Dog keeps sneezing? Here Are 7 Important Reasons Why!

Your Dog Keeps Sneezing? Know Why!

Wondering what your dog keeps sneezing all the time for a few days? Sneezing is usual for humans in the sneezing season, but what about your dog? Is it common in dogs too? There are a lot of questions that you may be worried about, do not panic. Here are a few reasons you need to know if your dog keeps sneezing.

Dog Keeps Sneezing?

Dogs sneezing is a common occurrence, but you might sometimes find it unusual or notice other symptoms with sneezing. When it comes to sneezing in your furry friend, it does not always mean they have a cold. Dogs may sneeze for plenty of reasons. The reason could be something as minor as dust to something serious as nasal infection. Other seasons may also include something as simple as “play sneeze.”

It is all based on the color discharge while they sneeze. In many instances, your dog keeps sneezing in reaction to an irritant in the airway of your dog’s nose. The dog keeps sneezing to remove the hassle through a sneeze.

There could be numerous reasons why your dog keeps sneezing. Here are some reasons you must know.

1. Why does dog keep sneezing when they play? (Play Sneeze)

fetch, stick, puppy
Photo by 14230021 on Pixabay

You must have noticed a lot of times that your dog keeps sneezing when they play and found it too cute.

Most dog keepers mention that dogs regularly sneeze when they are either playing or excited about something. That is generally known as “play sneezing,” and it is completely normal and safe. It simply indicates that your doggo is having a great time!

The dog keeps sneezing when playing to indicate that they are enjoying themselves. Sneezing during playing is especially common in smaller breeds, but various breeds of dogs do it. If you notice your dog keeps sneezing when playing with them, there is usually nothing to worry about.

2. As a result of nasal infections

Typically, the cause behind why your dog keeps sneezing is a reaction to particles in the air or a play sneeze. But, if your dog is repeatedly sneezing, it might indicate a nasal infection. Typically, dogs having infections in their upper respiratory tract are more inclined to cough instead of sneezing, but it is still worth discussing with your vet if signs continue.

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Aspergillus fungus is one of the most common nasal infections induced by inhaling a fungus from hay, dust, or bits of grass. Signs involve nose pain, sneezing, discharge, nosebleeds, and visible swelling. If you notice your dog demonstrating any of such symptoms, you must take them to a vet as soon as you can.

On unusual occasions, repeated sneezing in dogs might also be produced by nasal mites. Such tiny bugs enter inside the dog’s nasal passages and are generally pulled up from digging inside the dirt with the nose. Nasal mites are incredibly irritating for your dog and may result in nosebleeds and plenty of discharge from the dog’s nose. If you speculate your dog might have nasal mites, drive them to the vet for medication.

3. Infected tooth

Another reason your dog keeps sneezing could be an infected tooth. The third upper premolar tooth has roots near the nasal passages, so if this tooth or other teeth nearby becomes infected, it might lead to sneezing.

4. Tumors

dog keeps sneezing
the spruce pets

Tumors are sporadic, but repeated sneezing in dogs may indicate something severe, such as a tumor. The main reason behind this is secondhand smoke. It is widespread in dogs with a long nose or long-nosed breeds. If you notice that your dog is quite unwell for days, take them to a vet for diagnosis.

5. Dogs with brachycephalic breeds

A few dog breeds, such as pug, bulldog, Boston terrier, etc., have compressed nasal passages. As a result, they are more prone to sneezing compared to other dogs.

6. Foreign objects

Nasal discharge, swelling, pawning, and sneezing could be a few signs of foreign objects. If you suspect your dog keeps sneezing due to this reason, look for missing pieces of any things or toys your dog loves playing with so that you can help your vet to know what they should look for.

Also, see if your dog is rubbing the nose constantly. If you notice your dog doing so, most likely, something is stuck. The possible culprit is hair, a particulate of food, a blade of grass, or a foxtail burr.

A group of plants called foxtails are weed-like and possess a short, pointed seed. Those burrs disperse everywhere and can be highly critical for animals that come across them.

