
    How To Open PS4: The Simplest Guide For Beginners

    The PS4 or PlayStation 4 is an advanced game console developer. PS4 is the developed version of the PlayStation 3 or PS3 launched in February 2013. Basically, it belongs to the 8th generation of consoles with several remarkable features. You can download and play games online with your friends. Besides, you can play DVD’s, CD’s, Netflix, and YouTube as well. You can enjoy 4K resolution games as well on it. To utilize the console properly, you must know how to open PS4 so that you can have access to all the parts of the device.

    It is quite natural to face some obstructions while enjoying your PS4 console or slim after a long time. It can be slow or it can be louder than before. Maybe the inner parts of your PS4 are now needed to be clean. In this scenario, you should know that how to open PS4. It is always better to handle your own devices by yourself only. This article will definitely help you to disassemble your PS4 console or PS4 slim like a professional.

    Let’s take a look at the tools you need to be with you when you are opening your PS4 for the first time. These are the tools that you need to disassemble your PS4.

    1. Torx T8
    2. Torx T9
    3. Phillips PH0
    4. Phillips PH1
    5. Knife or something sharp.
    6. Tweezer
    how to open PS4

    Now you are all set to open not only the PS4 console but also PS4 Slim easily. Follow these few steps to open the PS4 console. This PS4 game console is known as PS4 Fat.

    How to open PS4 game console

    After turning off your PS4 Fat, follow these steps.

    Step 1: The top panel should be removed first.

    Step 2: The hard drive basket is fixed with one screw. Unscrew it.

    Step 3: Then remove the hard drive.

    Step 4: Remove the stickers of the connection ports.

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    Step 5: You will definitely find some screws below the stickers. Unscrew those with the help of Torx T8.

    Step 6: Now PS4 case should be removed from the same side.

    Step 7: Now, it’s time to remove the power supply. Unscrew those screws with the help of Torx T8 and PH0.

    Step 8: For this step you need the tweezers. You can notice a four-wire cable connected with the power supply. Disconnect the cable.

    Step 9: Pull up the power supply carefully by using a sharp object.

    Step 10: Now the blue-ray drive should be removed from the motherboard. Remove the connector after pressing the iron plate with the help of the tweezers.

    Step 11: Disconnect the optical drive and remove the Wi-Fi antenna from the motherboard.

    Step 12: To disassemble the top cover of the PS4, remove the screws.

    Step 13: Hold the top cover carefully and pull it up properly.

    Step 14: Next, you need to unscrew a number of screws with the help of Torx T8 and PH0.

    Step 15: Lift up the fan cable.

    Step 16: Lift up the metal panel. Be careful about the thermal pads. Do not lose them.

    Step 17: Now, you can easily remove the motherboard.

    Step 18: Remove the metal panel by unscrewing all the screws.

    Step 19: Finally, remove the fan by unscrew the screws carefully.

    You are all done with the work of opening the PS4 game console or PS4 Fat. Now you can easily clean all the dust from the small parts of the PS4 game console.

    As you are gaining a clear idea about opening the PS4 game console it is normal to be curious about opening the PS4 Slim. You can easily learn from this article that how to open PS4 Slim. Check out the below-mentioned information.

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    How to open PS4 Slim

    After learning how to open PS4 basic console, let’s open the PS4 Slim to remove unwanted dust from the fan and the smaller parts of your device.

    After logging off your device, start following these steps carefully.

    Step 1: Open the top panel with care.

    Step 2: To remove the hard drive, unscrew the screw.

    Step 3: Now, the warranty sticker should be removed safely.

    Step 4: You can now notice one screw underneath the sticker. Remove it with the help of Torx T8.

    Step 5: Remove the bottom case. Carefully lift up two corners of the case.

    Step 6: Remove the visible screw with the help of PH0

    Step 7: Turn your device over and remove the top cover.


    Step 8: Disconnect the power supply.

    Step 9: Remove the Wi-Fi antenna safely.

    Step 10: Unscrew several screws with the help of PH0 and Torx T8.

    Step 11: Create a gap between the power supply and the cover with the help of a sharp object.

    Step 12: Lift up the power supply.

    Step 13: Now, the cable should be removed from the motherboard.

    Step 14: Remove the Wi-Fi antenna from the motherboard.

    Step 15: All the cables should be turned off now.

    Step 16: Now, you need to unscrew at least 30 screws.

    Step 17: Remove the metal panel.

    Step 18: Disconnect the antenna from the metal panel after removing the second Wi-Fi.

    Step 19: Remove the mount after removing the two screws.

    Step 20: Now, the motherboard should be disconnected from the four-pin connector.

    Step 21: Remove the motherboard from the case safely.

    Step 22: The thermal paste of the CPU of PS4 Slim should be removed with the help of a napkin.

    Step 23: Spread a new thermal paste over the surface of the CPU evenly.

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    Step 24: Flip over the PS4 Slim to remove the screws with the help of HP0.

    Step 25: Unscrew the screw at the back of the console.

    Step 26: Remove the metal panel easily.

    Step 27: Finally, lift the fan up from the case by unscrewing the screw.

    Now, as you are able to disassemble the PS4 game console and the PS4 Slim as well, you should know how to open PS4 Pro also. Surprisingly it is much easier to know that how to open PS4 Pro.

    How to open PS4 Pro

    Follow these steps to disassemble the PS4 Pro.

    Step 1: Keep the PS4 Pro in a flat and clean area so that you can easily find out all the screws after open the PS4 Pro.

    Step 2: Turn off the PS4 Pro.

    Step 3: Hold the bottom part of the PS4 to make it simple.

    Step 4: Lift the PS4 Pro up and towards you to open it properly.

    Step 5: Now, you need to literally break the seal.

    Step 6: After that, you can easily remove the fan.

    Step 7: Flip the plastic cover up again to clean each and every corner of the PS4 Pro.

    Finally, you are all done with your work of opening the PS4 Pro. Without depending on anybody else you can open your own PS4 game console or PS4 Fat, PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro by yourself at home now as you know all the steps for how to open PS4. With the help of your knowledge now you can help any of your friends regarding the same problem.

    Are you interested in knowing more about how to handle your PS4 console? This blog on How To Turn Off PS4 Controller: An Easy Guide For PlayStation Owners will be helpful for you.



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