly thick and will be extremely safe. However, you must not become enthusiastic and begin to gaze at the shadow instead of focusing straight ahead. Maintain a calm demeanor.

    Step 4: Begin examining the outline that has developed around the person now, but only peripherally. The aura will begin to manifest before your eyes as you do so.

    Step 5: Raise your eyes from the person’s nose to their forehead, but do it gently. This will allow you to see their aura more clearly.

    Also, you may only see a single colored aura at first, but as you gain experience, you will begin to notice multiple colors in a single person’s aura.

    What do their colors mean?

    Each of your seven main chakras (the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown) has a color that goes with it. Your aura comprises the layers mentioned above and is connected to these chakras.

    If you know which colors go with which chakras, you can figure out what your aura is trying to tell you.


    The color red resonates in your root chakra. It’s located at the base of your spinal column and holds your core concerns such as who you are, your home, work, values, manifesting powers, and sexual energy. If your aura is red, you’re operating from a stable foundation.


    The sacral chakra is in your lower abdomen. The color orange is linked to this chakra. It has the energy of the emotional body’s beginning, creative energy, the ability to connect with other people, and sexual energy.

    If your aura has orange, you feel emotionally under a weighted blanket. You’re also smart and independent.


    The Colour yellow is linked with your solar plexus chakra. This chakra is found a few inches above your abdominal button. It is the home of your personality, identity, emotions, and personal strength. It defines who you are to yourself and the rest of the world. Yellow auras indicate that you are optimistic, curious, and creative.


    They have to do with your heart chakra. Your heart chakra is about love, both for you and others. It holds the energy of kindness and forgiveness. Green aura people are usually creative and hardworking. They are strong-willed and realistic, and they usually do well. They can also be perfectionists and choose a job that has something to do with gardening.

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    A pink aura means the person is friendly, generous, caring, loyal, and in love. People with pink auras are loyal and great to have over. They have strong morals, so they hate any wrongdoing.


    The color blue represents your throat chakra. It’s your way of being yourself, saying what you need to say, and interacting with yourself and others. Blue auras indicate that you are Empathetic and intuitive.

    Purple and violet: 

    Purple is connected with your third-eye chakra, which you’re familiar with if you’ve done yoga. It’s in the center of your forehead, above your actual eyes. It is your vision of everything you want to achieve and the source of your intuition. You may discover that you have high intuition and psychic abilities.


    White auras are quite rare. This color resonates in your crown chakra, positioned above your head. It links you to All That Is, Oneness and the realization that we are all interconnected.


    If your aura seems dark, you hold on to certain bad thoughts and emotions obstructing energy’s passage through your chakras.


    A person with a golden aura is naturally extravagant. They can be vain and pompous, and they live on outward attractiveness. They dislike having their weaknesses exposed and are people who crave attention.

    How to see my aura?

    If you want to see your aura, you have to do the same things with your hand as above. Bring your hand in front of you, palm facing you, white or black background.

    Look at the palm’s center and see if you can make out an outline. You can also press your fingers together and then spread them out or gently wave your hand to outline. This will help you show off your aura.

    Can my aura change over time?

    eye, chakra, aura
    Photo by geralt on Pixabay

    Proponents believe it is possible! The energy of everyone changes. It changes for everyone in different ways. There is no one way to do it.

    People say that your emotions and experiences immediately affect your aura. So, if your aura is dim right now, it probably won’t stay that way forever.

    Can I cleanse my aura?

    Yes, it is possible to cleanse and heal your aura. Techniques that may be useful include the following:

    • Meditation. Spending time focusing on your mental and emotional health may brighten your aura.
    • Positive affirmations. Just like you might take a shower to get rid of dirt on your body, you can “bathe” yourself in good thoughts to get rid of bad energy and make it easier to think of good ideas.
    • Visualization. Imagining yourself “cleaning” your aura by inhaling positive energy and exhaling negative light may aid in the removal of streaks or black patches in your auditory layers.
    • Energy balance and healing. Spiritual masters and advisors might be able to help you figure out where energy imbalances come from and how to fix them.
    • Smudging. Sage burning is an old way to get rid of bad energy in a room or a person.

