
    Fue Hair Transplant- Important Things To Consider Before Undergoing!

    Fue Hair Transplant- Is It Worth Undergoing? Find Out!

    Follicle hair transplant or FUE hair transplant is a type of hair transplant performed by taking hair follicles at an individual level from the skin and then moved to another region within the body where hair is absent or thinner.

    FUE has become highly popular than the traditional Follicular Unit Transplant or FUT procedure, which led to the appearance of “hair plugs”. Micropunches are used by the surgeons to extract individual follicles and them move them to different part leaving no sign of extraction at all.

    Safety Regarding FUE Hair transplant

    • The FUE hair transplant process is examined to be safe with only insignificant potential side effects, like the appearance of tiny white scars in the place where hair follicles were plucked from. In remarkably rare cases, there might be an infection or a tissue death in the region where the surgery was performed.
    • You might encounter short-term side effects that will most probably go away some days following the treatment. Side effects or risks might also include bruising, swelling, and sensitivity.

    Cost of FUE Hair Transplant


    FUE Hair transplant
    Dr. Hair Best Hair Transplant Clinic

    FUE may cost anywhere between 4000 dollars to 15,000 dollars every session. This cost may also vary widely depending upon how much hair is to be transplanted and the experience of a surgeon operating the transplant.

    However, the complete procedure involving multiple sessions may even cost up to 50,000 dollars which normally everyone cannot afford. The ultimate factors that lead to this much cost are:

    • What is the number of hair that is extracted and then transplanted?
    • how many different specialists or surgeons are possibly available currently in the area you reside in to perform this procedure?
    • how regularly your surgeon will be able to perform FUE hair transplants?
    • how skilled and experienced or in-demand the surgeon you are seeking treatment is?

    You are more likely required to spend for an FUE hair transplant out of your pocket as most health insurance policies do not cover such cosmetic procedures.

    You will also require to include prescription medications needed for pain or additional possible side effects that may or may not result after the procedure.

    You must also count the time off work for improvement and healing when you are considering or calculating the possible cost. This might mean 3 to 4 days inside your home. Most organizations or businesses do not cover FUT or FUE hair transplants under the criteria of medical leave policies.

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    Convinience of FUE Hair Transplant

    • FUE is most often performed in various 2 – 4 hour different sessions. This is done over the course of a few days. In highly rare cases, a session called- “mega session” might be sued which lasts nearly 10 to 12 hours.
    • FUE procedure is a type of outpatient procedure, so you are allowed to usually go back to your home after each session takes place.
    • You do not require to intervene in your daily regimen too much following the FUE transplant. But make sure you do not submerge the area inside water or start performing several rigorous exercises for a week or so after the surgery.
    • Almost all types of specialists are qualified to perform an FUE hair transplant surgery. You might also want to discuss with a dermatologist or skin doctor who practices hair loss or is well-certified in such hair transplant surgery.

    Effectiveness of FUE Hair Transplant

    Hair transplanted in new regions of the body starts growing back typically after 3 to 4 months or so. You can easily expect nearly 10 to 80% of the hair transplanted or transferred to start growing back.

    FUE Hair Transplant

    fue hair transplant

    FUE stands for Follicular unit extraction hair transplants. These are performed by selecting singular hair follicles out of the skin and then embedding or implanting them somewhere else within your body. This will allow the hair in this new body part to resemble or appear thicker.

    FUE technique was intended to substitute the “classic” follicular unit transplantation technique or FUT technique. This method was performed by selecting a complete part of the skin or scalp accompanying the hair follicles and then transplanting this skin to the new target area.

    FUE technique has grown more popular than the traditional FUT technique due to its less likeliness to reach and form a “hair plug” appearance, where segments of the scalp or hair do not resemble the neighboring areas. It also would not leave any big scar-like FUT technique usually does.

    The most suitable candidate to undergo an FUE hair transplant is anyone with thinning hair issues or balding and still has sufficient hair nearby to be used for a hair transplant.

    You might not be suitable for an FUE hair transplant if you do not have sufficient healthy or thick hair to remove and transplant to the area that is thinning or balding.

    How Does This Hair Transplant Procedure Works?

    As you age, the three-phase sequence or cycle of hair growth and hair regrowth decreases until hair follicles do not regrow any longer.

    This method is distinctive and separate for all the people who want to opt for an FUE hair transplant. Some people begin balding in their late 20s, while others bald a lot more later in life.

    FUE hair transplants rebuild hair by reconstructing and replacing these old hair follicles with fresh hair follicles that are still capable of growing new hair.

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    After the hair transplant occurs, the follicles will be supplied by blood vessels and start growing hair in the body part that earlier had very thin hair or no hair at all or balding.

