
    How long can the average man stay erect? – 3 Amazing Facts

    While most men blame themselves for not performing well in the bed, how long can the average man stay erect? It has been the most asked question for 2021. The dilemma of not being good enough has struck many minds, and therefore, it is essential to know about the different scientific research in the field. Well, this article looks forward to helping you deal with all your insecurities and dilemma that hasn’t been answered yet.

    It is very typical for a person to question his ability with anything related to intercourse. Moreover, the penis size and the erection duration are the two most frequently asked questions for any man. As per research, the duration of erection can widely depend on the experience and the person you have intercourse with. While most erection occurs before sex, it is normal for a man to have one even while thinking about a person.

    How long can the average man stay erect?

    How long can the average man stay erect? It has crossed many men’s minds, and therefore, after proper research work, we have found the answer to your question. Before moving to the answer, we must be familiar with some scientific terms. Let’s get into it.

    What is Erection and Types of Erections?

    When a man comes in contact with another human, the brain releases pheromones. On the other end, these pheromones stimulate the brain to release blood in the male genital. With the excessive flow of blood in the tissues, the muscles get strengthened, leading to an erection. The amount of erection depends on the number of pheromones released by the man. Depending on the level of pheromones, one can expect to have a longer spanned erection.

    With the flow of blood, the arteries in the penis get inflated, which leads to blood being trapped in the tissues called corpora cavernosa. This, in turn, expands the penis and makes it rigid. After ejaculation or the end of sexual arousal, the blood flow to the arteries stops, and the penis becomes flaccid/soft again.

    However, erection might vary depending on the stimuli attached to the same. Based on the research, one can briefly describe three types of erection that a male can have.  

    #1 Psychogenic Erections – When the erection is caused due to the mental stimuli, or in an easy word when one has sexual fantasies or memories, it is well-reputed as a  psychogenic erection.

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    #2 Nocturnal Erections – When a man gets an erection during his sleep or what is commonly known as the morning, erections can typically be an example of a nocturnal erection.

    #3 Reflexogenic Erections – Usually, when the stimuli are physical touch which triggers arousal, it is called a reflexogenic erection.

    While answering the question, how long can the average man stay erect? one must also answer how long sex should last? Both of these questions are equally important and must be put out there for men to get educated about the same. We have answered the question below.

    How long should erection and sex last?

    While people are looking for a definite answer, it is pretty disheartening to know no figure around this question. According to different researches, an average erect duration can last from a few minutes to an hour at times. However, the duration of erection can vary effectively with different factors like age, stamina, testosterone level, and others.

    How long can the average man stay erect?
    Ro – Patient Company

    On the other hand, people think orgasm can only be possible with a full erection which is not valid. Men can achieve orgasm without having a full erection. Therefore, one must not worry about being on the edge of the sword, and the question of half erection shouldn’t arise. Similarly, how long can the average man stay erect? It can only be answered in an ordinal manner.

    To boost the blood flow to the penis, people tend to take different medications, which heighten the sexual interest of a human being. This prolonged session of erection is used to enhance sexual interest, which is known as priapism. However, this medication isn’t supposed to be used regularly. This comes under prescribed medicine, stating that only a doctor’s prescription can get you the medicine. If the consumption is left unattended, then one faces the risk of permanent tissue damage.

    Let’s discuss these issues in detail.

    Erectile Dysfunction

    How long can the average man stay erect?

    Erectile Dysfunction is a common disease among men. With time, men start losing their ability to keep the erection for the sexual activity to finish or the sexual urge to be satisfied. This can be a prolonged problem causing issues in one’s sexual life. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor if you are going through the same.

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    There are different reasons which can be associated with erectile dysfunction. Many of the reputed institutions like Urology Care Foundation have researched the same and have found that stress and relationship issues can worsen the condition. Other issues which can be associated with the same are –

    • High Sugar Level or Blood Pressure
    • Excessive Smoking
    • Obesity due to lack of exercise
    • Alcohol and Drug consumption
    • Any age above 50

    Different treatments deal with erectile dysfunction, like medications and physical interventions. However, if the same doesn’t work out, opting for a minor surgery would be the best option.

    Premature Ejaculation

    How long can the average man stay erect?

    Premature ejaculation isn’t that big a problem in the short run. Any inexperienced person can have premature ejaculation or orgasm within seconds. While this prevents one from having a good sexual experience, it can also affect one’s relationship. Different psychological causes can be linked to the problem as well. Therefore, it is recommended to deal with the current problems to make the best out of the moment.

    Usually, premature ejaculation doesn’t require immediate attention; however, serious medication might be required if left unchecked. Similarly, one must also look out for different sexual methods and psychological tactics to deal with the same.


    How long can the average man stay erect?
    Mens Health

    This situation is often linked to a prolonged erection which helps in fulfilling the sexual arousal one gets. However, this might result in excruciating pain in the genitals due to the excessive flow of blood in the veins. Different medications help with a prolonged erection, like blood thinners, ED drugs, and blood pressure drugs. While this activity is often considered a part of pleasure, it can lead to something serious in the future.

    If you have had an erection for 4 hours or more, it is highly advisable to visit emergency care as soon as possible. Tissue damage around the genital starts taking place between 4-6 hours of continuous erection. This can lead to permanent, non-reversible damage, challenging to take care of.

    Well, by now, all your questions related to how long can the average man stay erect? Must be answered. However, if you are still confused and want to visit a doctor, there are certain checkpoints that one must think about before visiting. Check them below.

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    When to visit a doctor?

    In most cases, men don’t need to visit a doctor to deal with erection issues. Temporary stress and relationship issues can lead to erectile difficulties, which can be dealt with with meditation and other lifestyle changes.

    If one can’t find a permanent solution for the same, then it’s high time to visit a doctor. With years of knowledge, doctors can help find the root cause and prescribe the correct medicine. One can even look out for minor surgeries if the issue is challenging to take care of.

    As always, if priapism lasts more than 4 hours, one must visit the emergency ward.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q1. How long can the average man stay erect?

    The answer lies in the stamina and the mental preparation of the person. A man can last from a couple of minutes to almost half an hour on natural terms. However, under medication, one can experience severe dilation of tissues present in our genital area. Any erection above 4 hours requires immediate medical attention.

    Q2. How many orgasms can a man have in a day?

    The number of orgasms that a man can achieve is proportionately dependent on the person’s age. A typical teenage boy can achieve 3-4 orgasms a day with a few minutes of interval. However, as a person ages, the ability to achieve a higher number of orgasms in a day decreases. A man of age 30 can achieve 1-2 orgasm days, while a man above 50 can do one orgasm a day at max.

    Q3. How long should one wait between two rounds?

    The duration between two rounds depends on the individual. In the early 20s, a man can expect to have a second orgasm in minutes, and therefore, it isn’t a big deal for many people. However, as a man ages, it is essential to treat the tissues with care, and a gap of 20-30 minutes will be perfect for the same.


    How long can an average man stay erect? It is probably the last question one must ask if he faces some erectile problem. One must look out for immediate help and lifestyle changes to take care of the issue at hand. One of the best solutions to deal with erectile problems is meditation. Avoiding smoking and alcohol will also be an intelligent point to manage a person’s ability.

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