
    8 Important Points About Blue Cane Corso Before Bringing them Home (Breed Guide)

    Blue Cane Corso- Complete Breed Guide!

    The Blue Cane Corso is a breed hybrid of the Cane Corso and Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. You might already know this by their name. Both these parent breeds are highly similar in temperament and size. The Alapaha belongs to southern Georgia in the United States.

    The term “Otto,” as the Alapaha dog mainly was referred to, was the outcome of a group of dogs reproduced by Papa Buck Lane. The Alapaha can track its origins from the English Bulldog and be initially bred for companionship and security.

    It is assumed to be highly loyal and guarding towards its family. The Alapaha is a unique breed. Thus the Blue Cane Corso hybrid is even more so. The Blue Cane Corso Italiano breed was reproduced for big competition and hunting, particularly for wild boar. The American Pit Corso breed is typically even-tempered as well as very trainable.

    The American Pit Corso dog is usually an excellent companion. He requires minimum grooming and a fair amount of activity. As the Cane Corso and Alapaha Blue Bulldog have many features in common, it is not illogical to conclude that the Blue Cane Corso will be the perfect blend of both breeds.

    Here’s all you need to know about this breed. Keep reading.

    Blue Cane Corso- All You Need To Know

    blue cane corso

    The Blue Cane Corso usually is a severe dog to a person who is quite determined regarding bringing a dog as a comrade and can present him with loving and firm guidance the dog wants to grow into a great canine. Corso is a family-only dog. Do not expect the dog to buddy up with anyone he meets instantly. Corso has no interest in visitors or other animals outside the family, but people will receive their undivided devotion and protection.

    Just hand this dog a responsibility. Blue cane Corso’s are opposed to sleeping around all day and will look for their own “business” if you do not give them any. Habitually, barking at passersby, running the fence, or eating up the furniture are some jobs they may start. If you own a farm or ranch, they will assist you with your livestock; otherwise, get them busy in any dog sport, for example, agility, tracking, dock diving, obedience, and nose work.


    • The short coat of blue cane Corso comes in various colors, including red, light, dark hues of fawn, light and dark shades of gray and black. Any of mentioned colors might possess a brindle design or irregular stripes of light and dark shadows.
    • Solid red and fawn Corsos might have a gray or black mask.
    • The Corso’s ears might be uncropped or cropped.
    • The blue cane Corso is a working dog who requires lots of physical and mental stimulation to keep going.
    • Blue cane Corso is not a demonstrative dog, but these dogs enjoy “expressing” to the family members with “woo woo woo” noises, snorts, or other known verbalizations.
    • The Blue cane Corso is not a great “first dog.” He needs lots of socialization, exercise, and training to be a great companion.

    1. Breed History

    The Corso belongs to one of many dogs of Mastiff-type. This one was first seen in Italy and is known to descend from popular Roman war dogs. Corso is more lightly developed than the Neapolitan Mastiff (Corso’s cousin) and was raised to guard property, hunt game, and be an excellent farmhand. Corso’s work involved rounding up cattle or pigs and accommodating the master to drive them to nearby markets.

    The term “cane” is a Latin name for dog and descends from the term “canis.” The term “Corso” might also arise from “cohors,” which means bodyguard, or from the term “corsus,” which is an old Italian term meaning robust or sturdy.

    The dog breed became less popular as farming grew more mechanized and grew to extinction, but beginning in the 1970s, dog lovers worked hard to increase the Corso population. The Society named- Amatori Cane Corso was established in 1983. Also, the Federation Cynologique Internationale acknowledged the breed in the year 1996.

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    Michael Sottile carried the first puppies of Corsos in 1988 to the United States, accompanied by another set of puppies in 1989. The International Cane Corso Association was established in 1993. Ultimately, the breed received acknowledgment from the American Kennel Club in 2010. The Cane Corso Association in America now administers Corso.

    2. Size

    The Blue cane Corso are large and muscular dogs. The male torso ranges between 25 to 27.5 inches in height at the withers, while the female Corsos are nearly 23.5 to 26 inches. The weight of blue cane Corso is proportionate to their size and typically varies between 90 to 120 pounds.

    3. Personality

    blue cane corso

    Corso’s records from previous decades depict him as owning a vigorous temperament, and they are ready to face any challenge. Such a kind of temperament can prove to be a double-edged weapon. The blue cane Corso can be an outstanding family dog with a consistent and confident owner who gives good leadership and stops the dog from freely roaming. Blue cane Corso is not inappropriately threatening, but when in the wrong hands of the poor leadership, Corso can grow aggressive and be a threat to the public.