    FUE Hair Transplant Procedure

    Now that you have known so much about the FUR hair transplant technique, you already have an overview of how this procedure actually works. Let’s see the complete procedure that takes place during each session:

    1. The surgeon or specialist will start shaving down the hair in the body parts where hair follicles would be eliminated as well as around the area of hair transplant.
    2. Then, they will be using a tool called a micro punch, using this tool they would take out the follicles from the skin.
    3. The surgeon will later make a set of small incisions using a needle or any different small and sharp tool where the removed follicles will be embedded.
    4. They will insert these follicles into the cuts or incisions made.
    5. The surgeon will later wipe or clean and dress the area for complete healing.

    This is the procedure that takes place. You might have a complete mega-session for hair transplant or you may be called for 3 to 4 sessions separately.

    Targeted Areas Of FUE Hair Transplant

    FUE hair transplants are several times performed only on the scalp but this isn’t the only region people use.

    They may also be performed elsewhere on the body where the hair follicles are either thin or completely absent. FUE hair transplant may be performed on the arms, legs, and even in the genital area as per the request and desire of the individuals.

    Risks Or Side Effects Of FUE Hair Transplant

    fue hair transplant
    Skin Care

    Most likely you will not experience any scars after the FUE treatment except for tiny white dots in the region from where the hair follicles were removed to be implanted.

    See the doctor if you notice any of the rare side effects mentioned below:

    • bleeding from the site of surgery.
    • Tingling or numbness anywhere near the site of surgery.
    • infection symptoms
    • Crust or drainage where the surgical procedure was performed.
    • After the transplant, the hair embedded does not seem like the hair around it.
    • balding or thinning still prevails even after the surgery or transplant
    • pain or swelling near or around the surgery site
    • follicle swelling is also called folliculitis.

    What can one expect after undergoing FUE Hair Transplant?

    Recovering from the FUE hair transplant is quick. You might notice discomfort or swelling for nearly 3 days or so. Here are some of the instructions you can see for aftercare. Most probably the doctors will guide you through these after the surgery:

    • Do not wear things like hats, beanies, or any other clothing that might go over the head until the doctor advises to do so or says that it’s fine.
    • Do not perform any vigorous physical activity for nearly a week.
    • Try to take a few days off work to ease and speed up the healing process.
    • Do Not comb or brush the new hair for nearly 3 to 4 weeks or talk to the doctor.
    • Do not rinse the new hair or head shower for at least 3 days.
    • Practice using gentle and unscented shampoos for several weeks after you start rinsing your hair.
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    During the healing process, there are chances of some hair falling out. This is entirely normal and there is no need to panic. You will most probably start noticing a difference after 3 to 4 months.

    Based on the health of transplanted hair, the new hair may or may not grow as thick as you expect them to be.

    How To Prepare For A FUE Hair Transplant

    You are clear about the procedure and effectiveness of this hair transplant procedure. But, how do you prepare for this procedure if you are opting for one? Here’s what you need to know:

    • Do not smoke for a few days before the surgery takes place. Try to avoid as much as you can.
    • Do not drink liquor or any alcohol for at least 3 to 4 days ere the surgical procedure.
    • Do not consume aspirin or any other blood-thinning medication for about 2 weeks ere the surgery.
    • Try a scalp massage for nearly 10 to 30 minutes each day for several weeks to improve blood flow within the scalp.
    • Consume any medications, for example, minoxidil or Rogaine, That the surgeons most probably advises you to take before the surgery.
    • Undergo an electrocardiogram (ECG) test and blood tests before going for surgery.
    • Do not consume any vitamins or any dietary supplements for about 2 weeks ere the surgery.
    • Try to withdraw from consuming any antidepressants medications for as long as 2 weeks ere surgical procedure or session
    • Do not get the hair cut ere going for the surgery.

    FUT vs FUE vs NeoGraft Hair Transplants

    fue hair transplant
    India Mart

    NeoGraft, FUT, and FUE hair transplant follow somewhat the same types of procedures, and all these three techniques may provide you with pleasing outcomes and desired hair type.

    During the FUT procedure, the surgeon will remove a piece of hair from the rear or side of the head before plucking specific hair follicles.

    This surgical procedure is usually cheaper compared to FUE and NeoGraft techniques, but it generally leaves a linear scar at the site f removal. The scar or incision made may be obvious if you like to wear your hair short.

    The FUE and NeoGraft surgery usually follows the same scheme, except the fact that NeoGraft is a semi-automated procedure.

    During the conventional FUE process, a specialist manually extracts the hair follicles.

    During NeoGraft surgical procedure, the hair follicles are collected using suction rather than using a manual extraction process and then implanted using a specific tool that guides the extent of insertion.

    Find A Great Provider In Your Region

    The ISHRS or International Society Of Hair Restoration Surgery has released a special tool to locate experienced and certified doctors who are specialized in hair restoration near the region.

    You can also try using the directory of the American Board of Hair Restoration surgery official website to find a great doctor who specialized in hair restoration.

    You can also check about Elon Musk’s hair transplant and find out what kind of transplant did the multitalented billionaire go through!


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