
    10 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

    The cantaloupe, rockmelon, sweet melon, or spanspek comes in a category of a melon which constitutes a variety of the muskmelon species also known as Cucumis melo from the Cucurbitaceae family.

    Cantaloupe is can be consumed in multitudes be it fresh fruit, as a salad, or as a dessert with any type of ice cream or custard. Melon pieces that are properly wrapped in prosciutto are a familiar kind of antipasto. The seeds can be used for consumption and may be dried to serve the purpose of a snack.

    Before cutting and consumption, a melon should be properly washed and scrubbed since the surface of a cantaloupe could be home to a lot of destructive bacteria like Salmonella.

    The fruit should be kept in the refrigerator after washing and cutting it. The consumption of it should be done within three days to avoid the risk of any bacterial contact.

    The weight of Cantaloupes ranges from 0.5 to 5 kilograms which are 1 to 11 lb. The origin of cantaloupe gives the preference only to the non-netted, orange-fleshed melons of a European country, but today it serves as a reference to any orange-fleshed melon of the C. Melo species.

    Origin of Cantaloupe

    The derivation of the name cantaloupe was done in the 18th century via French cantaloup from Italian Cantalupo, which was initially a papal county seat near the city of Rome, after the introduction of fruit from Armenia.

    The English literature was first to distinguish it in the year 1739. The organization of cantaloupe took place from the South Asia region to Africa. The introduction of it later took place in Europe. In the year 1890, in the United States, it got the title of a commercial crop.

    During the 13th century, the derivation of melon was done in Old French by the name melon. It was known to be a category in pumpkin from Medieval Latin melon. Soon it became one of the first plants which got not only domesticated but also cultivated.

    In 2016, the production of melons globally took place at 31.2 million tons which also includes the production of Cantaloupe. China accounts for 51% which is 15.9 million tons of the total production in the world.

    Turkey, Iran, Egypt, and India are some of the significant countries which do the production of 1.9 cantaloupes.

    10 Types of Cantaloupe

    #1 European Cantaloupe

    The European Cantaloupe which is also regarded as Cucumis Melo Cantalupensishave tough rinds and is usually grey-green. The rinds can or cannot be netted. Sometimes it’s netted slightly or mostly it’s not netted at all. They have smooth exteriors with light colours induced in them. The stripes in them are green in colour with nil crisscross patterns like a spider web. Although musky and sweet are their primary most flavours. It first arrived in Africa and Asia and from there, its transportation took place in Italy and European countries.

    The reason behind their unfair name is due to the Italian place, Cantalupo where their harvest took place after the arrival from various sources. The health benefits of cantaloupe are in multitudes.


    #2 North American Cantaloupe

    The North American Cantaloupe is still yet to get full consideration as a Cantaloupe. It is argued that it’s just another type of muskmelon. Although after a lot of argument it is finally regarded as Cantaloupe by North Americans. The North American cantaloupe whose scientific name is Cucumis Melo Reticulatus. The health benefits of cantaloupe are in multitudes. It is quite different from the true cantaloupe since it’s rough. Its shape is quite reticulated. The shell’s colour is pale yellow. Like a true Cantaloupe, the rind is not that hard as it should be even though there is some similarity in flavours and odour.


    #3 Asian Cantaloupe

    It is believed that the origination of Cantaloupes took place from Asia in major. It got its name since it travelled to a European country and thus were named after it. The health benefits of cantaloupe are in multitudes.

    Since it’s sweet musky fruit it should be named after an Asian country, most probably in Persia. Hence it should be named either Persian melon or Hami melon. Although as the North American counterpart it’s deeply netted the same is not the case with the Asian type. The flesh lacks the vibrant as the versions of the west. The flesh of the Asian cantaloupes is pale orange. Its flavours are more delicate and distinguished. It has a yellowish or pale green background with subtle netting. There is a crispy tinge to its flesh. Although the flesh of the North American cantaloupe is gradually soft and pulpy.

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    #4 Japanese Cantaloupe –

    The other name of the Japanese Cantaloupe is crown melon due to its king size. It is also known as the Yubari King melon since it’s the price is too high so it’s mostly consumed by royals. Due to its exorbitant p, rice can be only be afforded by people who have a ha high-status symbol and royal people. Japan possesses an extensive culture of gifts and fruits. They are generally exorbitant and so they are regarded as luxury items. Although the most expensive are the melons.

    Among the affluent, bari melons are often taken for giving gifts. The cultivation of it takes place in the small town of Yubari, Japan that’s why it is named this. The growth of each Yubari melon is done with proper care and extensive consideration. It is an extremely labour-extensive procedure. The pruning of the stem is done exactly with the same lengths. The pollination of seeds takes place manually.

    The fruits are massaged by hand. The Japanese cantaloupe does not only serve the purpose of delicious taste but it also looks attractive. The ‘king’ is attached to its name because of the royal treatment given to it during the cultivation process. The health benefits of cantaloupe are in multitudes.