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As per petMD, the foxtail burrs plant can get held in your dog’s snout, genitals, mouth, eyes, or other parts of the body, and once they get stuck, they move—which may lead to further problems like lasting damage or death.

You must contact the vet quickly if you speculate that something may be stuck in the pet’s nose. They will evaluate the situation and might be able to stop it from getting more deeply into their nasal cavity.

7. Dog allergies

dog keeps sneezing
the kennel club

One more common reason behind excessive sneezing or coughing in dogs is their allergies. Like humans, dogs may also experience an allergic response to mold, pollen, dust, a flea bite, food, or any irritant that may be floating in the air or have been inhaled by an enthusiastic snout.

Your dog’s sneezing might be a result of allergies if you also sense that they are itchier (either on the complete body or in one particular spot), produce runny discharge from the nose or eyes, or are wheezing and coughing.

If you speculate your dog’s sneezing is due to some allergies, discuss it with your vet. They will identify particular allergens and help you find out a treatment and supervision plan for your dog.

The reverse sneeze in canines

You are likely to be quite alarmed if your dog abruptly makes a recurrent choking or gasping sound. However, there is generally an inoffensive reason for such terrifying sounds known as the reverse sneeze.

A reverse sneeze happens when the dog breathes in loudly through the nose in spasms that may sound like gagging or choking. As per the American Kennel Club (AKC), it is noted that this standard and weird reflex is believed to be a response to soreness or inflammation and may help the dog to remove alien objects, irritants, or allergens.

Generally, reverse sneezes are not harmful. If the pet appears to be in a lot of distress or can not stop reverse sneezing, you might be able to help them by kindly massaging their neck or gently blowing in the face. That must trigger their swallowing reflex, which will indeed help relieve the spasms. Taking them out for some fresh air may also help.

It is unlikely that you will require to give your dog medicine for reverse sneezing. Still, sometimes the vet may order antihistamines if the reverse sneezing is caused by some allergies or becomes highly serious.

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Signs of Trouble

If you see that the dog is creating a honking sound (instead of the characteristic snort noise coming from a reverse sneeze) and appears to be not able to breathe, has an unexpected intolerance to training, or develops a bluish shade to its gums, it is most helpful to take them to a vet immediately.

PetMD reveals that this might be the symptom of a tracheal collapse (which is highly likely to happen in smaller breeds) and can be extremely serious.

My Dog Keeps Sneezing- Is It A Virus?

dog, sad, waiting
Photo by PicsbyFran on Pixabay

If your dog keeps sneezing uncontrollably and shows other signs like a hacking cough, lack of appetite, sudden lethargy, plant discharge from the nose, or very high fever, they might have caught canine influenza virus.

You must call the vet right away if you speculate your dog has this flu virus. It is likely for canine influenza to advance to pneumonia or other dangerous conditions if poorly managed.

You already know that dogs with the flu are highly infectious. The American Kennel Club records that you must warn the vet about any possible flu case before bringing your dog in for a diagnosis or exam—they might have a protocol for carrying or reducing the spread of such a virus.

If correctly treated, flu signs will subside in approximately two to three weeks. But, it is best to have your dog separated or quarantined from other dogs and cats for nearly thirty days following the onset of signs to limit transmission.

Similar to humans, dogs may also catch common cold viruses that may lead to sneezing. If you notice your dog has additional symptoms such as a runny nose, watery eyes, a fever, or an overall lack of energy, it is probably because your dog has come down with a virus.

As per AKC, a maximum number of dog colds are harmless and will clear up independently. But it is pretty reliable to check in with the vet as soon as the dog begins to exhibit symptoms (especially if your dog is quite old, very young, or has an endangered immune system). The vet will be able to find out any further severe infection that may need additional treatment.

Once your dog has gone to the vet, check out our collection of natural treatments for dog colds and ask them for medications to see how you can support alleviating these symptoms at home.

The Bottom Line

Though you may find dog sneezing quite alarming, learning more about various types of dog sneezes will assist you in understanding when you should help your dog and whether the sneeze is a symptom of another serious issue or underlying cause.

You probably know your canine friend the best, though—if something does not seem appropriate, a quick visit to a vet is always a reliable idea for your dog’s safety.


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