    How can I detect if my aura matches the auras of others?

    Certain aura colors, like astrological signs, are more compatible with others. Here’s how it works.

    • If you have a red aura, a vibrant green aura will assist you in manifesting your interests into reality.
    • Combining it with a pink aura will result in creative genius if you have a blue aura.
    • Adding a bright purple aura will inspire and push you both to pursue artistic endeavors if you have a yellow aura.
    • A darkish blue aura will improve your positive sentiments if you have an orange aura.
    • If you have a green aura, adding a lilac aura will make you more spiritual.
    • If you have a violet aura, a crimson aura will assist you both grasp each other’s feelings on a soulful level.
    • If you have an indigo aura, adding a turquoise aura will make you feel more social or compelled to engage in more outside activities.
    • If your aura is brown, a light green aura will help your heart open.
    • If your aura is grey, a magenta aura can help you figure out what your life is all about.
    • If you have a black aura, a golden aura will provide healing energy for you.
    • Any color will resonate with the energy if you have a white aura. Avoid absorbing other people’s emotions since you are vulnerable to them.
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    Do the locations of aura colors have any significance?

    yoga, meditation, woman, how to see auras
    Photo by Elf-Moondance on Pixabay

    The color pattern also has significance. If your left side has an abundance of colors or a cluster of a certain color, it reflects the energy you’re taking in. If you have a lot of colors or a bunch of one color on the right side, it shows the energy you’re sending out into the world.

    Colors above your head (near the crown chakra) show your current conscious, mental, and emotional state. Colors towards the bottom of your body (near the sacral chakra) represent your current subconscious state of mind or the emotions you’re holding in.

    What if I can’t see or feel anything?

    It may take some time to detect your aura. It can also take time and effort to learn how to cleanse it.

    We spend a lot of time as humans focusing on our physical appearance.

    We will experience less pain and difficulty if we spend more time concentrating our attention on the aura, which is a part of our divine self or soul.

    If our aura is clear and strong, it will lead us and place us in a position to live the life we know we deserve and desire. Now that you have learned how to see auras, you can practice seeing and finding yours.

    Final words On How To See Auras

    Auras are the energy fields that all living things have, but you can’t see them. Their colors can be used to figure out who you are, what you like, and how you like to do things. You can have your aura read in person or online, even learning how to do it yourself. If you don’t like the colors of your aura, you can slowly change them with energy-cleansing techniques like sound therapy, meditation, and chakra work.

    Many spiritual masters, energy practitioners, and those involved with aural health think that the physical body is closely intertwined with the emotional and spiritual bodies.

    The aura is only one manifestation of this link.

    It takes time to understand and become aware of your aura. However, regardless of the outcome of any endeavor to reform or revive your aural health, the habit of focusing on your own emotional and spiritual health may go a long way toward aiding your overall health.

    Positive thoughts can provide healing, energy, and a sense of self-worth.


    1. How do you read an aura?

    To see your aura, 

    1. Rub your hands together to ignite your energy until you can “feel” it.
    2. Allow your vision to blur as you face a white wall or a mirror.
    3. Examine your reflection—or a bodily part such as your hand. A color represents your aura.

    2. How can I see my aura with my camera?

    Try looking in a mirror. Zoom in on the mirror with your phone’s camera. Keep zooming in until your phone screen only shows one color. That is your aura.

    3. How do you take a picture of your aura?

    First, you place your palms on a pair of metal plates linked to a camera. When the photographer presses the shutter button, the plates transmit energy information to the camera. In a printed Polaroid photo, colors match the energy shown around your figure.

    4. What does aura feel like?

    Auras can be unique to each individual. Changes in your thoughts, senses, or awareness may include:

    • Fuzzy vision.
    • Dark spots.
    • Flashing or flickering lights.
    • Partial vision loss.
    • Seeing things that aren’t there—a sense of deja vu, panic, or detachment.

    That was everything you needed to know about- How to see auras.


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