    Japanese melon price dives - Sleck
    Source – Fruitnet

    #5 Galia Cantaloupe

    The origin of the Galia cantaloupe took place in Israel and it gained major popularity in Southeast Asia. The local name of it is known as Sarda. Although there’s always a debate whether this is a melon or a cantaloupe. The Galia is known to have a sweet flavour. Its background is mostly pale yellow. The colour of the flesh is green. Cucumis Melo var. Reticulated is known to be the scientific name of Galia melons. The health benefits of cantaloupe are in multitudes.

    It is believed that it looks like a cantaloupe from the outside because it has a hybrid of cantaloupe and it looks like honeydew melon from the inside.

    The size of Galia melons is small in comparison with European and North American cantaloupes. They are mostly consumed fresh and chilled. Having a wide variety of minerals they are extremely juicy containing a definite amount of vitamins and bio-flavonoids. It is one of the most popular countries that is consumed s a post-dinner in South Asian countries due to the nil percentage of fat and low calories.

    Galia melon new breakfast of champions - The San Diego Union-Tribune


    #6 Charentais Cantaloupe

    The origin of it took place in Western France in the Poitou-Charentes region. It is also known as charentais melons known to be the signature French melon. The consideration of it is done to be one of the best variants of cantaloupes. Since its production is done with superiority concerning its counterparts and the flavours, aroma and texture. The charentais melon constitutes a smaller size in comparison with most melons.

    It is told that it somehow possesses the size of a grapefruit which weighs approximately 2lb on average. It has a smooth exterior constituting a stony cream creamy grey ribs of it are faint green. The colour of the flesh is bright salmon-orange and the texture is dense. The fruit is flavour and the content of sugar is quite high having a strong fragrance. The health benefits of cantaloupe are in multitudes.

    Due to its biological classification as Cucumis Melo Cantalupensis, they are popular by the name of the French Cantaloupes. Even though their origination took place in France, but most of the products currently takes place in North Africa. The availability of cantaloupes is more in the summer months. They constitute rich content of good beta-carotene, folic acid, and dietary fibre.



    #7 Crenshaw Melon

    Crenshaw melons are regarded as ‘Cadillac of Melons’ due to their taste in superiority. Crenshaw is a hybrid of Casaba and Persian cantaloupes. It is told that Crenshaw resembles Casaba, its parent melon a lot. Crenshaw may be deficient in fragrance but its good shelf life compensates for that. It also constitutes a better flavour in comparison to both of its parents. The size of Crenshaw is large which weighs approximately 8-10 pounds each. The rind of it is buttercup yellow supported by a waxy touch.

    The textural striations run from one end to the other. The flesh of Crenshaws is peachy. It is quite similar to a cantaloupe. The taste of it is juicy with a sweet flavour. Crenshaw is regarded as one of the sweetest melons. It is an epitome of vitamins A, B6 and C, which serves as is a common ingredient present in all fruit salads. The health benefits of cantaloupe are in multitudes.

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    Source – Produce Moms


    #8 Honeydew Melons –

    Honeydew melons are prone to grow in semi-arid conditions. It is also known as White Antibes since most of its cultivation takes place in Algeria and France for many years. The species of honeydew and cantaloupes are quite similar. But still, they are not considered as the same fruits. The health benefits of cantaloupe are in multitudes. It reminiscences of cantaloupes because of the sweet flavour.

    The rinds are unnetted and are regarded as one of the most common melons which are easily available. The shell of it is whitish-yellowish and is quite waxy. The striations of it are green. The colour of the flesh is light green. Honeydews don’t have its smell. Their nutritional value is similar to the cantaloupe. They are a good source of rehydration which constitutes 90% of water and they are a good source of vitamin C.



    #9 Honey Globe Melon

    The origin of this melon is in South Asia where it is still currently renowned. As the name suggests the shape of the melon is round and it tastes sweet. It is recognised as one of the sweetest melons since it constitutes 20% sugar content. The rind of it is very thick having to mark with white or white with green colours entirely. The colour of the flesh is white. The taste of it is very juicy constituting a soft texture. The weightage of these melons in the maturity period is up to 10 pounds.

    For harvesting, it is mandatory to cut it from the vine. The attachment of the fruit to their respective vine is due to a thick and sturdy stem. The health benefits of cantaloupe are in multitudes.

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    #10 Santa Claus Melon

    This category of melon belongs to the Inodorus variety. The native of this cultivar is Spain and is popularly regarded as the Christmas Melon. The rind of the fruit has a dark green outline with stripes, while the colour of the flesh is pale green to white. The taste can be in comparison with the honeydew melon. It tastes mild and sweet. The cultivation of this melon is widely done in the US, Spain, and South America.

    In California, the harvest takes place at the end of summer, but the availability of fruit is all around the year. The life of the shelf is 6 months. That’s why it is fair to name it the Christmas Melon since it is believed that it would last until Christmas. These melons are further imported to various countries like the US and Europe and South America. The health benefits of cantaloupe are in multitudes. The maturity period of melons takes over 100 days after plantation and measurement of it which is up to 12 inches long.