    The perfect Corso dog is adaptable and loving toward the family, including children. Getting your dog to such a devotional point needs adequate socialization and practice from an early period. The dog will not do great in a house with anyone scared of the dog, despises dogs, or cannot manage a large dog.

    The Blue cane Corso is extremely intelligent. Blending the quality with their bossy nature, you can quickly notice how the dog could come to rule the house without firm and set boundaries. He will keep testing you to examine how far he could go. It is crucial to allow him to know from the beginning what the rules are and to assure that the family members follow the rules as well. Built a “nothing in the world is free” plan by asking him to pursue a command like “Sit down” or “stand” before you reward him with a toy, treats, or a meal.

    Firm leadership does not involve hitting your canine— ever. Practicing such things not only delivers a wrong message but may also be critical with a large and powerful doggy. The thin blue cane Corso understands the temper of your voice and reacts well to compliments and rewards when the dog has performed something you like.

    They also respond well to firm, rapid improvements, and consistent rules when you disapprove of what he’s performing. Remaining quiet, calm, and self-assured will take you a lot more closer to your dog than being angry bluster. Consistency will let him relax and understand you are in charge.

    Help the growing Corso acquire confidence by allowing him to spend time individually. This could mean outdoors in a restricted area such as your yard or crate while you are doing other chores around the house and cannot manage. Being lonely for differing periods motivates him and lets him know he is all right on his own and you will undoubtedly come back.

    Like every dog, the blue cane Corso also requires early socialization — exposing them to different sounds, sights, people, and experiences — an ideal time for this is before the dog is four months old. Socialization aids to guarantee the Corso puppy grows up to become an excellent dog who is not afraid of visitors, children, different pets, or being left alone when needed.

    Without enough experience of the outside world, the dog can readily become fearful and threatening. The more you take them out and socialize them, the better capable your dog will be to discover normal behavior and what steps he must take to respond to situations reasonably.

    As per the Italian breed standard, the blue cane Corso must be reserved when approached and will only respond when actual intimidation is present. The Blue cane Corso is a working breed and is needed to operate under significant levels of stress. The dog that cannot control its composed temperament amid stressful positions is unreliable for this breed.

    4. Health

    blue cane corso
    K9 Reserach Labs

    Corsos are usually healthful dogs, but like all breeds, they are prone to a few health ailments. Not every Corso will get any or all of the given diseases, but it is vital to be informed if you consider this breed.

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    The Corso could likely have eyelid abnormalities like cherry eye, entropion, and ectropion; demodectic mange (heritable disease); hip dysplasia; and gastric torsion known as bloating.

    Demand the breeders to have relevant, timely health clearances confirming that the pup’s parents are clear of eye condition and hip dysplasia. Approvals will be in the formation of an eye test by a board-approved veterinary ophthalmologist with the outcomes recorded with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals and evaluation of their hips. You can verify all health clearances by visiting the website Canine Health Information Center. You must also investigate if any of the dogs with that breeder have suffered mange or bloat.

    Despite how wholesome your dog seems when you initially bring them home, you must arrange for any issues that might come up later or your entire life. A pet security plan can assist you in staying prepared for any of the dog’s vet needs.

    5. Care

    This working breed requires lots of physical exercise to stay in form. Start taking the dog for a quick walk or jog for half an hour, both morning and evening, each day. If you love to bicycle, you can get an accessory that will let the dog run adjacent to you.

    Go soft on puppies. The musculoskeletal system of puppies is not fully formed till they are approximately 18 months old. While they require more walks to assist burn off the puppy energy, walks must be more inadequate and slower.

    For rational stimulation, grant your dog a mission. Routine work for a blue cane Corso involves herding cattle or other livestock (maybe your own or the trainer’s), knowing more tricks, exercising obedience skills, or remaining engaged in dog sports. Consume at least 20 minutes of your day on such types of actions. It is okay to split it up: 10 minutes in the evening and 10 minutes the following day.

    Do not allow your blue cane Corso to run unattached. Reliable, secure fencing is a must-have. Electric fencing will not stop him from leaving the property if he decides to, and it would not defend your neighbor’s cat or dog if he roams freely into the yard.

    Ultimately, prepare yourself for the amount of attention they need and the large bills that will go along with keeping a giant dog. Essentials like spay/neuter surgery are highly expensive for large dogs compared to smaller ones. Suppose the Corso requires surgery for any different reason. In that case, the value of anesthesia will be higher as the dog needs more of it than a smaller dog and a more significant deal of pain medicines following surgery.

