
    Can Dogs Eat Blackberries? 5 Important FAQs Answered!

    Can Dogs Eat Blackberries? Find Out!

    Blackberries, often known as brambles by others, are among the most common and tasty summer fruits but can dogs eat blackberries? Blackberries are widely available at supermarkets. They can also be seen growing wild in hedgerows and are so-known as hedgerow berries.

    Many folks like foraging these delicious little black fruits while out on a dog walk. But what if your dog tries to imitate you and steal a few? 

    Fortunately, blackberries are usually a safe option if your dog decides to snack. However, there are a few things you should be aware of if your dog enjoys blackberries as much as you do!

    Can dogs eat blackberries?

    can dogs eat blackberries

    Blackberries are safe for dogs to eat and won’t hurt them.

    Dogs can eat blackberries without getting sick. And many dogs like blackberries as a sweet treat once in a while. This superfruit is good for our health in a lot of ways. But does the same hold true for our dogs?

    The good news is that blackberries do have a lot of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help dogs stay healthy, just like they do for people.

    Blackberries are like strawberries in that they have a lot of vitamins, like vitamins A, B, C, E, and K. The dog’s body needs these vitamins to do important things. They help keep your dog’s immune system healthy, reduce inflammation, and give more energy.


    Blackberries are good for your dog’s health in many ways, so it’s fine to give them.

    There are a lot of anthocyanins in blackberries. This antioxidant gives purple, red, and blue fruits their color.

     Antioxidants fight with free radicals, which damage the cells, and do many good things for your dog’s health. Some of these benefits are reducing inflammation, improving brain function, and lowering the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer.

    High Fiber Content

    Blackberries are good for dogs because they are high in fiber and have other health benefits.

    Blackberries have a lot of fiber, which helps keep their digestive system in good shape.

     It also helps control how much sugar is in the blood. Blackberries have omega-3 fatty acids that are good for the health of your pet’s skin and coat.

    Compared to other fruits, blackberries have less sugar. This means that they might be a better choice for a treat than others. Blackberries can help them stay hydrated because they have a lot of water.

    Even though they don’t hydrate as well as fruits like watermelon, which is mostly water, they can still be very helpful and hydrating in the summer. This is the time when there are the most fruits. You could put them in ice cube trays and freeze them for a cool treat when it’s hot outside.

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    Low in Fat

    Because they are low in fat, blackberries are a good treat or snack for your dog.

    There isn’t much fat in blackberries. This means you can give them to your dog as a low-calorie treat.

    Obesity is a big problem among dogs kept as pets, and it can have serious effects on your dog’s health in general. If your dog is obese, or you want to make sure he doesn’t get that way, an occasional blackberry can be a great treat for him.

    What if My Dog eats Other Parts of the Plant?

    If your dog eats the leaves, they shouldn’t hurt him, but the stems have thorns that will scratch and poke him.

    Dogs don’t get sick from eating blackberry leaves, so don’t worry too much if your pet eats some by accident while looking for berries. Keep in mind, though, that a dog’s digestive system is not made for eating a lot of plants. If he eats many brambles (blackberry) leaves, he might get diarrhea or have trouble peeing.

    Blackberry plants have thick, sharp thorns all over their stems, which will keep dogs from trying to eat them on purpose. But there is a chance your dog could get pricked by accident while eating the fruit.

    How Many Blackberries Should You Feed Your Dog?

    The size of your dog will determine how many blackberries it can eat, but the 10 percent rule still applies.

    It all depends on how big he is! Usually, two blackberries a day is enough for a small dog, four or five a day for a medium-sized dog, and six to eight a day for a large dog.

    Keep in mind that some dogs are more sensitive than others and that if a dog eats too many blackberries, it could get sick and throw up or have diarrhea. Most of the time treats shouldn’t make up more than 10% of your dog’s daily food.

    Are Blackberries Bad For Dogs?

    Even though blackberries aren’t dangerous for dogs and aren’t poisonous, you should know a few things before giving them to your dog. Even though most of these rules apply to most dogs, there are always exceptions, and the odd dog will have an allergic reaction.

    Fiber Content

    When eating a lot of blackberries, the high fiber level can be an issue.

    The fiber in blackberries may aid with the digestion of your dog. However, too much of it causes stomach distress. This usually signifies an unpleasant round of diarrhea. Never overfeed your dog on blackberries.

    If you see your dog is very sensitive to new foods, you should avoid offering him any blackberries. Numerous additional foods will bind in their stomach, such as bananas, you can offer them.

    Sugar Content

    blueberries, berries, fruits
    Photo by congerdesign on Pixabay

    In large quantities, these sweet berries can be dangerous.

    Remember that blackberries are high in sugar, and too much sugar is harmful to your dog’s health just like it is for you! Your dog is more likely to gain weight and diabetes if he consumes too much sugar. So, once again, moderation is essential!

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    If your dog already has diabetes, you should avoid giving him blackberries. There are many different treats available that are safer for your pet. Consult with your vet to decide the best options available for your dog.

    Blackberries contain trace amounts of xylitol. 

    This is a sort of sweetener that is particularly hazardous to dogs in high amounts. Xylitol overdose causes liver damage and an abrupt reduction in blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), which can be fatal.