    10 Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

    1. Enhances the power of the vision – The daily consumption of Cantaloupe can improve your vision power. It is an epitome of Vitamin C, zeaxanthin and carotenoids. The risk reduction of cataracts and macular degeneration are significant. Macular Degeneration is prone to cause damage to vision gradually in the central field
    2. Control of diabetes – The composition of Cantaloupes has a very low glycemic load score which is four. Low glycemic load refers to the slow digestion power of your body which leads to the prevention of a blood sugar spike. Thus it can cause huge benefits for diabetic patients.
    3. The balance between body fluids and electrolytes – Cantaloupe constitutes high content of richness in water and electrolytes. This helps in the further maintenance of sufficient fluid and electrolyte levels prevailing in the body.
    4. Reduces the risk of dehydration – Cantaloupes constitutes 90 per cent of water. The high content of water leads to the prevention of dehydration during the summer season. The consumption of a bowl of cantaloupe in the summer season replenishes lost fluids.
    5. Regulation of blood pressure – Cantaloupes favours the regulation of blood pressure due to their high content of potassium. Potassium further helps in the relaxation of blood vessels leading to the lowering of blood pressure.
    6. Prevention of constipation – Cantaloupe consists of a high level of dietary fibre which is essential for the promotion of bowel movements and healthy digestive health. The bulking up of the stool is done by fibre. It further makes your regular bowel movement.
    7. Enhances immunity – Cantaloupe is an efficient source of phytonutrients that increase the immune power of the body. It helps in fighting off diseases and harmful bacterias. These compound are a great source of anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin A boosts enhances the immunity level of the body and it also increases the number of white blood cells in the body. The health benefits of cantaloupes in multitudes.
    8. Helps in fetal development – During pregnancy folate which is present in the cantaloupe is counted as one of the essentials. Since it leads to the prevention of neural tube defects in babies. It also favours the formation of the red blood cells in the body and helps in the maintenance of the overall health of both the mother and the baby.
    9. Serve as a potential anticancer agent – According to studies, it is believed that folate is significant in the prevention of cancer. Folate could serve as a useful nutrient when the administration of cancer is done in the early stages. However, folate can also lead to the promotion of cancer-forming cells when it is consumed taken in the late stages of cancer disease. Further research is still in progress for discovering the anticancer potential of cantaloupe.
    10. Enhances skin nourishment and minimizes hair loss – The presence of vitamins in cantaloupe nourishes the skin properly. It protects the skin from harmful toxins. The encouragement of hair growth is provided by mi rails and vitamins which simultaneously leads to minimization of hair loss.
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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q1. Is there any sweetest cantaloupe to grow?

    A: One of the sweetest cantaloupes is Ambrosia. It is a very sweet variety that acts as a resistance to powdery mildew. The mini sugar cube acts as a resistance to the diseases. Being a small fruit it only takes 75 days to harvest. It further has two categories which are Hale’s Best Jumbo which tastes sweet and large. The harvest period 80 days. The next category is Planter’s Jumbo which is most suitable in hot climates.

    Q2. Is there any reason behind the high prices of melons?

    A: The reason why they are so exorbitant because their growth generally takes place in greenhouses that are rich in soil with the presence of volcanic ash. The pollination of it is often done by hand, and it favours the growth of. They are kept in individual boxes for protection. With the help of pair of scissors, the fruits are gradually harvested. The melon is demanded its sweetness. It is sold within the range between $50 and $200.

    Q3. How a true cantaloupe can be identified?

    A: The choice of a ripe cantaloupe can be done by the way it’s symmetrical and it should weigh slightly heavy. The colour of true cantaloupe is gradually a bit creamy, light yellow-orange with little bit or no green. The Ripe cantaloupe can be distinguished if it smells sweet and the texture is a little musky. You should use cantaloupe within 3 days of purchase for the freshest taste.

    Q4. Is cantaloupe bad for kidneys?

    A: Skim milk, cantaloupe and brown rice may act as key roles for the preservation of kidney function. According to sources, poor diet, excessive smoking and obesity can lead to kidney diseases in otherwise healthy people.

    Q5. Is it true that cantaloupes are high in sugar content?

    A: Cantaloupe and honeydew melons two of the melons which are exceptionally sweet and delicious to taste. The sugar constituent in them is 8g per 100 grams. Watermelon is also referred to as a tasty and refreshing snack, but the composition of sugar is high in it. It constitutes 18 grams of sugar on average making it one of the most sugary fruits one can consume.


    Cantaloupe is can be consumed in multitudes be it fresh fruit, as a salad, or as a dessert with any type of ice cream or custard so the health benefits of cantaloupe are in multitudes.

    We often couldn’t differentiate between muskmelon and cantaloupe. Check it out here.

    The fruit is of good flavour and the content of sugar is quite high having a strong fragrance. The colour of true cantaloupe is gradually a bit creamy, light yellow-orange with little bit or no green. The Ripe cantaloupe can be distinguished if it smells sweet and the texture is a little musky and the health benefits of cantaloupe is in multitudes.

    These compound are a great source of anti-inflammatory properties. Having health benefits of cantaloupe is in multitudes. Vitamin A boosts enhances the immunity level of the body and it also increases the number of white blood cells in the body increasing more health benefits of cantaloupe.


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