    Eventually, other costs include training, entry prices for dog games, and pet-sitting or pet boarding when you move away from the house. Please take all of the given prices into thought before taking a Corso as you will be handling them for the next 10 to 12 years.

    6. Feeding

    Suggested daily amount for Corso if you are serving a portion of high-quality dry food will presumably be 4 to 5 cups per day.

    Note: How much quantity an adult Corso eats is based on his size, activity level, build, age, and metabolism. Dogs are also individuals, the same as people, and all dogs do not require the same quantity of food. It practically goes without stating that a highly active dog will need more food than a dog that loves lying on the couch. The nature of dog food you purchase also makes a distinction— the more trustworthy the dog food, the additional it will contribute toward your dog, and the less of it you will require to shake into the bowl.

    Keep the blue cane Corso in great shape by measuring the food before feeding him two times a day rather than placing the bowl filled with food all the time. If you are not sure whether your dog is overweight, give him the hands-on test and the eye test.

    First, glance down at the dog. You must be able to see their waist. Then put your hands on their back, thumbs alongside their spine, with your fingers opened downward. You must be able to sense but not see the ribs without needing to press vigorously. If you cannot, he requires more exercise and less food.

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    7. Coat colors and grooming

    blue cane corso

    Blue cane Corso has a short and stiff coat with a moderate undercoat. It could be black, fawn, red, or gray and might not have the regular brindle pattern. Their skin will shed heavily two times a year, so being a good vacuum cleaner to suck up those dust bunnies.

    If you plan to bathe the Corso on a weekly or twice weekly, accustom your dog to bathing at an early age. Bathe your dog weekly when they are a young pup, them with the command “Bath,” so that they learn to expect bathing and doing it. Give them praise and sweeten the deal with rewards.

    Brush their teeth at least two to three times a week to eliminate tartar buildup and certain bacteria that hide inside them. Regular brushing is better if you wish to stop gum disease as well as bad breath.

    To stop painful tears or other issues, trim their nails twice a month if the dog does not wear them down on their own. If you can catch the nails clicking on the ground, they are incredibly long. Dog toenails contain blood vessels inside them, and if you mistakenly cut excessively far, you may cause bleeding — and the dog might not cooperate the next time he notices the nail clippers coming out. So, if you are not highly experienced at trimming their nails, ask a groomer for tips.

    Check their ears weekly for foul odor or redness, which will designate an infection. When you inspect the dog’s ears, clean them out using a cotton ball moistened with a gentle and pH-balanced ear cleanser to help limit conditions. Don’t inject anything inside their ear canal. Only clean their outer ear.

    Start accustoming the blue cane Corso to being cleaned and when they are a puppy. Check their paws regularly— dogs are slightly touchy when it comes to their feet — and look within his mouth. Execute grooming to be a positive experience overflowed with rewards and praise, and you will lay the foundation for accessible vet examinations and other treatment when you grow into an adult.

    When you groom, monitor for rashes, sores, or symptoms of infection such as inflammation, tenderness, or redness on their skin, inside the nose, eyes, and mouth, and on their feet. Watches must be transparent, without redness and discharge. Your weekly exam will assist you in spotting possible health obstacles early.

    8. Other pets and children

    blue cane corso

    When blue cane Corso is correctly raised, socialized, and trained, the Corso will love and protect children. However, it is essential that pups and adult canines should not be given any excuse to hunt children and that kids prevent making high-pitched noises in their presence.

    Squealing and running might make the Corso consider children to be prey. Keep him restrained when kids are playing or running around outdoors while making plenty of noise, particularly if your child has friends over. The Corso might think it necessary to step in and defend “his” kids, and that is not likely to end very well. Sports and games of fetch or helping to maintain the leash are safe ways for kids to communicate with a Blue Cane Corso, whether a puppy or an adult.

    As with other dog breeds, you must continually educate kids on how to address and touch dogs and always oversee any communications between dogs and young kids to check for any biting or tail pulling. Instruct your child never to approach dogs while eating or sleeping or attempt to take their food away. Even if they are incredibly loving, no dog should ever be left with the child without supervision.

    The Blue cane Corso might get along well with other dogs and cats if he is trained with them, but he will possibly view outside animals as prey and perform his best to stop them. It is necessary to be able to defend neighbors’ pets from blue cane Corso. This is one more such instance in which socialization is a necessity. Your Cane Corso must discover from an early age how to remain calm in the appearance of other canines. If you get another dog, either one more Cane Corso or a separate breed, it is most helpful to choose one of the opposite sex.


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