    Fortunately, blackberries contain such a small amount of xylitol that your dog would have to swallow a massive amount of fruit to be poisoned. Still, it’s another reason to limit the number of blackberries your pet consumes.

    Allergic reactions

    To test for allergic reactions, feed a tiny amount of blackberries to your dog at first.

    Any new meal you introduce to your dog may produce an allergic reaction. If your dog has never tried blackberries before, start with a small slice of blackberry to observe how he reacts. 

    Keep an eye on him for any unexpected reactions.

    Skin hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, salivation, or even breathing difficulty are symptoms of an allergic reaction. Although it is extremely unlikely, a severe allergic reaction could result in anaphylaxis, which can be fatal. If your dog experience any of these or other troubling symptoms, you should call your veterinarian.

    Pesticides and Herbicides

    It is good to wash your blackberries and other fruits before feeding them to remove contaminants.

    Any fruit you haven’t grown yourself may have been treated with chemicals like pesticides or herbicides, which could pose a risk. This is especially true of hedgerows near farms or private homes.

    These compounds are unlikely to cause toxicity in your pet if used in the correct concentrations. Still, it is advisable to avoid the danger altogether and wash any blackberries you have harvested before giving them to your pup.

    Mold and Mycotoxins

    Never give your dog rotten, moldy, or old blackberries or fruit.

    Never give your dog decaying fruit that you wouldn’t eat yourself. Mycotoxins, which can cause significant symptoms, are present in moldy food. Drooling, vomiting, tremors, wobbliness, and even seizures are some of the symptoms. Mycotoxin poisoning can be fatal if not treated. If you suspect that your dog ate contaminated food, contact your veterinarian.

    Recommended Ways to Feed Blackberries to Your Dog

    puppy, golden retriever, dog
    Photo by Chiemsee2016 on Pixabay

    Before you prepare any fruit, you should wash and scrub the outside to get rid of dirt, manure, herbicide, and pesticide residue. Blackberries should be a special treat for your dog, not something they eat every day. There are other ways to give this fruit to your dog, such as:

    • Frozen: Putting the blackberries in the freezer before feeding them will keep them fresh until you want to feed them. You could feed this fruit for months instead of just a few days. It can even be made into a healthy frozen fruit or vegetable popsicle for your dog to enjoy on a hot day.
    • Baked: You might make a handmade dog treat with fresh blackberries. There are many fantastic dog-friendly recipes available online. You may make handmade baked cookies with a cute cookie cutter shape.
    • As a Treat Toy Stuffing: Blackberries can be used to make a sweet Kong (or another treat toy) stuffing, which is often frozen for added challenge. This is a wonderful method to keep your dog mentally stimulated without overfeeding.
    • Pureed: To prepare a dog smoothie, combine blackberries with other doggy-safe fruits and vegetables, a little peanut butter (without xylitol), or plain yogurt. If your dog is picky, a small amount of this might be placed on their dry kibble, or it could be made into a frozen popsicle or kong stuffing.
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    In brief, blackberries can be given to dogs as a treat every so often, but you should avoid giving them wild berries.

    But keep in mind that not all berries are the same holly berries; cherries, mistletoe berries, and juniper berries are not good for your dog to eat. These have pits or poisons that can be bad for your dog’s health.

    Final words

    blueberries, berries, fruits
    Photo by congerdesign on Pixabay

    In short, blackberries are not dangerous for dogs and can be given to them as a sweet treat once in a while. Make sure not to feed too many because that could give them an upset stomach. If this is the first time your dog has eaten blackberries, give him a small piece at first.

    This will make it easy for you to ensure he doesn’t have any bad reactions. If he seems fine, your dog will likely enjoy the occasional blackberry just as much as you do.


    can dogs eat blackberries
    love your dog

    1. Do blackberries kill dogs? 

    No, blackberries are not fatal for dogs and can be given as a treat. As with any new food, there is a very small chance your dog could have an allergic response, which can be fatal, but this is very unlikely. If you have a small-sized dog, cut up a blackberry before giving it to him, so he doesn’t choke.

    2. What berries should dogs avoid eating?

    Some berries, like blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries, are safe for your dog to eat. However, some berries are poisonous to dogs and could even kill them. Gooseberries, juniper berries, Black and white bryony berries, and holly berries are all berries that your dog should never eat. This isn’t a complete list, and you should always check if food is safe before giving it to your pet.

    3. Can a dog eat brambles? 

    Yes, brambles, also called blackberries and sometimes “bramble berries,” are safe for dogs to eat. They are safe for your dogs to eat, but if your dog has a sensitive stomach or a medical condition, you might not want to give them to him.

    4. How many blackberries can a dog eat? 

    This is really up to the size of your dog. As a general rule of thumb, two blackberries a day is enough for a small dog, four or five a day for a medium dog, and six to eight a day for a large dog. Remember that some dogs are highly sensitive than others. If your dog eats too many blackberries, it could get sick and throw up or have diarrhea. So make sure treats shouldn’t account for more than 10% of your dog’s daily food intake.

    5. Can Dogs Eat Other Types of Fruits?

    Do you want to know what other fruits your dog can eat? You can offer dog mangoes or peaches as long as the pit is removed. Apples, pears, bananas, oranges, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, pineapple, cantaloupe, and most other fruits are OK to serve your dog.


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